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Marisha L. Johnson Mental Health Planner Oregon Health Authority Addictions & Mental Health Division 9/11/2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Marisha L. Johnson Mental Health Planner Oregon Health Authority Addictions & Mental Health Division 9/11/2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marisha L. Johnson Mental Health Planner Oregon Health Authority Addictions & Mental Health Division 9/11/2012

2 -sEbqDvU&feature=player_detailpage 9/11/2012

3  Abacus  Center for Human Development  Central City Concern  Clackamas County  ColumbiaCare  Deschutes County  Laurel Hill  Lifeways  LifeWorks NW  Lutheran Community Services NW  Marion County  Marion County EASA  Options for Southern Oregon  Mid-Columbia Center for Living  ShelterCare  Working Wonders 9/11/2012

4  Cascadia (102)  Jackson County (113)  Linn County (100)  Douglas County (104) 9/11/2012


6  This data is compiled from the quarterly reports submitted by the 14 providers receiving indigent funding, and 3 providers volunteering to submit the data.  If you are not currently submitting quarterly data, please consider doing so. This information is invaluable in sharing the success of Evidence Based Supported Employment. 9/11/2012

7  SE Programs provided services to 2,921 Unduplicated Individuals 9/11/2012

8  Of those:  52% are men  48% are women  62% were covered by Medicaid  12% were young adults in transition (14-25)  The average age of participants was 39.9 years old  The youngest was 16  The most experienced was 73  The average employment rate was 38.5% 9/11/2012

9  The average overall length of stay was 10.8 months  Ranging from 5.4 months to 16.0 months  The average length of stay for individuals covered by Medicaid was 11.6 months  Ranging from 4.7 months to 16.4 months  The average length of stay for individuals not covered by Medicaid was 10.4 months  Ranging from 1.2 months to 22.4 months 9/11/2012


11  Beginning January 1, 2013, responsibility for the SE Medicaid code will transfer to CCOs.  Funding for indigent services is expected to be moved to the “Flexible Funding” allotment in the County Financial Assistance Agreement. 9/11/2012

12  Health System Transformation and AMH System Change are still in the process of implementation.  There are many decisions still to be made including how fidelity will be implemented.  Stay tuned!  Get the most current information on CCOs at:  Get the most current information on AMH System Change at: em-change/index.aspx 9/11/2012

13 Marisha L. Johnson Mental Health Planner 503-947-5544 9/11/2012

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