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7 WAYS TO PROFIT FROM THE PROMISES By Rev Josh Chigorimbo 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "7 WAYS TO PROFIT FROM THE PROMISES By Rev Josh Chigorimbo 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 WAYS TO PROFIT FROM THE PROMISES By Rev Josh Chigorimbo 2015

2 1. PERSONALISE THEM God's promises work for us when we believe and own them at a personal level. One way of doing this is to re- read them in the first person singular. 2 Pet 1:4

3 2. PROCLAIM THEM After personally believing and owning them, the promises of God are activated by your confession. Proclaim with your mouth what you believe in your heart. Romans 10:10

4 3.PRAY THEM When we base our prayers on the promises of God, our prayers match the will of God. Then we are guaranteed answers. 1 John 5:14-15

5 4. PONDER THEM Meditating on the word of God prepares us for good success. Regular pondering over the wisdom of God, sets us up for perpetual fruitfulness. Joshua 1:8; Ps 1:2-3

6 5. PRACTICE THEM It's not enough to know and believe the promises, we have to play our part. In fact many promises are conditional on our obedience. Deuteronomy 28:1-2

7 6. PROPHESY THEM Authentic Spirit-birthed prophecy edifies, exhorts and comforts. The Spirit and the Scriptures never contradict one another. 1 Corinthians 14:3

8 6. PROMOTE THEM Our faith benefits many when it spreads, like the Thessalonians' faith, beyond our local, regional and global shores. 1 Thess. 1:8

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