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Computing Essentials أساسيات الكمبيوتر
Arab Open University Faculty of Computer Studies TU170: Learning On Line Computing Essentials أساسيات الكمبيوتر
Chapter 01: Information Technology, the Internet, and You
Session 2: Outline Chapter 01: Information Technology, the Internet, and You تكنولوجيا المعلومات وشبكة الإنترنت Chapter 02: The Internet, the Web, and Electronic Commerce الإنترنت، والويب ،والتجارة الإلكترونية At the end of this chapter you should be able to: 1. Discuss the origins of the Internet and the Web. 2. Describe how to access the Web using providers and browsers. 3. Discuss Internet communications, including , instant messaging, and social networking. 4. Describe search tools, including search engines and metasearch engines. 5. Discuss electronic commerce, including B2C, C2C, B2B, and security issues. 6. Describe cloud computing, including the three-way interaction of clients, Internet, and service providers. 7. Describe these Web utilities including plug-ins, filters, file transfer utilities, and Internet security suites.
Chapter 01 Information Technology, the Internet, and You
تكنولوجيا المعلومات وشبكة الإنترنت At the end of this chapter you should be able to: 1. Discuss the origins of the Internet and the Web. 2. Describe how to access the Web using providers and browsers. 3. Discuss Internet communications, including , instant messaging, and social networking. 4. Describe search tools, including search engines and metasearch engines. 5. Discuss electronic commerce, including B2C, C2C, B2B, and security issues. 6. Describe cloud computing, including the three-way interaction of clients, Internet, and service providers. 7. Describe these Web utilities including plug-ins, filters, file transfer utilities, and Internet security suites.
Introduction مقدمة Computer competency refers to acquiring computer-related skills Microcomputers are common tools in all areas of life Web-based courses provide alternatives for people who are homebound or work odd hours The Web provides new ways to communicate, to find people with similar interests, and to purchase goods - الكفاءة الكمبيوتر يشير إلى اكتساب المهارات ذات الصلة بالحاسوب - كومبيوترات شخصية هي أدوات شائعة في جميع مجالات الحياة - دورات على شبكة الإنترنت لتوفير بدائل الناس الذين هم ملازمين لمنازلهم أو العمل لساعات الفردية - الشبكة توفر طرقا جديدة للاتصال، لتجد الناس مع مصالح مماثلة، وشراء السلع To be comfortable and competent with IT, one must comprehend the five parts an information system (refer to the ensuing slides)
Five Parts of an Information System
خمسة أجزاء من نظام المعلومات Five Parts of an Information System People الناس Procedures الإجراءات Software البرمجيات Hardware الأجهزه Data البيانات Define an information system Some students may think of a system as pertaining to just the hardware Remind them that a microcomputer is part of an information system To be a competent end user (Key Term), one must understand the essentials of IT Note that IT stands for information technology (Key Term) Concept check: What are the five parts of an information system? What is the difference between data and information? What is connectivity?
People الناس Most important part of any system
Contact between people and information systems is … Direct Indirect Computer uses Business & Entertainment Education & Medicine * أهم جزء من أي نظام * الاتصال بين الناس و نظم المعلومات توجيه - غير مباشر *يستخدم الكمبيوتر - الأعمال وترفيه - التعليم والطب People are the most important part of an information system Our lives are touched everyday by computers- many time the contact is direct and obvious, such as creating documents using a word processing program or when connecting to the internet. Other times, it isn’t as obvious and is much more indirect as shown in a couple of the pictures Have students give examples of how they use computer applications throughout the day Some examples are: Instant messaging Web-based applications Personal Web site Virus protection TV tuners and video clips Digital photography Music Home networking Spyware Job opportunities Refer to Figure 1-3 on pg. 8 in text. It provides a partial list of applications that students can use to “Make IT work for You”
Software البرمجيات Software is another name for programs
Programs are the instructions that tell the computer how to process data into the form you want Two major kinds of software System Software Application Software - البرمجيات هو اسم آخر للبرامج - البرامج هي التعليمات التي تخبر الكمبيوتر كيفية معالجة البيانات في النموذج الذي تريد نوعين رئيسيين من البرامج System Software Application Software نظام البرمجيات تطبيق البرمجيات Software is another name for programs Programs are instructions that tell the computer how to process data into the form you want Emphasize differences between application and systems software System software Operating system (Key Term) Utilities Device drivers (Key Term) Application software Basic applications (Key Term) or General-purpose Specialized applications (Key Term) Concept Check Describe the two major kinds of software. Describe three types of system software programs. Define and compare basic and specialized applications.
