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Sigma Sigma Phi Delta Chapter. General Information KCUMB was founded in 1916 as the Kansas City College of Osteopathy and Surgery Located in Downtown.

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Presentation on theme: "Sigma Sigma Phi Delta Chapter. General Information KCUMB was founded in 1916 as the Kansas City College of Osteopathy and Surgery Located in Downtown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sigma Sigma Phi Delta Chapter

2 General Information KCUMB was founded in 1916 as the Kansas City College of Osteopathy and Surgery Located in Downtown Kansas City, MO Total medical school enrollment: 1,005

3 Induction First and second year students who are in the top 30% of their class are eligible to apply for membership. Members are chosen based on their degree of professionalism, scholarship, campus involvement, along with service to the University and the profession A banquet will be held in April to induct the new 1 st and 2 nd -year members

4 Club Standards Academically, must stay within top 45% of class Not participating in club committee will get your membership removed; no refunds of SSP membership fee Must participate in 1 community service event per semester (Blood Drives, DSG, D.O. Presentation) Standards apply to everybody according to our chapter’s by-laws

5 Delta Chapter There are currently 140 members of the Delta Chapter Class of 2015: 54 Class of 2016: 55 Class of 2017: 31 61 of these members were inducted this past spring

6 Delta Chapter Executive Board Dr. Rance McClain, D.O. 2014-2015 Executive Officers President – Nicholas Austin (Me) Vice President – Tyler Aronstein Secretary – Alexandria Larson Treasurer – Andrew Tomaw Chapter Advisor

7 Delta Committees Selection Committee –Co-Chairs – Adrianna Darwish and Jenny Goltser Scholarship/Academic Committee –Chair – Edward Chi Community Service Committee –Chair – Haley Stewart

8 Selection Committee Activities: 1.T-shirt Fundraiser Sales – Early November 2.New Member Selections Date: Spring PEP Week 3.Banquet Date: April 2015 Chair Responsibilities : -Coordinate t-shirt printing /sales and delegate tasks Contact: Holly@bookstore -Establish date and conduct member selection meeting and delegate tasks -Coordinate new member banquet and delegate tasks

9 Selection Committee Specifics Fundraising –T-shirt sale this November –50% of proceeds will be donated to the scholarships we give out each year.

10 Scholarship Committee Activities: 1.MUSK PowerPoint Slides (2 PPTs of 50 slides) Date: September 2014 2. Jan Oliveri award for a first year student/ Outstanding Tutor Award Date: March 2014 3. Participate in D.O. Presentation with a College Honor Society Date: Spring PEP Week Chair Responsibilities: -Delegate PPT responsibilities -Conduct/organize Meeting for this committee for both scholarships -Coordinate with SSP President for this event - Denise Todd, Pre-Med Advisor

11 Scholarship Committee Specifics Gross Anatomy Mock Practical –As part of the chapter’s scholarship component, we will provide Gross Anatomy mock practicals via PowerPoint for 1 st year medical students: –Musculoskeletal –Cardiopulmonary –Gastrointestinal –Renal

12 Scholarship Committee Specifics Osteopathic Medicine Presentation –We partner with a local college’s honor society (University of Missouri – Kansas City) to promote Osteopathic medicine. –Presentation Topics include: History of Osteopathic profession Acceptance into an Osteopathic program OMT demonstration

13 Community Service Committee Responsibilities 1. Participate in Blood Drives Dates: August 27 November January April 2. Participate in Down Syndrome Guild Society Volunteer Activities Dates: Oct. 19 (Step Up for Down Syndrome Walk) and Spring 2014 (DSG Easter and/or Prom) Chair Responsibilities -Delegate your people to time slots at drives; Notify SSP VP -Coordinate with DSG for future events and notify SSP VP Contact: Amy Stoll

14 Community Service Committee Specifics Blood Drives –We will hold 4 blood drives this year. Our partnerships are with the Community Blood Center of Greater Kansas City and the American Red Cross.

15 Community Service Committee Specifics Down Syndrome Guild Society of KC –We thoroughly enjoy volunteering at the Down Syndrome Guild events with the children and their families. –Future Events include volunteering at their Walk Relay at Arrowhead Stadium, their Easter Party, and their Prom Party

16 SSP-Delta Scholarships Jan Oliveri Scholarship –Given to a first year that has gone above and beyond the call of duty in community service, organizational involvement, leadership, and academics Jeremy Bickling Scholarship –Recognizes the great efforts of a teaching assistant or tutor

17 SSP Tutoring Initiative Started this year SSP offers individualized tutoring on a voluntary basis for first year students who are identified by the University as “at risk” Students are given the names of available tutors and request to meet as needed

18 ΣΣΦ - Delta Chapter We are looking forward to the year ahead as we continue to grow and become a more active organization at KCUMB. We are committed to challenging ourselves academically, our service in the Kansas City community, and furthering the Osteopathic Profession!

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