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SSDB Advisory Board Discussion Topics 1.Work-in-Progress 2. New Initiatives Scripps Institution of Oceanography February 21, 2006 Subcontract to IODP-MI.

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1 SSDB Advisory Board Discussion Topics 1.Work-in-Progress 2. New Initiatives Scripps Institution of Oceanography February 21, 2006 Subcontract to IODP-MI from NSF OCE 0432224

2 SSDB Priorities set by Advisory Board and reviewed by IODP-MI, from September 2005 Quarterly Report SSDB FY06 Tasks as reviewed by Advisory Board IODP Priority Adv Board Priority Est. Person- months IODP CommentsSSDB comments Simplify list of standard data types (with panel)A60.125 Revise submission requirements statement, including nav for profiles (with panel) A60.125IODP will supply some of this information Data abstract: Narrative explaining the interpretation and relationship of data submitted in review C 0.225This could just require a new data type category for Data Reports. Migration strategy for site summary location figure template pdf from proposal database to SSDB C70.25Not sure what has to be migrated.Proponent's pdf is static document, SSDB version would include live links to high resolution images and data. Publish inventory of physical objects from LDEO (access case- by-case ) B10.25We (IODP) may be able to create a list. If so, we will forward to you to post. Plone site for meeting useC20.375 Thumbnails of all images (image catalogue design; apply to all objects) C60.5 Visualization option for 3D location figure (guide and example)C00.5 Develop interface with Proposal Database; testB00.5Please remind us what is meant by "interface" here.Formal specificaiton of metadata contents for both projects. Formal specification of transfer mechanism for metadata and files, as needed. Testing. Provide INTviewer user guide, purchase 10 web-server licenses, 1 standalone 2d/3d INTviewer with flexlm, 1 Logviewer with flexlm. A40.675 Implement requirements matrix interfaceB50.75We will think a bit about how we would like to see this work. Test INTviewer 3DC00.75 SSDB-in-a-boxC00.75 Implement simplified data types in mtf; create documentation; republish all objects under new classification scheme A61 Document and streamline upload process and interfacesA 1.25 Add viewer coverage for Arctic, Antarctic (Neben)B11.4 Improve metadata for LDEO holdings for proposals being reviewed, and create metadata editor tool for existing objects A61.5The "A" here applies to the second part: creating a metadata editing tool Site summary figure - active link version in SSDBC01.5 Base maps with high resolution tiles, contributed chartsC62 Respond to existing SSDB action itemsA 2.25 Display navigation for objects, not just iconsA63 Create interface between SSDB and Scientific ProspectusC 3 IODP priorities: A = highest; C = lowestTotal effortA=9.9, B=2.9, C=9.9

3 SSDB Current Development Tasks, defined in FY06 Cost Proposal No.SSDB TaskIODP CommentsSSDB Comments 2006-02-20 0.1Streamline upload process Done. 0.2Create QC tools Done 1.1New Data type listList drafted.Final review with Advisory Board 1.2New Data type ImplementationNeeds to be implemented as soon as possible.Re-design mtf with new data categories and new controlled vocabularies, create data dictionary, revise web interfaces. Test. Map existing metadata to new mtf, republish all objects in digital library. 1.3Control vocabularyWill be implemented for both data entry and search criteria.(part of data type implementation) 1.4Search query (SSDBQuery, SSDBViewer) Depends on control vocabulary list. New query criteria will be implemented after the new MTF is implemented. Develop more refined search approach, consistent across both tools. Revise interfaces to make use of new mtf, controlled vocabulary, dictionary. 2.1Link data to drill site nameAllow selection from current list of authorized site names for a proposal. Done 3.1Monitoring SSDB dataNeed expanded query tools to include Staging area. IODP- MI needs to find out the status of data for any proposal in the staging or library. Can be done with expanded search query. Build upon capabilities in QC tools 3.2Creating ReportsSearch the content of the library or digital library and export search results in several formats (e.g. CVS, Plain text, HTML with embedded URL to the data). See IODP-MI document called: SSDB Required Administration Facilities. Create tools to prepare custom reports, as requested 3.3Editing Metadata in LibraryEdit metadata once an object is in the library or in the staging area. Add information that became available after the data was uploaded (e.g. Expedition number, change in site name Develop tool to edit metadata in digital library tables, then republish mif as archival metadata record. Need to modify current mif, ado filename dependencies and version control. 3.4Deleting accountsThere is a need for the IODP-MI administrator to delete users accounts. Implement admin capability 4.1Integrating INTViewerUser should be capable of clicking on a file name (segy format) and the SSDB would open the seismic INTViewer and show the file to the user. Done. Need to keep up with software releases and production site implementation. 4.2User GuideThere is a need for a user guide for the seismic INTViewer.Coordinate settings with Dale Sawyer and other recommendations