System Software [1] Utilities
نظام برمجيات [1] A collection of programs – not a single program Includes Operating System software, Utilities, and Device Drivers Utilities Service programs such as Windows Disk Defragmenter Performs tasks related to managing computer resources *مجموعة من برامج - وليس برنامج واحد - يتضمن برنامج نظام التشغيل والمرافق، وبرامج تشغيل الأجهزة System Not a single program A collection of programs Two best known Operating systems are: Windows 7 Mac OS X Utilities Service programs such as Windows Disk Defragmenter Performs tasks related to managing computer resources Device drivers Application *خدمات -برامج الخدمات مثل ويندوز أداة إلغاء تجزئة القرص -ينفذ المهام المتعلقة بإدارة موارد الكمبيوتر
System Software [2] برمجيات النظام [2] Enables the application software to interact with the hardware, and helps the computer manage its resources Two best-known operating systems for microcomputers are Windows 7 and Mac OS X * تمكن برنامج التطبيق للتفاعل مع الأجهزة، ويساعد جهاز الكمبيوتر على إدارة مواردها * اثنين من أنظمة التشغيل المعروفة للحواسيب هي ويندوز 7 وماك OS X
Application Software البرامج التطبيقية * برمجيات المستخدم النهائي : الأنواع من البرامج التي سينظر فيها الكمبيوتر المختص End-user software: types of programs you have to know to be considered computer competent Two major categories فئتان رئيسيتان Basic applications التطبيقات الأساسية Programs you have to know to be a computer competent (e.g. browser, Word processor, spreadsheet,..etc. برامج التي تُعرف الكمبيوتر المختص (المتصفح على سبيل المثال، معالج النصوص، جداول البيانات، الخ Specialized applications التطبيقات المتخصصة Programs focused on specific disciplines (e.g. graphics, multimedia, audio, .. etc.) “End-user” software – these are the types of programs you have to know to be considered computer competent An example of a basic application is a browser to navigate, explore and find information (Key Term) on the Internet Two major categories Basic applications - general purpose or “off-the-shelf” programs, such as Web browsers, and word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software Specialized application – narrow focus on specific disciplines and occupations, such as graphics, audio, video, Web authoring, and cell phone apps * برامج تركز على تخصصات محددة (على سبيل المثال الرسومات والوسائط المتعددة، والصوت، الخ ..)
Hardware - Types of Computers [1]
الأجهزة - أنواع أجهزة الكمبيوتر [1] Hardware - Types of Computers [1] Supercomputers: the most powerful; special high-capacity computers used in very large corporations Mainframe computers: are capable of great processing speed and data storage; occupy specially wired, air-conditioned rooms; insurance companies use to process information about millions of policyholders أجهزة الكمبيوتر العملاقة: الأكثر قوة خاصة ذات قدرة عالية -أجهزة الكمبيوتر المستخدمة في الشركات الكبيرة جدا There are four types of computers Supercomputers (key term) – the most powerful; special high-capacity computers used in very large corporations Mainframe computers (key term) – are capable of great processing speed and data storage; occupy specially wired, air-conditioned rooms; insurance companies use to process information about millions of policyholders Minicomputers (key term) - known as midrange computers (key term), are refrigerator sized machines used in medium sized companies or departments in large companies Microcomputers (key term) – least powerful but most widely used and fastest-growing type of computers Desktop (key term) Laptop or notebook (key term) Tablet PC (key term) Handheld computers (Key Term) Palm computers (Key Term) Personal digital assistants (PDA) (Key Term) أجهزة الكمبيوتر المركزية: قادرون على سرعة معالجة كبيرة وتخزين البيانات؛ احتلال االاتصال السلكي خصيصا، غرف مكيفة، شركات التأمين تستخدم لمعالجة المعلومات عن الملايين من الوثائق
Hardware - Types of Computers [1]
الأجهزة - أنواع أجهزة الكمبيوتر [1] Hardware - Types of Computers [1] Minicomputers (or mid-range computers): midrange computers (key term), are refrigerator sized machines used in medium sized companies or departments in large companies Microcomputers: least powerful but most widely used and fastest-growing type of computers متوسطة (أو أجهزه الكمبيوتر متوسطة المدى): أجهزة الكمبيوتر المدى المتوسط (مصطلح المفتاح)، وأحجام آلات التبريد المستخدمة في شركات متوسطة الحجم أو الإدارات في الشركات الكبيرة There are four types of computers Supercomputers (key term) – the most powerful; special high-capacity computers used in very large corporations Mainframe computers (key term) – are capable of great processing speed and data storage; occupy specially wired, air-conditioned rooms; insurance companies use to process information about millions of policyholders Minicomputers (key term) - known as midrange computers (key term), are refrigerator sized machines used in medium sized companies or departments in large companies Microcomputers (key term) – least powerful but most widely used and fastest-growing type of computers Desktop (key term) Laptop or notebook (key term) Tablet PC (key term) Handheld computers (Key Term) Palm computers (Key Term) Personal digital assistants (PDA) (Key Term) كومبيوترات شخصية: قوية ولكن لا يقل عن نوع الأكثر استخداما والأسرع نموا من أجهزة الكمبيوتر
Hardware - Types of Computers [2]
الأجهزة - أنواع الحاسبات [2]
Microcomputer Types Netbooks Desktop سطح المكتب Tablet PC
أنواع الحواسيب الصغيرة Desktop سطح المكتب Media center system units وحدات نظام المركز الإعلامي Notebook or laptop المحمول أو الكمبيوتر المحمول Netbooks Tablet PC Handheld دفاتر الملاحظات قرص PC محمول باليد Microcomputers Desktop Notebook Media Center Tablet PC Handheld computers Netbook
Microcomputer Hardware
أجهزة الحواسيب الصغيرة Four basic categories of equipment: System Unit وحدة النظام Input/Output الإدخال والإخراج Secondary Storage التخزين الثانوية Communications الاتصالات أربع فئات أساسية من المعدات: System Unit is the container that houses most of the electronic components that make up a computer system. Input/Output – Input devices (key term) translate data and programs from a form humans understand to a form computers can process; Secondary Storage – Unlike memory (key term), secondary storage holds data and programs even after the electrical power has been turned off—examples of secondary storage include USB drives, hard drives and optical drives Communication – one computer communicating with another computer or other computer systems using communication devices (key term) such as a modem
