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Copyright / Legal liability Paul Van den Bulck Brussels 6 th of february 2004 Law of : New Technologies Intellectual.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright / Legal liability Paul Van den Bulck Brussels 6 th of february 2004 Law of : New Technologies Intellectual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright / Legal liability Paul Van den Bulck WWW.ULYS.NET Brussels 6 th of february 2004 Law of : New Technologies Intellectual Property Media and Entertainment Commercial Law Lawyer at the Brussels Bar Lecturer at the University of Strasbourg Assistant at the University of Brussels

2  Review on the basis of the European legislation  Diversity of the geographic seats of the different Euro Info Centers  Diversity of the different national legislations implementing the different European rules (some of them are sometimes more restrictive when the directives allow it) Preliminary remarks

3 3 aspects : I. Find the information II. Extract the information III. Deliver the information Legal and information watch

4  analogue (“paper”)  electronic (internet,..)  verbal sources (political speeches, declarations, public lectures,, …) I. Finding of the information - Various medium : - No specific legal problem linked to the medium

5 II. Extraction of the information - Protection of the information by the copyright framework - Protection by the databases legal framework

6 A. Protection by the copyright 2 main types of rights: - Economic rights: reproduction, communication and distribution - Moral rights: mainly the right of respect of the integrity of the work and the right for the author to have his name indicated on the work.

7 Various exceptions to the economic rights - Vary from a member state to another - Main exceptions included in the directive on Information society and interesting the Euro Info Centers  Reproductions on paper or any similar medium  Quotation (+ author’s name)  Political speeches as well as extracts of public lectures or similar work (+ author’s name)

8 B. Protection by the databases legal framework (directive 96/9/EC) Definition database : (1) a collection of independent works, data or other materials arranged (2) in a systematic or methodical way (3) and individually accessible by electronic or other means. Some Websites enter in the definition of the databases.

9 Legal system : - Protection of the presentation of the database :  “Sui generis” right in favor of the “maker”: the right of the maker of a database to prevent extraction and or re-utilization of the whole or of a substantial part of the contents of the database  Condition of this right: the maker must show that there has been a substantial investment in either the obtaining, verification or presentation of the contents Copyright in favor of the author if : by reason of the selection or arrangement of its contents,constitutes the author’s own intellectual creation - Protection of the database itself : - Protection of one or several data by copyright : data = work of author

10 Right of the maker : prevent …  Extraction: transfer to another medium  Re-utilization: making available to the public (distribution of copies, renting, transmission on-line, etc…)

11 III. Delivery of the Information 3 aspects :  Nature of the information  Means of delivery  Others Liabilities than those linked to copyright “sensu lato”

12 A. Nature of the information - Raw information (as find) - Processed information

13 1. Raw information - Duty to respect the author’s right (copyright), except if possibility to invoke an exception:  Duty to obtain the consent of the author for the delivery;  Usually payment of a compensation for a license to use;  Mentioning of his name. - Duty to respect the protection given to the author and maker of the databases:  Prior and possible copyright on the data themselves (photo, music, text…);  Possible copyright on the presentation of the database  “Sui generis” right of the maker of the database: Duty to obtain the authorization for the extraction or re-utilization of the data

14 2. Processed information  The processed information may be eligible to copyright protection  The processed information may be eligible to databases protection

15 B. Means of delivery - Delivery via website - Delivery by e-mail

16 1. Delivery via website - Raw information:  Duty to respect the copyright and databases legal framework  Copyright: publication on a website of a protected work is a reproduction and communication  Databases: publication on a website of a protected work is an extraction and a re-utilization

17 - Processed Information :  eligible to protection by copyright  eligible to protection by databases  Utility to mention the protection :  © ©  “ the database ………….. is protected by the databases regulations. It is strictly forbidden, without the consent of the maker, to extract and/or re-utilize the whole or a substantial part of the content of this database”  Utility to use specific tools: PDF, technological measures (directive on information society : access control/protection process : encryption, scrambling, copy control mechanism, etc…)”

18 2. Delivery by e-mail - Raw information :  Duty to respect the copyright and databases legal framework  Copyright: delivery via e-mail of a protected work is a reproduction and communication  Databases: delivery in a e-mail of whole or part of a protected work is an extraction and a re-utilization

19 - Processed Information :  Eligible to protection by copyright  Eligible to protection by databases, but in practice the e-mail in itself will not be a database, maybe the attachment  Utility to mention the protection (Theory/practice? / carefulness) :

20 C. Others Liabilities than those linked to copyright “sensu lato” Others liabilities linked to the delivery of information  via a website Others liabilities linked to the delivery of information  via e-mails

21 1. Others liabilities linked to the delivery of information via a website May vary from a member state to another :  Erroneous information: contractual or extra-contractual liability (utility of disclaimers concerning the accuracy of the information)  Press offence (Belgium)  Answer right (Belgium)  etc…

22 2. Others liabilities linked to the delivery of information via e-mails May vary from a member state to another :  Erroneous information: contractual or extra-contractual liability (utility of disclaimers concerning the accuracy of the information)  EC Regulations concerning the processing of personal data and protection of privacy  EC Regulations concerning SPAM

23 Focus : what about SPAM ? 2 Directives to combine :  Directive 2000/31/EC on electronic commerce  Directive 2002/58/EC on privacy and electronic communications

24 Directive 2000/31/EC on electronic commerce  Concept of commercial communication : « any form of communication designed to promote, directly or inderectly, the goods, services or image of a company, organisation or person pursuing a commercial, industrial or craft activity » (2 exceptions)  Legal regime Article 6 : information to be provided Article 7 : unsolicited commercial communication ­ SPAM must be clearly identified as such ­ Opt-out regime

25 Directive 2002/58/EC on privacy and electronic communication  Concept of communication : « any information exchanged or conveyed between a finite number of parties by means of a publicly available electronic communications service »  Unsolicited communications (article 13) Opt-in regime : prior consent (direct marketing) Exception : opt-out if (i) existing commercial relationship, (ii) same natural or legal person, (iii) similar products or services and (iv) consumer is given the opportunity to refuse reception

26 IV. Example: Euro Info Center Namur




30 V. Conclusion - Do not forget that the 3 steps of information watch have legal consequences:  Find  Extract  Deliver  Check the rights upstream  Mention the rights downstream and use protection devices  Do not forget all other possible liabilities (accuracy, processing of personal data, press offences, etc…)  Use legal notice



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