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THE Core/Corp of the Library

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1 THE Core/Corp of the Library
VOLUNTEERS THE Core/Corp of the Library Dee Crowner Library Director North Liberty Community Library

2 North Liberty Community Library Volunteer Policy
The North Liberty Community Library’s volunteers are an important extension of the Library’s staff. Volunteers perform a wide variety of tasks that are vital to the institution. The following policy is designed to promote a maximum degree of excellence. Definition of a Volunteer One who performs a service of his or her own free will; one who contributes time, energy and talents directly or on behalf of the North Liberty Community Library and is not paid by Library funds. All volunteers must be accepted and enrolled by the Library prior to performance of assigned tasks. Overall Policy on Utilization of Volunteers In order to achieve the vision and mission statement of the North Liberty Community Library, we view the active participation of citizens, of a variety of ages, as a valuable resource to the Library. After fulfilling Library procedures, the Library accepts and encourages the involvement of volunteers at most levels of the Library and within appropriate programs and activities. Volunteers shall be extended the right to be given meaningful assignments, the right to be treated as an equal, the right to effective supervision, the right to full involvement and participation and the right to recognition of good work.

3 Guidelines for Volunteers
Each volunteer is required to wear a volunteer badge. Volunteers will receive regular training from the appropriate supervisor. Special accommodations will be made upon request. A background check may be made on each adult volunteer. Volunteers will make note of time donated in the Volunteer Notebook. Volunteers will show respect to patrons, other volunteers and staff. Should a Volunteer have a grievance with a staff person, another volunteer or library patron, every attempt will be made to handle the situation through the Library Director or appropriate supervisor. The North Liberty Community Library reserves the right to terminate the services of the volunteer if merited. Volunteers may be used to increase the Library’s services. Volunteers may not be used to establish and maintain new library services. Volunteers will not be used to replace or reduce the number of paid staff. Volunteers will be covered with respect to liability insurance in relation to their duties. Volunteers should expect to fulfill a commitment agreed upon with the Library. Volunteers are recognized as contributors to the goals and services of the Library.  Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of ALL library information. Failure to maintain confidentiality will result in immediate termination of the volunteer. The Library staff will, upon request, provide letters of reference for the volunteer, if deemed appropriate. Volunteers may start service in 5th grade. All volunteers are registered by completing an application form. Procedures and requirements for the volunteer will vary with age of volunteer. All personal information about the volunteer is for internal use only. Written parental permission is required for all junior volunteers (5th and 6th grade). Volunteers will not be expected to do anything staff would not do. Discriminatory or racist incidents will not be tolerated Volunteers are prohibited from being under the influence of, using, possessing, selling or otherwise being involved with illegal substances and alcohol. Library Volunteer Policy (continued)

4 Library Volunteer Policy (continued)
Tasks That May Be Performed By a Volunteer Shelf Reading (mandatory) Shelving material (mandatory) Helping with programs and projects Being a group leader with the Summer Reading Program Light cleaning assignments Answering the telephone Basic reference work Working the circulation desk Cataloging Filing Special events Helping with material selection Most task assignments will depend on the interest and age of the volunteer. Junior volunteer assignments are handled on a volunteer by volunteer basis by the Youth and Teen Services Librarians.

5 Library Volunteer Policy (continued)
Types of Warnings Verbal Written Dismissal Types of Volunteers Adult Teen (TAG—Teen Advocate Group) Junior (junior volunteers) Community Service workers Friends of the Library Library Board Special Projects   

6 Library Volunteer Policy (continued)
Benefits of Being a Volunteer Feeling good about yourself A feeling of accomplishment Being of service to your community Great parties Good food Recognition by staff, community, friends, etc. Special “perks” offered by the library Chances at Continuing Education Opportunities References provided Awards Meeting new people and making new friends Getting to know the library procedures, policies, the effort it takes to run and maintain a library Job training for future jobs