System Unit وحدة النظام
Container houses most of the electronic components that make up a computer system Two important components Microprocessor: Controls and manipulates data to produce information Memory: is a holding area for data, instructions and information Random Access Memory (RAM) معظم حاويات المنازل مكونات الكترونية التي تشكل نظام الكمبيوتر اثنين من العناصر المهمة المعالجات الدقيقة: الضوابط وتعالج البيانات لإنتاج المعلومات الذاكرة: هي منطقة القابضة للتعليمات والبيانات والمعلومات ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي RAM) Systems unit-container houses most of the electronic components that make up a computer system The microprocessor controls and manipulates data to produce information Memory holds data and program instructions for processing the data. It also holds the processed information before it is output Memory is sometimes referred to as temporary storage because its contents will typically be lost if the electrical power to the computer is disrupted
Input/Output Devices أجهزه الإدخال / الإخراج Common input devices are the keyboard and the mouse Common output devices are printers and monitors *أجهزة الإدخال شيوعا هي لوحة المفاتيح والماوس *أجهزة الإخراج شيوعا هي الطابعات والشاشات
Secondary Storage التخزين الثانوية Unlike memory, secondary storage holds data and programs even if electrical power is not available . The most important types of secondary media are hard disks, solid-state storage, and optical disks * على عكس الذاكرة والتخزين الثانوية يحمل البيانات والبرامج حتى لو الطاقة الكهربائية غير متوفرة * وأهم أنواع وسائل الإعلام الثانوي الأقراص الثابتة، والتخزين الحالة الصلبة، والأقراص الضوئية Hard disks are typically used to store programs and very large data files. Solid-state storage does not have any moving parts, is more reliable, and requires less power to operate Solid-state drives (SSDs) Flash memory cards USB drives Optical disks use laser technology and have the greatest capacity. Examples of optical disks include: compact discs (CDs) (Key Term) digital versatile discs (DVDs) (Key Term) high definition (hi def) (Key Term) discs
Communications الاتصالات Communication devices, such as modems, provide microcomputers with the ability to communicate with other computer systems across the globe Modems modify telephone communications into a form that can be processed by a computer Modems also modify computer output into a form that can be transmitted across standard telephone lines * أجهزة الاتصالات ، مثل أجهزة المودم، توفير الحواسيب الصغيرة مع القدرة على التواصل مع أنظمة كمبيوتر أخرى في جميع أنحاء العالم * أجهزة المودم تعدل الاتصالات الهاتفية الى شكل يمكن معالجتها بواسطة الكمبيوتر. * أجهزة المودم أيضا تعدل انتاج الكمبيوتر الى شكل يمكن ان ينتقل عبر خطوط الهاتف القياسية
Data البيانات قليل الاستعمال ، والحقائق غير المجهزة (النص والأرقام والصور والأصوات) Raw, unprocessed facts (text, numbers, images and sounds) Processed data becomes information Digital data is stored electronically in files Document files ملفات المستند Worksheet files ملفات ورقة العمل Database files ملفات قاعدة البيانات Presentation files عرض الملفات البيانات التي تتم معالجتها تصبح معلومات يتم تخزين البيانات الرقمية إلكترونيا في ملفات Data is raw, unprocessed facts, that can be stored electronically in files. Four common types of files include: Document files (key term) - created by word processors to save memos, term papers, and letters Worksheet files (key term) - electronic spreadsheets for analyzing budgets and to predict sales Database files (key term) - electronic database management programs to contain highly structured and organized data Presentation files (key term) - electronic slide shows, audience handouts, and speaker notes
Document Files ملفات المستند
Created by word processors to save documents such as memos, term papers, and letters تم إنشاؤها بواسطة معالجات النصوص لحفظ المستندات مثل المذكرات وأوراق الأجل، ورسائل Word processors are used to prepare written documents Create text-based documents One of the most flexible and widely used software tools Features to make entering, editing, and formatting documents easy
Worksheet Files ملفات ورقة العمل
Created by electronic spreadsheets to analyze things like budgets and to predict sales جداول البيانات الإلكترونية التي أنشأتها لتحليل الميزانيات وأشياء مثل توقع المبيعات Files created by spreadsheet programs Uses functions and formulas to analyze numeric data Manipulates numeric data Features include workbooks, worksheets, cells, ranges, text and numeric entries, formulas, functions, charts, recalculation, and what-if analysis
Database Files ملفات قاعدة البيانات
Typically created by database management programs to contain highly structured and organized data أنشئت عادة من قبل برامج إدارة قواعد البيانات لاحتواء منظمة البيانات تنظيما عاليا . A database management system (DBMS) or database manager is a program that sets up, or structures, a database Files created by database management programs Organizes data for efficient retrieval Is the electronic equivalent of a file cabinet It also provides tools to enter, edit, and retrieve data from the database
Presentation Files Created by presentation graphics programs to save presentation materials. For example, a file might contain audience handouts, speaker notes, and electronic slides. تم إنشاؤها بواسطة برامج الرسومات لحفظ مواد العرض التقديمي .على سبيل المثال، قد تحتوي على ملف نشرات الحضور، وملاحظات المحاضر، والشرائح الإلكترونية. Used to create a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually interesting presentations Features include slides, AutoContent wizard, color schemes, slide layouts, special effects, master slides, and design templates Presentation files may contain audience handouts, speaker notes, and electronic slides
Chapter 02 The Internet, the Web, and Electronic Commerce
الإنترنت، والويب، والتجارة الإلكترونية At the end of this chapter you should be able to: 1. Discuss the origins of the Internet and the Web. 2. Describe how to access the Web using providers and browsers. 3. Discuss Internet communications, including , instant messaging, and social networking. 4. Describe search tools, including search engines and metasearch engines. 5. Discuss electronic commerce, including B2C, C2C, B2B, and security issues. 6. Describe cloud computing, including the three-way interaction of clients, Internet, and service providers. 7. Describe these Web utilities including plug-ins, filters, file transfer utilities, and Internet security suites.
