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1 Making Reading Meaningful Advisory Teaching Team NET Section, EMB.

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1 1 Making Reading Meaningful Advisory Teaching Team NET Section, EMB

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3 3 Workshop Objectives To have a better understanding of the teaching of reading as outlined in the curriculum documents To develop an awareness of a variety of strategies/skills in teaching reading

4 20-24 April, 20054141 English Language Curriculum Guide (2004) A29

5 5 Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (2002) P.93 Reasons for Teaching Reading Learning to Read Reading to Learn Develop thinking skills Enrich knowledge Enhance language proficiency Broaden life experience

6 6 Jabberwocky ’Twas brillig and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe. All mimsy were the borogroves And the mome raths outgrabe. Lewis Carroll

7 7 Activity 1: Think Pair Share What reading skills did you use to make this passage meaningful? Number yourselves Each person thinks of ideas 1/2 and 3/4, etc. share ideas Share with group member Cooperative learning technique – Think, Pair, Share

8 8 Phonics: wabe, magic ‘e’ lengthens vowel sound Analogy: g/imble th/imble; r/aths m/aths Directionality: “Did anyone read right to left?” High frequency words: the and Semantic clues: Word association: brill / ig briliant light Reading on: probably used but didn’t help in this text. Rerun: again probably used but of minimal help. Syntactic clues: able to identify parts of speech, plurals. Punctuation: ‘Twas (it was) capitals, full stops Text type: poem Reading strategies and skills

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11 11 Basic Reading Strategies Graphophonic strategies – letter shapes, sounds and chunking Semantic strategies – contextual clues/ prior knowledge Visual clues – picture / diagram support Syntactic clues – sentence structures/ word forms/ grammatical knowledge Self questioning

12 12 Pair Round Robin Each table will have three different tasks which could be used to develop reading skills In your group, form pairs and complete the activity in one of the envelopes before passing it on to the next pair at your table Complete all three activities Activity 2:

13 13 Progression from … Basic Education Curriculum Guide 3B (2002) P.10 Beginner Reader Emergent Reader Proficient Reader

14 14 Considerations for Planning Reading Lessons Refer to the Curriculum Guide (2004) P.55-57 for relevant skills. Plan to teach an appropriate progression of skills for future lessons.

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17 17 English Language Curriculum Guide (2004) A28

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