4 Current Development Tasks, continued No.SSDB TaskIODP CommentsSSDB Comments 2006-02-20 5.1Data on CD/DVDIn extreme case only, proponent will send data on CD/DVD to SSDB. Proponent sends media to SSDB. Proponent uploads dummy file with metadata. SSDB replaces dummy with real file. 5.2Multiple access levelsMultiple access will be done by requesting the user to obtain a different username. Procedural solution to assign new username, eg JohnDoe.reviewer 5.3Notification SystemIODP-MI needs to be notified when new data are added to the staging area and digital library, or when a proponent links data from another proposal to his/her own proposal. Modify code 5.4Linking to existing dataFacility for proponent to link existing data from other proposals in the SSDB to their own proposal. Procedural solution. Access old proposal, download files, upload to new proposal using SSDBviewer “open metadata” to copy metadata as needed. 5.5Revised text on web pagesNew text has already been written by SIO/SDSC. IODP-MI revised the text and will send further comments. Done 5.6Proponent GuideSIO/SDSC has written a proponent guide and IODP-MI will review the content. Done (also Guide for Reviewers) 5.7Adjust current SSDB upload web pages Implement 13 specific changes to upload stepsModify SSDBupload as needed Accomplish following “Medium Priority” tasks when possible …. 6Display point, line or box in SSDBviewer for feature display Still very important. Currently data that are supposed to be bounding boxes are showing sometime over land. This is not acceptable. This was a basic intitial requirement in the SOW document that has never been addressed. Modify SSDBviewer Java code 7Display polar regions.Currently data in the arctic are not showing properly. All SSDB data needs to be shown with the appropriate background. Develop approach to enable alternate world view and projection, when needed. Use IBCAO and Antarctic maps, eg from Sandwell. 8Drilling Data Requirements MatrixIODP-MI will provide the requirements. More discussion are needed before SIO/SDSC does any development. After requirement rules are firmly established, define programming approach and design user interface

5 Task 1.1 Next Generation Data Categories A somewhat more simplified and rational set of terms Backscatter Bathymetry Deformation -> Active Deformation (renamed) Documents Electromagnetics Environmental Condition Fluid Flux (category approved) Geology Gravity Heatflow Location Maps Logging Magnetics Navigation -> Other (new category) Permits Sample Data Seafloor Photography -> Seafloor Imagery (renamed) Seismic: Single-channel Reflection Seismic: Multi-channel Reflection Seismic: 3D Reflection Seismic: Subbottom Profiler Seismic: Refraction Seismic: Velocity Models Seismicity Visualization Water Column (category approved) Initial categories matched LDEO legacy holdings Proposed categories (Revised during Advisory Board discussion)

6 Task 1.3 Make use of controlled vocabularies

7 Task 1.3 Make use of metadata dictionary

8 Task 1.4 Revise search queries Compatible improvements SSDBquery, SSDBviewer Board discussion: Desired searches Site Name! Include previous names Multiple proposals Complex projects Second stage Selected data categories or sites Improved metadata viewer Display panel Results panel Search panel Click on icon for direct action