Introduction مقدمة The Internet is often referred to as the Information Superhighway because it connects millions of people across the globe. Unlike a typical highway, the Internet moves ideas, data, and information through networks. * وغالبا ما يشار إلى شبكة الإنترنت بشبكة المعلومات لأنه يربط الملايين من الناس في جميع أنحاء العالم. * خلافا لأحد الطرق السريعة النموذجية، وشبكة الإنترنت تتم نقل الأفكار والبيانات والمعلومات من خلال الشبكات.
Introduction مقدمة The Web provides an easy-to-use, intuitive multimedia interface to connect to the Internet. Competent end users need to be aware of the resources available on the Internet and the Web. * الشبكة توفر وسيلة سهلة لاستخدام واجهة الوسائط المتعددة ببديهية للاتصال بالإنترنت. * المستخدمين النهائيين المختصين يجب أن يكون على بينة من الموارد المتاحة على شبكة الإنترنت والويب
The Internet and the Web
الإنترنت والويب The Internet is the largest global network, connecting smaller networks worldwide The Internet was launched in 1969 National computer network US funded project called ARPANET Most developed network system currently in use; connects people all over the world Originally started in 1969 when US funded a research project (ARPANET— Advanced Research Project Agency Network) CERN – Center for European Nuclear Research World Wide Web (Web) is a part of the Internet – not the Internet; introduced in 1992 by consortium in Switzerland. Originally started as research and text-based network to exchange research ideas from university to university Developed into a network of networks One of the most powerful tools of the 21st century How would your life be different if the Internet did not exist? Internet & Web further clarified Internet is the actual physical network comprised of wires, cables (Key Term), & satellites Being connected to the network is often referred to as being online (Key Term) The Web is a multimedia interface to resources available on the internet * شبكة الإنترنت هي أكبر شبكة عالمية، وربط اصغر الشبكات في جميع أنحاء العالم * تم إطلاق شبكة الإنترنت في عام 1969 - شبكة الكمبيوتر وطنية - الولايات المتحدة المشروع الممول تدعى ARPANET
The Internet and the Web
الإنترنت والويب The World Wide Web or WWW was introduced in 1991 at CERN World Wide Web (Web) is a part of the Internet – not the Internet * تم تقديم الشبكة العالمية أو WWW في عام 1991 في CERN * شبكة ويب العالمية (الويب) هو جزء من شبكة الإنترنت - وليس الإنترنت Most developed network system currently in use; connects people all over the world Originally started in 1969 when US funded a research project (ARPANET— Advanced Research Project Agency Network) CERN – Center for European Nuclear Research World Wide Web (Web) is a part of the Internet – not the Internet; introduced in 1992 by consortium in Switzerland. Originally started as research and text-based network to exchange research ideas from university to university Developed into a network of networks One of the most powerful tools of the 21st century How would your life be different if the Internet did not exist? Internet & Web further clarified Internet is the actual physical network comprised of wires, cables (Key Term), & satellites Being connected to the network is often referred to as being online (Key Term) The Web is a multimedia interface to resources available on the internet
Common Internet Uses Communicating التواصل
استخدامات الإنترنت المشتركة Communicating التواصل Exchange تبادل البريد الالكتروني Discussion groups مجموعات المناقشة Online Shopping التسوق عبر الانترنت Searching البحث Virtual libraries المكتبات الافتراضية Entertainment ترفيه Education or e-learning Most common Internet applications Communicating - sending and discussion group participation You can chat live with others Ask students what chat software they use Shopping – fastest-growing applications Searching - using virtual libraries Entertainment – music downloads; integration of TV and PC Education or e-learning (Key Term) You can take classes on almost any subject (Key Term) Replace with new Figure 2-18. Replace with new Figure 2-23. New screen capture. التعلم أو التعلم الالكتروني
Access الوصول Common way to access the Internet is through a Commercial Internet Service Providers (ISP) National Service Providers مقدمي الخدمة الوطنية Wireless service providers مقدمي الخدمات اللاسلكية Client-server network is comprised of users that are connected to a ISP via a variety of connecting technologies (dial-up, telephone connections, wireless modems, DSLs, etc…) طريقة شائعة للوصول إلى الإنترنت من خلال مقدمي خدمات الإنترنت خدمات تجارية ISP) The common way to access the Internet is through a provider or host computer Internet Service Providers (ISPs) - already connected to the Internet -- furnish a pathway for other users Typical providers include: Colleges and universities – usually “free” Internet service providers (ISP) (Key Term)can be local (regional) or national Ask students to identify various ISPs used in their environment Types of service providers National – like Comcast, Qwest, and Verizon Wireless No telephone lines used Provide connection through wireless modems (Key Term) Client-server network is comprised of users that are connected to a ISP via a variety of connecting technologies (dial-up (Key Term), telephone connections, wireless modems, DSLs (Key Term), etc…) The users computer is the client that requests services from the provider’s computer or server * وتتألف خدمة العملاء من مستخدمي الشبكة التي ترتبط إلى ISP عن طريق مجموعة متنوعة من تقنيات الاتصال (الطلب الهاتفي، الاتصالات الهاتفية، وأجهزة المودم اللاسلكية، DSLs، الخ ...)