7 Application for Volunteer Service - North Liberty Community Library
The Library offers a variety of volunteer opportunities. Please fill out the following application form. Date of Application______________ Last Name ________________________ First Name___________________M.I.____ Address________________________________________________________________ City__________________________________ State____________ Zip_____________ Phone (H)________________________ (Other)_______________________________ __________________________ Date of Birth___________________________ Availability: Please circle the day(s) of the week you are available Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Please circle time of day you are available 9am to 11am am to 1pm pm to 3pm pm to 4pm pm to 5pm 5pm to 7pm pm to 8pm Arrangements may be made to volunteer at other times. How often can you volunteer? Please circle one of the following Once a week once every two weeks once a month as needed by special arrangement

8 Application for Volunteer Service (continued)
Volunteer assignments interested in learning: Please circle areas of interest: Shelving (mandatory) Shelf reading (mandatory) Computers Cataloging Material selection Working with children Storytimes Office work Working with young adults Processing materials Summer Reading Program other_______________________________    Please list prior volunteer experience______________________________________ Emergency Contact: Name__________________________________________ Phone__________________ Relation_____________________________- Volunteer’s Signature___________________________________________________ Parent Signature _______________________________________________________ (for junior volunteers) Application for Volunteer Service (continued)

9 Recruitment of volunteers
All media Library newsletter Newspapers Radio Television Library Newsletter Friends brochure Web page (library and city) Scrolly thing Bulletin Board Through schools (all levels and homeschool) Word of mouth Senior Centers Youth Centers Local clubs and organizations

10 Types of recruits Adults Can/will do pretty much anything
Available most any time/dependable Have other commitments/not always available when needed Kids Gone in winter/vacations Appointments Play time Can call on them to step in when needed Teens Good with younger kids/help with programs Not available much during school year Great help with SRP/during summer SRP group leaders Help with shelving Help with patrons Help at desk Will step in if they see you need help when they are in the library

11 Types of recruits (continued)
Kids Don’t go younger than 4th grade but even better to stick with 5th and 6th graders Attention spans of gnats (don’t schedule for more than two hours but better for an hour) Love to help Can do a lot of what teens and adults can Homeschoolers Available during day Get whole families involved Can do almost anything Listen well Handicapped

12 Types of recruits (continued)
Boards/commissions Library Board Informed Usually doesn’t involve as much time as regular volunteer work Willing to attend workshops Like to micromanage Can be on Board forever Friends of Library Willing to raise and spend money Get business people involved Doesn’t involve a whole lot of time Think they know what library needs to spend “their” money on Community Service “volunteers” Service groups Patrons working off fines “Bad” people that need community service hours

13 Pros and Cons I. Pros Available most hours of the day
Want to be at library Dedicated Learn well Impress powers that be City councils County Board of supervisors State Officials Community Patrons Parents Other kids Good for getting outside funding Grants Donations Help staff with many jobs Can fill in for staff II Cons Powers that be don’t think you need paid staff Takes time to train and then they leave Don’t always want to be there (kids especially but parents think it is great idea) Friends want to work with friends Not always there when you really need them

14 Benefits for volunteers
Satisfaction of being able to help What we do at NLCL Volunteer Week Friends (who are volunteers) provide small gift Volunteer Appreciation Lunch--If we can’t talk restaurant into donating food Friends pay for lunch Library also contributes small gift Acknowledgement in local media Plaques on Wall of Fame Name on plaque after 200 and 400 hours Picture on Wall after 600 hours Plaque acknowledging Friends Board members Use library discount to order books (if legal in state) Write letters of recommendations School Jobs Free pass to Rec, Center and aquatic Center Learning something interesting Library pays for volunteers to attend workshops/PLM

15 Things to remember when working with volunteers
Start your program small (one of two people) Have volunteer policy and application (see I) Will probably need Volunteer Coordinator when program gets going   Don’t start with kids   Keep expectations low at first   Give them meaningful tasks   Most adult volunteers can do anything we can do   If you have a union find out what they allow volunteers to do   It is okay to fire/discipline volunteers   Say thank you a lot   Okay to give tests   If possible assign someone else to be volunteer coordinator but make sure they are “good with people (either staff or another volunteer)   With Junior High and older volunteers let them take responsibility—not parents. You aren’t writing recommendations for parents.

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