9 Task 5.1 Policy for submitting data on digital media There may be rare cases when a proponent submits files on digital media (CD or DVD) rather standard online upload process. User follows normal upload steps, entering metadata values, But uploads dummy file instead of real file. SSDB staff stages digital media, substitutes real file for dummy file. 1.The user contacts IODP-MI ( to request authorization to contribute digital 2.The user contacts the SSDB ( to make arrangements for the delivery of the media, typically via courier such as Fed Ex. The address SSDB, c/o GRD Business Office Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD Ritter Hall Room 431 8635 Discovery Way La Jolla, California 92037 USA 1-858-534-6652 3.The user creates a new dummy file on their own computer for each real file they would like to submit. The dummy filename should be the same as the real file, except for the additional suffix “.txt” (or example, Line12.segy.txt). The ASCII dummy file should contain a brief description of the file to allow the SSDB staff to make sure they have the correct file. 4.The user logs into and uses the SSDBupload tool to select the data category and enter metadata for each real file, as usual. The responses for format and other topics need to be appropriate for the real file, not the dummy file. When requested to browse for the file to upload, the user should select the dummy file. The results should be “saved” as usual. 5.The user contacts the SSDB staff ( when all the metadata and dummy files have been “saved.” 6.The SSDB staff replaces the dummy files with the real files in the staging area, and emails the user when complete. 7.The user launches SSDBstatus to view metadata and data, as a final check. The user can make any metadata changes, as needed. If the wrong file has been used, they will need to contact the SSDB via email. When satisfied, the user selects the files in SSDBstatus and clicks “submit.” 8.The SSDB staff performs QC and publishes the final metadata and data contents in the digital library, as usual.

10 Task 5.2 Multiple access levels for users A user may need to access the SSDB at different levels, at different times. For example, a reviewer may need to act as a proponent. 1.Select “My Account” > “Request Change” > “Request to Change Groups” Enter comments to justify access, “Submit” 2.IODP-MI evaluates request, and can issue new userid For example, JohnDoe.basic, JohnDoe.proponent or JohnDoe.reviewer 3.User needs to log out and log in again when they wish to change roles

11 Task 5.4 Linking to existing data Considerable discussion devoted to linking files from existing proposals. Need metadata for new proposal, such as site names, not just old proposal. Procedural solution adopted, for now: 1.Proponent requests access to existing proposal Select “My Account” > “Request Change” > “Request Access to a Proposal” Enter comments to justify access and “Submit” IODP-MI evaluates request, contacts original lead proponent, and responds 2.After access granted, use SSDBviewer to download old files to local computer 3.Use SSDBupload for new proposal, as usual Run SSDBviewer to “open metadata” for old proposal files Copy-and-paste information as needed into prompts of SSDBupload (Requires further discussion with IODP-MI)

12 Medium priority tasks, deferred to FY07 Task 6. Display geometry of object Display track or outline, not just icon Task 7. Display polar regions Alternative projections and base charts

13 New Initiatives 1. Portable Data Bank for vessels and panel meetings 2. Open SSDB version for public access 3. Search Analog Objects from legacy holdings 4. Site Location Figure as updated dynamic object 5. Drilling Life Cycle Data Bank archive for expedition preparation and safety packages, integrated scientific prospectus and site survey data 6. Cybersecurity Checkup and contingency planning 7. Collaboratory for Ocean Drilling, access to data, documents, tools, and workspace, including visualization and guides for proponents 8. Data Access Portal, integrated search interface for SSDB data plus SIO, WHOI, LDEO, PetDB, SedDB, RIDGE, MARGINS, Arctic and other collections, including SIO-7. 9. Education and Outreach collaboration

14 Related project Multi-Institution Testbed for Scalable Digital Archiving NSF/CISE and Library of Congress funding Integrate SIO, SDSC and WHOI tools and data 30 years of WHOI cruise data 4098 Alvin submersible dives Jason ROV surveys (200 DVD per cruise) Available to IODP proponents

15 Site location figure Synchronize with current data objects Original figure was submitted to proposal database Static pdf document May not be highest resolution Valid at time of original proposal form submission Provide links to SSDB datasets Reviewer can directly access High resolution images Segy data files Navigation files Bathymetry Dale Sawyer’s prototype site figure

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