Browsers المتصفحات Programs that provide access to Web resources
* برامج التي توفر الوصول إلى موارد الشبكة Programs that provide access to Web resources Allow you to surf the Internet Popular Web browsers include: Mozilla Firefox Apple Safari Microsoft Internet Explorer Google Chrome Address or location of the resource must be specified URL * تسمح لك لتصفح الانترنت * متصفحات الويب الشعبية تشمل ما يلي: - موزيلا فايرفوكس - أبل سفاري - مايكروسوفت إنترنت إكسبلورر - جوجل كروم * يجب تحديد العنوان أو موقع الموارد Browsers allow you to search or surf (Key Term) the Web Navigate, search for information and communicate using the Web Use URL (uniform resource locator) (Key Term) to connect to other resources
URLs Uniform Resource Locators
* معرفات الموارد المنتظمة - جميع عناوين المواقع ما لا يقل عن جزئين * البروتوكول: قواعد لتبادل البيانات بين أجهزة الكمبيوتر (مثل HTTP، وتستخدم لحركة المرور على الشبكة) * اسم النطاق: يشير إلى عنوان معين حيث يقع الموارد * نطاقات المستوى الأعلى (نطاقات العليا) تقديم مزيد من المعلومات عن الموقع URLs Uniform Resource Locators All URLs have at least two parts Protocol: rules for exchanging data between computers (e.g. http, used for web traffic) Domain name: indicates the specific address where the resource is located Top-level domains (TLDs) provide further information about the website Two parts to URL: protocol (Key Term), rules for exchanging data between computers (usually domain name (Key Term) also known as a top-level domain (Key Term) or server where the resource is located (
More on Browsers المزيد من المعلومات عن المتصفحات
Browser is software that allows users to navigate the Web and read the multimedia formatted pages Connect to Web sites using URL addresses (uniform resource locator) Document is sent to computer usually coded in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) or some variation Interprets the HTML codes displaying page Display document as a Web page * متصفح هو برنامج يسمح للمستخدمين تصفح الويب وقراءة صفحات الوسائط المتعددة بتنسيق - اتصال إلى مواقع ويب باستخدام عناوين ) URL محدد موقع المعلومات) يتم إرسال الوثيقة إلى جهاز الكمبيوتر ترميز HTML عادة في (لغة توصيف النص التشعبي) أو اختلاف البعض - عرض الصفحة بتفسير رموز HTML * مستند العرض كصفحة ويب Browser is software that allows users to navigate the Web and read the multimedia formatted pages Connect to Web sites using URL addresses (uniform resource locator) Document is sent to computer usually coded in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) (Key Term) or some variation Interprets the HTML codes displaying page May contain Hyperlinks (Key Term) -- allow users to quickly connect to other pages or Web sites Graphics Text Multimedia elements Web server– the computer that stores and shares graphics, test, audio & video clip files Web pages contain links (Key Term) to programs called applets (Key Term) These are special programs written in a programming language called Java (Key Term) These programs can be quickly downloaded and run by most browsers
Communication الاتصالات
Most popular Internet activity Types of communication Electronic Mail ( ) Instant Messaging Social Networking الأنشطة الأكثر شعبية على شبكة الإنترنت أنواع الاتصالات البريد الالكتروني (البريد الإلكتروني) التراسل الفوري الشبكات الاجتماعية Communication is the most popular Internet activity Types of communications: (Key Term) Instant Messaging (Key Term) Social Networking (Key Term)
E-Mail Transmission of electronic messages over the Internet
إرسال الرسائل الإلكترونية عبر الإنترنت Transmission of electronic messages over the Internet Basic parts Header الوجهه الأساسية Address العنوان Subject الموضوع Attachment المرفقات Message الرساله Signature Line التوقيع أجزاء أساسية or electronic mail (Key Term) Transmission of electronic messages over the Internet Has three basic parts: header (Key Term), message (Key Term), and signature line (Key Term) Header (Key Term) Address (Key Term) Subject (Key Term) – very important to include this in a message Attachments (Key Term)
E-Mail Address Example
مثال عنوان البريد الإلكتروني Address Example Internet uses the domain name system (DNS), which gives names and numbers to people and computers Address (Key Term) has two parts User name - identifies unique user or computer in the domain Domain name (Key Term) - references a specific organization Top-level domain code identification includes geographical location or organizational identification .com = commercial .edu = education and research .org = organizations (usually non-profit) .net = major network centers (usually easier to access than commercial) .gov = government
