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From local to European identity- case study of Varna, city candidate for ECoC in 2019 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vesselina Dimitrova Scientific Consultant of the.

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Presentation on theme: "From local to European identity- case study of Varna, city candidate for ECoC in 2019 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vesselina Dimitrova Scientific Consultant of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 From local to European identity- case study of Varna, city candidate for ECoC in 2019 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vesselina Dimitrova Scientific Consultant of the Secretariat of the project ‘Varna – candidate for ECoC 2019’ e-mail: Ms. Stanislava Genkova Department of Culture, Varna Municipality Expert of ECoC; e-mail: 28/10/2011

2 Identity LOCAL: Accumulation of values for citizens; EUROPEAN: Process to live together, integrated; Identity and funds More financial resources before the selection period for better quality of ECoC programme 28/10/2011

3 Purpose of the paper: To analyze to which extent the financial resources could be useful for reinforcing the European profile of Varna; 28/10/2011 Methodology: Collaborative research between the University of Economics-Varna and the Municipality of Varna; NATIONAL SOCIOLOGICAL SURVEY: 610 interviews, carried out in 61 centers in Varna. 60 % of the interviewees were born in Varna. Hypothesis : The determining factor of European identity is the possibility of establishing an intercultural dialogue between diverse cultures of Europe, but their creativity needs to be found not only on arts, but also on innovation projects and ideas for sustainable local/regional development.

4 Characteristics of the identity and funds of Varna for ECoC 2019  Varna – the first city, which launched its candidature for ECoC in 2006;  The candidature integrates all cultural institutions and Local government (Secretariat within the Department "Culture and Spiritual Development" for the candidacy of the city);  Funds from the local budget are used to support the candidature of the city;  The budget of Varna for ECoC initiative is formed a year in advance;  The budget expenditures are for administration, promotion and programming.  Municipality of Varna is programming to use funds for ECoC under Culture 2007-2013, Interreg IVC and other national operative programmes for regional development. 4 28/10/2011

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6 Local interpretation of the European identity in programming ECoC 2019 Promotion of innovative and original intercultural dialogue; Managing youth demands and stimulating the participation of young people in international projects; Making city profiling by including the name “ Varna ” in the motto of the campaign, because it accounts the ability of the city to create and organize local and international cultural products with high quality. 6 28/10/2011

7 European dimensions of Varna as a candidate for ECоC 2019 The respondents accept the candidature of Varna as an opportunity to: - promote the Bulgarian culture and art at European level (93%); - enrich the cultural life of Varna with European artists (91%). ATTENTION: 8 % of the surveyed cannot rate how far the candidature of the city would contribute to the European integration of the country and 11% think that Varna is not a part of the European cultural life. 7 28/10/2011

8 European dimensions of Varna as a candidate for ECоC 2019 Low level of willingness of the locals to participate in a cultural event for ECoC as well as very low degree of readiness for accomplishment of ECoC volunteering; 28/10/2011

9  Locals want the city to improve its infrastructure, more attention to be paid to ecology and cleanliness and to promote more cultural heritage, museums, theaters and children’s performances of Varna in the competition on candidature for 2019; Strengthening “creative environments” 9 28/10/2011

10  Citizens see the greatest benefits of the candidature of Varna for ECoC in the field of tourism development (88%);  19 % of the surveyed do not think that the prize ECoC brings also benefits in the social sphere of the city; 10 28/10/2011 Strengthening “creative environments”

11 Challenges for Varna: identity- crisis Regional choice of integration: useful work between Varna and the cities in the region of Varna, which have already signed a Memorandum of cooperation for the candidature of Varna for European Capital of Culture in 2019 Revision of the public budget for culture, including also private sponsors Change of the administrative structure for ECoC 12/9/2011

12 Change in the motivation of the citizens and the politicians about the meaning and benefits of Varna's candidacy for European Capital of Culture in 2019 …Conservative and sceptic attitudes are something unavoidable and the fight continues even after the selection for ECoC…. Principal challenge for the city of Varna 28/10/2011

13 68 % of the surveyed consider that Varna has better chances than other cities-candidates in the competition for ECoC 2019; … Keep the faith … 13 28/10/2011

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