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Education Teaching for society, through excellence and innovation.

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1 Education Teaching for society, through excellence and innovation

2 Structure of education 22010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology

3 A great deal of options Architecture and 15 Master of Science in Engineering Master in Engineering and of Education, with three possible specialisations 8 Bachelor of Science in Engineering 3 Bachelor programmes 51 Master’s programmes in English medium 4 Master’s programmes in Swedish medium 2 Higher Education Diploma programmes, Technical Preparatory Term and Further Education 13 344 full year students, 30% of whom are women 10 940 full year performances 32010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology Figures for 2009

4 A wide variety of programmes 35 programmes in Architecture, Master of Science in Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Engineering… Architecture Biotechnology Chemical Science and Engineering Civil Engineering and Urban Management Computer Science Construction Engineering Design and Product Realisation Electrical Engineering 4 Engineering Physics Engineering and Economics Energy and Environment Electro Technology Electronics and Computer Engineering Information and Communication Technology Materials Design and Engineering Mechanical Engineering Media Technology Medical Engineering Microelectronics Vehicle Engineering 2010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology

5 A wide variety of Master’s programmes Over 50 programmes in… Architecture Biotechnology The Built Environment Chemical Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering Industrial Management Information Technology Materials Science and Engineering Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Medical Engineering Physics 52010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology

6 A great place for postgraduates Postgraduate students 1 533 postgraduate students with a minimum of 50 % activity; 29 % women Degrees 222 doctoral degrees awarded; 27 % to women 128 licentiate degrees awarded; 34 % to women 6 Figures for 2009 2010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology

7 The international technical university of Sweden In the academic year 2008/2009, KTH had approximately: 1 350 exchange students 4 300 registered on Master’s programmes taught in English 72010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology

8 A lot of new faces every year 3 404 new students on the Master of Architecture or Science in Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Bachelor of Science and on Technical Preparatory Courses; 30 % are women 1 647 new students starting Master’s programmes; 26 % are women 347 admitted to doctoral studies; 32 % are women 82010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology Figures for 2009

9 Exchange students at KTH 9 Figures for 2009 2010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology

10 International Master’s Students 102010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology Students with admission qualifications from the following countries: Figures for 2009

11 A considerable number of degrees issued 955 Master of Architecture and Masters of Engineering, 29 % of whom are women 259 Bachelor’s of Engineering, 24 % of whom are women 776 Master degrees/Master of Science, 28 % of whom are women 222 doctoral degrees awarded, 27 % to women 128 licentiate degrees awarded; 34 % to women 112010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology Figures for 2009

12 At the Scandinavian top According to the Times Higher Education Rankings, KTH is… the top ranked technical university in Sweden the second-ranked technical university in Scandinavia, after the Technical University of Denmark ranked in the top 200 universities globally 122010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology Figures for 2009

13 Partner universities all over the world 13 A small selection of the most important KTH partner universities: EPFL, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland INPG, Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble, France TU München, Germany NUS, National University of Singapore HKUST, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China University of Melbourne, Australia University of Tokyo, Japan 2010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology

14 Erasmus Mundus – Top quality European Education Erasmus Mundus is an EU programme supporting university cooperation at the master’s and doctoral levels. It aims to provide top-quality European education in terms of joint programmes, to attract the best students from all over the world. The programmes are offered by a group of partner universities and include studies in at least two countries. Scholarships covering both tuition fees and living costs are available. 142010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology

15 Erasmus Mundus – Top quality European Education KTH coordinates five Erasmus Mundus Master’s programmes and one Doctoral programme, all starting in the autumn term of 2010. These are: Computer Simulations for Science and Engineering European Master’s in Distributed Computing Environmental Pathways for Sustainable Energy Systems Systems Biology Turbomachinery Aeromechanic University Training EuroSPIN (Doctoral programme) 152010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology

16 Erasmus Mundus – Top quality European Education KTH also participates in another seven Master’s programmes and one Doctoral programme: Industrial Management Management and Engineering of Environment and Energy Materials and Sensors System for Environmental Technologies Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics Photonics Information and Communication Technologies Security and Mobile Computing Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Sustainable Energy Technologies and Strategies (Doctoral programme) 162010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology

17 Part of top quality Global Education Erasmus Mundus Action II is a scholarship programme aimed at increasing opportunities for non-European students and researchers in the EU and vice versa Part of the Erasmus Mundus, scholarships grant up to EUR 1000 a month, for 3 to 34 months KTH coordinates projects aimed at: -India KTH participates in projects aimed at: -Jordan, Lebanon and Syria -Brazil -China -India 172010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology

18 Creating a European cluster CLUSTER is a network consisting of twelve prominent European technical universities. During the KTH chair period this network has become a platform and a competence base aimed at: developing joint master’s programmes developing grant applications to different EU institutions establishing contacts with the EU commission 182010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology

19 High-level goals for internationalisation KTH goals for 2012: Number of exchange students will double; from 338 to 675 Number of European students in Master’s programmes will increase from 250 to at least 450 The exchange of teachers with foreign universities will increase Graduates will be attractive on international markets Cooperation with international elite universities will be further developed KTH will be a leading partner within the European Institute of Innovation and Technology 192010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology

20 Student projects Improving society long before graudation

21 Taking innovation abroad Scholarship programmes coordinated by KTH: Minor Field Studies -Field studies in a developing country -Open for about 30 students every year Linneaus-Palme -Exchange programme with universities in the developing world, for teachers and undergraduates Tempus -Cooperation with universities in former Soviet union, Middle east, northern Africa and Balkan countries. -Supporting development of higher education, functions within the university administration etc. Erasmus - Around 860 incoming and 130 outgoing students 212010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology

22 Field studies in a Kenyan slum Pilot study of how biogas could be implemented for cooking Took place in a slum area outside Kisumu The study mapped the current situation for distribution, sale and use of fuel for cooking 222010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology Students Maria Udén and Anna Bondesson conducting their field study outside of Kisumu, Kenya.

23 Evaluating Bolivia’s water A field study evaluating the water quality of an area in the Bolivian Antiplano Collected geology samples, as well as water samples from about 80 wells Focused on arsenic and other trace metals Results can be used to design remediation measures or find alternative clean water resources in the area 232010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology Students Hannes Wern and Fredrik Johnsson collecting water and geology samples at Lake Lago Poopo, Bolivia.

24 A different approach to recruitment 242010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology

25 KTH on the inside A 2008 study showed that potential students had difficulties understanding the engineering professions As a response, KTH on the Inside was started – a recruitment campaign displaying several exciting student projects Students shared their projects through blogs, pictures, Facebook and YouTube-movies With over 100 000 viewers and 50 000 blog-readers, KTH on the Inside was highly successful 252010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology President of KTH Peter Gudmundson and Vice President Eva Malmström Jonsson awarding prizes to some of the students in KTH on the Inside, 2009.

26 Finding the key to MS Multiple Sclerosis is a neurological illness that causes severe disability. The causes of MS are unknown. The Key to Multiple Sclerosis is part of an international research project, mapping out the proteins of the human body. The students were given the task of analysing proteins in the blood of MS patients originating from an isolated region of Sardinia, in the hope that this could provide clues to the cause for this illness. 262010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology Burcu Ayoglu, one of the students at KTH involved in the Multiple Sklerosis project.

27 IT in the developing world Thanks to students from KTH, inhabitants of northern Tanzania now have access to internet and cell phones. The project ”IT to Tanzania” used fiber optics to develop communication solutions for developing countries. The project also developed applications for use in health care in two districts of northern Tanzania. 27 Henrik Carlsson, Lars Dovervik and Daniel Alexus, students of Industrial Engineering and Management 2010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology

28 Electrifying the wave It looks like a normal surf board, but is powered by an electric engine, and gives the rider a sense of hovering on the waves. ”Evolo – the green water vessel” can travel up to 15 knots. An attempt at creating the next water toy, the project was carried out by students from, among other programmes, Vehicle Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. 282010-05-06KTH Royal Institute of Technology Some of the students involved in creating Evolo.

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