Spam Junk and/or unwanted e-mail
الرسائل غير المرغوب فيها Junk and/or unwanted Computer viruses or destructive programs are often attached to unsolicited Spam blockers use a variety of approaches to identify and control spam * العشوائي و / أو البريد الإلكتروني غير المرغوب فيها وترد في كثير من الأحيان فيروسات الكمبيوتر المدمره أو برامج * البريد الإلكتروني غير المرغوب فيها * حاجبات البريد المزعج نستخدم مجموعة متنوعة من الأساليب لتحديد ومراقبة البريد المزعج Spam (Key Term) – unsolicited Distraction, Nuisance Computer viruses (Key Term) can also be attached to spam Spam blockers (Key Term) use a variety of different approaches to identify and eliminate spam CAN-SPAM Act requires that every marketing related provide an opt- out option Tips to blocking spam: Choose a complex address Keep a low profile Don’t ever respond to spam Use ez-mail filter options Use anti-spam
Spam Spam blockers are also referred to as: الرسائل غير المرغوب فيها
Junk mail filters Anti-spam programs CAN-SPAM requires every marketing-related provides opt-out option the recipient’s address will be removed from future mailing lists. * حاجبات البريد المزعج أيضا المشار إليها على النحو التالي: - مرشحات البريد غير المرغوب فيه - برامج مكافحة البريد المزعج * CAN-SPAM يتطلب كل البريد الإلكتروني والتسويق ذات الصلة يوفر الانسحاب خيار ----> ستتم إزالة عنوان المستلم البريد الإلكتروني من القوائم البريدية في المستقبل. Spam (Key Term) – unsolicited Distraction, Nuisance Computer viruses (Key Term) can also be attached to spam Spam blockers (Key Term) use a variety of different approaches to identify and eliminate spam CAN-SPAM Act requires that every marketing related provide an opt- out option Tips to blocking spam: Choose a complex address Keep a low profile Don’t ever respond to spam Use ez-mail filter options Use anti-spam
Instant Messaging التراسل الفوري Extension of that provides direct, live communication between two or more people Instant messaging programs also include: Video conferencing features File sharing Remote assistance * تمديد البريد الإلكتروني الذي يوفر مباشرة، والاتصال المباشر بين شخصين أو أكثر * برامج الرسائل الفورية وتشمل أيضا: - ميزات الفيديو كونفرنس - مشاركة ملف - المساعدة عن بعد Instant Messaging (Key Term) Extension of that allows two or more people to contact each other via direct, live communication To use instant message, specify list of friends (Key Term) and register with an instant messaging server Some services include video and file-sharing Different services do not always play well together. Universal instant messenger (Key Word) programs are being developed (i.e. Digsby, Pidgin, Qnext), to overcome this limitation. Direct students to p. 35 for table on Spam Blocker(s)
Instant Messaging Most widely used instant messaging services:
التراسل الفوري الأكثر استخداما على نطاق واسع خدمات المراسلة الفورية: Most widely used instant messaging services: AOL’s Instant Messenger Microsoft’s MSN Messenger Yahoo Messenger أمريكا أون لاين ماسنجر الفورية مايكروسوفت MSN ماسنجر ياهو ماسنجر Instant Messaging (Key Term) Extension of that allows two or more people to contact each other via direct, live communication To use instant message, specify list of friends (Key Term) and register with an instant messaging server Some services include video and file-sharing Different services do not always play well together. Universal instant messenger (Key Word) programs are being developed (i.e. Digsby, Pidgin, Qnext), to overcome this limitation. Direct students to p. 35 for table on Spam Blocker(s)
Social Networking One of the fastest growing uses of the Internet
الشبكات الاجتماعية واحدة من أسرع الاستخدامات المتزايدة للإنترنت One of the fastest growing uses of the Internet Three basic categories: Reuniting sites Friend-of-a-friend sites Common interest sites ثلاث فئات أساسية: جمع شمل مواقع مواقع ذات الاهتمام المشترك Social Networking (Key Term) One of the fastest growing uses of the Internet Connecting individuals to one another Three basic categories Reunite – member databases used for finding long lost friends (Classmates Online and Facebook) Friend of a friend – connecting friends of friends via profile information (Friendster and MySpace) Common interest – connecting those with common interests or hobbies Consider carefully the information you are disclosing when joining social networking sites.
