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December 2014 LCCU Meeting We’ll answers members’ questions: –How do you upload photos from a camera and organize them, using Windows, Photo Gallery, Picasa,

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1 December 2014 LCCU Meeting We’ll answers members’ questions: –How do you upload photos from a camera and organize them, using Windows, Photo Gallery, Picasa, etc.? –How do you use libraries in Windows 7 & 8?

2 December 2014 LCCU Meeting Libraries in Windows 7 & 8 References –Include folders in a libraryInclude folders in a library –How to bring back Libraries in Windows 8.1How to bring back Libraries in Windows 8.1

3 December 2014 LCCU Meeting Libraries in Windows 7 & 8 Definition - A library is a per user virtual folder that gathers different folders stored on your computer, external drive or network, and displays them as a single collection without moving them. Default Libraries are Documents, Pictures, Music and Videos. Add Folders to Libraries – Navigate to folder you want to include, right-click & select (“Open folder location”,) “Include in library”, select library.

4 December 2014 LCCU Meeting Libraries in Windows 7 & 8 Create new libraries –Click Start and your user name. Select “Libraries” in the left pane. –Click “New library” and give it a name. –Double-click the new library and select “Include a folder” to add the first folder for the library, which will become the default save location for the library.

5 December 2014 LCCU Meeting Libraries in Windows 7 & 8 Examples of uses for libraries –Large digital media collections – keep favorite music & most recent pictures on laptop, the rest on an external drive, link them with libraries. –Homegroup or workgroup projects – add folders from homegroup or workgroup members to a custom library to share contents. –Projects that include folders from multiple default libraries – create custom library to link the folders.

6 December 2014 LCCU Meeting Libraries in Windows 7 & 8 Bringing back libraries in Windows 8.1 –Open File Explorer. You can do this in Desktop mode by clicking the File Explorer icon in the taskbar, or in the Start Screen by typing file and then clicking File Explorer. –Click the View tab. –Click the Navigation pane button (left side of the toolbar), and then click Show libraries.

7 December 2014 LCCU Meeting Uploading & Organizing Photos References –How do I get pictures from my camera to my computer? From MicrosoftHow do I get pictures from my camera to my computer? –Digital Photography Super Guide: How to Organize Your Photos from PC MagDigital Photography Super Guide: How to Organize Your Photos –Best Free Digital Photo Organizer from techsupportalert.comBest Free Digital Photo Organizer –Image Organizer definition from WikipediaImage Organizer

8 December 2014 LCCU Meeting Uploading & Organizing Photos Using Windows only to upload photos: – Connect USB cord or insert memory card into slot in PC, printer or card reader. –Autoplay, “Import pictures and videos using Windows”. Add tag if desired. Click Import Settings to select import-to folder & new folder & file naming options. Click Import. Skips pictures already on computer. All new pictures go to the same folder. –Or, Autoplay, “Open folder to view files”. Use Windows Explorer to copy files as desired.

9 December 2014 LCCU Meeting Uploading & Organizing Photos Using Windows only to upload photos: –With WiFi or bluetooth connection – use Windows Explorer or bluetooth interface to copy files. –Windows 8 Photo app - specify folder and select photos. No other features.

10 December 2014 LCCU Meeting Uploading & Organizing Photos Using Windows Explorer to organize photos: –Create folders for categories of photos in My Pictures or elsewhere on internal, external or networked hard drives. Link folders using libraries. –Add tags and ratings to selected image files - at bottom of IE screen. Drag up top edge of this area for more info. –Arrange (sort, group) by folder, rating, month, day or tag – see upper right corner of main IE window. –Find photos by name or tag – Search box at top right.

11 December 2014 LCCU Meeting Uploading & Organizing Photos Using software: choose folder to upload to and it creates subfolder(s) based on date &/or name: –Photo Gallery – part of Windows Essentials 2012, groups photos for upload by date taken. Add name and tag for each group. Uploads all new photos or just selected photos. Can create people tags.Photo Gallery –Picasa from Google; also Win8 intall instructions, selects photos not already on hard drive, but doesn’t separate them by date. Allows stars, no text tags. Organize with auto face tags, geo-tags, albums.PicasaWin8 intall instructions

12 December 2014 LCCU Meeting Uploading & Organizing Photos Photo Gallery, uploading details – Import, Import, “Review, organize and group items to import” or “Import all new items now”. –If you select “Review…”, photos are grouped by date & time, most recent first. Those already on PC are included. Can set tags and ratings. –Deselect “Select all” and select groups/dates. Click “More options”, browse for receiving folder, and select subfolder and file naming conventions, including name, and date taken or uploaded. Import.

13 December 2014 LCCU Meeting Uploading & Organizing Photos Photo Gallery, organizing photos: –View tab: Arrange by date, person, tag, folder, rating, geotag, name, published, media type. In Tag & caption pane, add people tags, geotags, descriptive tags and captions. –Find tab: select dates, months, years, people (and/or), rating and over/under, tags, flagged, published, edited or media type.

14 December 2014 LCCU Meeting Uploading & Organizing Photos Picasa, uploading details –Click Import. Select photos to import, large viewing screen helps in selecting; if “Exclude duplicates” is checked, photos on PC have a red ‘x’. –Choose “Import to” folder, and whether folder for new pics includes date taken or date uploaded. –Can set to delete all photos on card or only those uploaded; it’s better to select “leave card alone” until uploaded photos are checked out. –Click “Import all” or “Import selected”.

15 December 2014 LCCU Meeting Uploading & Organizing Photos Picasa, organizng photos: –Sort folders by name or date, etc. in navigation pane. –Place selected photos in albums. –Has auto people tags & people albums(face/photo). Add text tags or captions. People, places or tags panels displayed on right, buttons to select below. – Filter starred photos, movies, photos with faces or photos with geotags. –Search on filename, folder, album, tag, caption, date. –Thumbnail caption can be filename, tag or caption.

16 December 2014 LCCU Meeting Uploading & Organizing Photos Using software from the camera manufacturer: –Nikon: ViewNX 2; Wireless Mobile Utility for iOS & Android –Canon: Canon ZoomBrowser; CameraWindow app for iOS & Android –Olympus: Olympus Master 2, Viewer 3; Image Share app for iOS & Android –Sony: PlayMemories mobile app & for PC and Mac –Pentax: MediaImpression

17 December 2014 LCCU Meeting Desktop Background Slideshow Default Slideshows (Themes) – Control Panel, Personalization, select desired theme. Add Themes from Microsoft - From Personalization, click Help & scroll down. Click “Personalization Gallery”. Create Your Own Themes – Click on an existing theme, change its desktop backgrounds, etc. and save it under a new name.

18 December 2014 LCCU Meeting At future meetings, we’ll answer: –What are the best media players? –How do you use Secunia PSI (Personal Software Inspector) to keep your software updated and secure? –What free firewalls are available and what are their advantages over Windows Firewall?

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