Blogs, Microblogs, and Wikis
بلوق، والمدونات الصغيرة، ومواقع الويكي Blogs, Microblogs, and Wikis Web logs or blogs – postings that are date- and time-stamped and then arranged with the most recent items shown first Personal websites Postings that are time-stamped and arranged with the newest item first Popular blogs include Blogger and WordPress Twitter is the most popular microblog Wikipedia is an example of using a wiki as an online encyclopedia * سجلات ويب أو بلوق - منشورات التي هي تاريخ ووقت ختمها وثم رتبت مع العناصر الأحدث والمعروضه أولا - مواقع الويب الشخصية - التدوينات التي تكون مختومة الزمن ونظمت مع احدث البند الأول
Blogs, Microblogs, and Wikis
بلوق، والمدونات الصغيرة، ومواقع الويكي Blogs, Microblogs, and Wikis Readers are allowed to comment Some blogs like online diaries, others focus on information, hobby or theme - ويسمح للقراء التعليق - بعض بلوق مثل اليوميات على الانترنت، والبعض الآخر يركز على هواية أو معلومات أو موضوع Popular blogs include Blogger and WordPress Twitter is the most popular microblog Wikipedia is an example of using a wiki as an online encyclopedia
Blogs, Microblogs, and Wikis
بلوق، والمدونات الصغيرة، ومواقع الويكي Blogs, Microblogs, and Wikis Microblogs – short status updates or sentences that answer the question: Publishes short sentences Keep others up-to-date on your interest and activities What are you doing now? Twitter is an example Popular blogs include Blogger and WordPress Twitter is the most popular microblog Wikipedia is an example of using a wiki as an online encyclopedia *المدونات الصغيرة - تحديثات قصيرة أو الجمل التي تجيب على السؤال: - تنشر جمل قصيرة - منع الآخرين من الوصول إلى التاريخ وعلى اهتماماتك والأنشطة - ماذا تفعل الآن؟ - تويتر هو مثال
Blogs, Microblogs, and Wikis
بلوق، والمدونات الصغيرة، ومواقع الويكي Blogs, Microblogs, and Wikis Wiki – a specially designed Web site that allows visitors to edit the contents (e.g., fill in missing information) ويكي - موقع ويب مصممة خصيصا أن يسمح للزوار لتحرير محتويات (على سبيل المثال، في ملء المعلومات الناقصة) Popular blogs include Blogger and WordPress Twitter is the most popular microblog Wikipedia is an example of using a wiki as an online encyclopedia
Search Tools Search engines Metasearch engines
أدوات البحث Search engines Metasearch engines Specialized search engines Content Evaluation - محركات البحث - محركات البحث ميتا - محركات البحث المتخصصة - محتوى التقييم Specialized programs that assist you in locating information on the Web and the Internet Search services (Key Term) help you locate information; they maintain the database that helps you get where you want Special programs called spiders (Key Term) continually look for information and updated services Search engines (Key Term) – assist you to locate information Use keyword search (Key Term); know “rules” i.e. use + or quotes to look for phrases rather than individual words Use directory search (Key Term) – list of categories or topics; also known as index search (Key Term) Examples AOL Ask Jeeves Google Bing Yahoo! Metasearch engines (Key Term) – programs that automatically submit your search request to several search engines simultaneously Specialized search engines (Key Term) - Programs that focus on subject specific Web sites
Search Engines محركات البحث
Specialized programs to assist in locating information Types of searches Keyword search Directory search البرامج المتخصصة الرامية إلى مساعدة في تحديد مكان المعلومات أنواع البحث كلمات البحث بحث في الدليل Keyword search (Key Term) – enter a keyword or a phrase reflecting the information you want Returns a number of hits (Key Term) Each hit includes a hyperlink Directory search (Key Term) Known as an index search Select a category or topic that fits the information you want Note: a recent study by the NEC Research Institute found that any one search engine includes only a fraction of the informational sources on the Web. Therefore, it is good to use more than one search engine when researching important topics.
Metasearch Engines محركات البحث ميتا Programs that automatically submit your search request to several search engines simultaneously Visit the websites for several individual search engines * العديد من برامج التي تقدم تلقائيا طلبك بحث لمحركات البحث في وقت واحد * زيارة المواقع لمحركات البحث العديده الفردية Programs that automatically submit your search request to several engines simultaneously The engine receives the results, eliminates duplicates, orders hits, and then provides the edited list to you
Specialized Search Engines
محركات البحث المتخصصة Focus on subject-specific websites التركيز على مواضيع محددة مواقع الويب Programs that focus on subject specific Web sites Specialized sites can potentially save you time by narrowing your search
Electronic Commerce Also known as e-commerce
التجارة الإلكترونية Also known as e-commerce Buying and selling of goods over the Internet Business-to-consumer (B2C) Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) Web auctions Business-to-business (B2B) * المعروف أيضا باسم التجارة الإلكترونية * شراء وبيع السلع عبر الإنترنت بين الشركات والمستهلك المستهلك إلى المستهلك المزادات على شبكة الإنترنت الأعمال الموجهة للأعمال Electronic commerce is buying and selling over the Internet Three basic types of electronic commerce: business to consumer; consumer to consumer; and business to business B2C (Key Term) Involves the sale of a product or service to the general public or end users C2C (Key Term) Involves individuals selling to individuals B2B (Key Term) Involves the sale of a product or service from one business to another
Business to Business الأعمال إلى الأعمال
Involves the sale of a product or service from one business to another (B2B) Primarily a manufacturer supplier relationship,[, * ينطوي على بيع منتج أو خدمة من عمل واحد إلى آخر (B2B) * وجودعلاقه في المقام الأول لمورد الشركة المصنعة .
Business to Consumer Fastest growing type of e-commerce
الأعمال إلى المستهلك Fastest growing type of e-commerce Involves the sale of a product or service to the general public or end users Three most widely used B2C applications: Online banking Financial trading Shopping * نوع الأسرع نموا في التجارة الإلكترونية * ينطوي على بيع منتج أو خدمة للمستخدمين العموميين أو نهاية العام * ثلاثة تطبيقات B2C الأكثر استخداما: الخدمات المصرفية عبر الإنترنت التداول المالي B2C is fastest growing type of e-commerce Three types Online banking (Key Term) Becoming a standard feature of banking institutions Customers use standard browser to perform many banking operations Financial trading Online stock trading allows investors to research, buy, and sell stocks and bonds over the Internet Shopping Buying and selling of consumer goods via the Internet Sites exist that provide support for consumers looking to compare products and locate bargains - التسوق
Consumer to Consumer Web Auctions
المستهلك إلى مزادات ويب المستهلك Consumer to Consumer Web Auctions Consumer-to-consumer e-commerce (C2C) Involves individuals selling to individuals Similar to traditional auctions Types Auction house sites Person-to-person auction sites * المستهلك إلى المستهلك والتجارة الإلكترونية (C2C) * أفرادا بيع للأفراد * وعلى غرار المزادات التقليدية أنواع مواقع الكترونية منزل - شخص إلى شخص مزاد المواقع Recent trend in C2C e-commerce is Web auctions (Key Term); similar to traditional auctions – no one sees each other Auction house sites (Key Term) – merchandise presented for auction Person-person auction sites (Key Term) – more like flea markets; forum for buyers and sellers to gather Similar to Web traditional auctions Buyers and sellers seldom meet face-to-face Ask the students if they have ever used E-bay Example auction sites include Amazon, Bidz, eBay, Sotheby’s, and Yahoo!
Security الأمان Payment methods must be fast, reliable, and secure
* يجب أن يكون طرق الدفع سريعة وموثوقة وآمنة Payment methods must be fast, reliable, and secure Three basic options Checks : requires long time to complete the process Credit card: faster and more convenient than checks Digital cash PayPal * ثلاثة خيارات أساسية - الشيكات: يتطلب وقتا طويلا لإكمال العملية - بطاقة الائتمان: أسرع وأكثر ملاءمة من الشيكات - الرقمية النقدية * باي بال A challenge is the payment for goods Should be reliable, secure, and fast Electronic payment -- easy, secure payment method Checks -- slowest and least convenient Credit cards -- easier to work with, somewhat vulnerable to theft Criminals known as carders (Key Term) specialize in stealing, trading, and using stolen credit cards over the internet Digital cash (Key Term) Purchased from third party (usually a special bank); more secure than credit cards Providers include Ecash, Google, Internet Cash, and PayPal
Cloud Computing السحب الآلي
1* تحولات أنشطة الحوسبة المكتبية من المستخدمين إلى أجهزة الكمبيوتر على الإنترنت 1- Shifts computing activities from users’ desktops to computers on the Internet 2- Frees end-users from owning, maintaining, and storing software programs and data Three basic components: Clients (end-users) Service providers (Google Apps) The Internet 2* يحرر المستخدمين النهائيين من امتلاك وصيانة وتخزين البرامج والبيانات ثلاثة عناصر أساسية هي: العملاء (المستخدمين النهائيين) Basic components include: Clients: corporations and end-users who want access to data, programs, and storage anywhere and anytime a connection to the Internet is available Service providers: organizations that are willing to provide (sometimes for a fee) access to software and storage Internet connectivity Two critical factors that determine the efficiency of cloud computing The speed and reliability of the user’s access to the Internet Internet’s capability to provide safe and reliable transmission of data and programs مقدمي الخدمات تطبيقات Google شبكة الإنترنت
Web Utilities أدوات مساعده للويب
Specialized utility programs that make using the Internet & Web safer and easier Some are browser-related programs Others are designed to protect users from dangerous and inappropriate websites materials Plug-Ins المكونات الإضافية Filters الفلاتر / عوامل التصفية File Transfer Utilities أدوات مساعده لنقل الملفات Internet Security Suites أجنحة أمن الانترنت Plug-ins (Key Term) -- automatically loaded by and work with your browser; Acrobat Reader; Cosmos from Silicon Graphics (3-d displays); Media Player; QuickTime from Apple; RealPlayer; and Shockwave from Macromedia Filters (Key Term) – block access to specified sites; set time limits FTP transfers files; file transfer protocol (Key Term); Internet service for file transfer Downloading (Key Term) - transmitting files to your computer Uploading (Key Term) - transmitting files from your computer to another computer Internet Security Suites (Key Term) – collection of utility programs designed to maintain your security and privacy while you are on the Web البرامج المساعدة المتخصصة التي تجعل من استخدام الإنترنت والشبكة أكثر أمنا وأسهل * البعض متصفح البرامج المرتبطة * مصممة لحماية مستخدمين آخرون من مواد المواقع الخطرة والغير لائقة
Plug-Ins المكونات الإضافية Programs that provide an enhanced browsing experience by enabling special file formats and multimedia elements البرامج التي توفر تجربة تحسين التصفح من خلال تمكين تنسيقات الملفات الخاصة وعناصر الوسائط المتعددة
Filters الفلاتر / عوامل التصفية
Programs that block access to selected sites البرامج التي تمنع الوصول إلى المواقع المحددة
File Transfer Utilities أدوات مساعدة لنقل الملفات
Programs that help you upload and download files to and from the Internet Three popular types of programs: File transfer protocol (FTP & SFTP) Web-based file transfer services BitTorrent * البرامج التي تساعدك على تحميل وتنزيل الملفات من وإلى الإنترنت * ثلاثة أنواع من البرامج شعبية: - بروتوكول نقل الملفات (FTP وSFTP ) - على شبكة الإنترنت خدمات نقل الملفات - تورنت
Internet Security Suites
أجنحة أمن الانترنت Programs designed to maintain your security and privacy while on the web McAfee مكافي Symantec Norton البرامج المصممة للحفاظ على الأمن الخاص وحين الخصوصية على شبكة الإنترنت سيمانتيك نورتون Internet Security Suites (Key Term) control… Spam (Key Term) Protect against computer viruses (Key Term) Provide Filters (Key Term)
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