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Headings of Chapters in YOUR LIFE MANUAL.  Self-image and acceptance:  Dress?  Style?  Acceptance and Love of  Name, Gender, Sexual Orientation,

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Presentation on theme: "Headings of Chapters in YOUR LIFE MANUAL.  Self-image and acceptance:  Dress?  Style?  Acceptance and Love of  Name, Gender, Sexual Orientation,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Headings of Chapters in YOUR LIFE MANUAL

2  Self-image and acceptance:  Dress?  Style?  Acceptance and Love of  Name, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Ethnicity, Race  Cultural Identity vs. Social Acceptance?

3  High School Graduation  Sports/Extracurriculars/Music and Art: Priority?  Prom: Dress? Date?

4  Which one?  Close or Far?  Home or dorm?  Expensive Dream or Affordable Choice  How to Transition?  Play Sports?  Course of study?  Graduate School?

5  Application?  Which one?  Location?  Family Business?  Military?

6  Become a Pet Owner?  Travel the World?  Purchases: Cars, Jewelry, Presents, Clothes

7  Faith?  God? Which one?  Convert for marriage or belief  Evil vs. Good  What is the meaning of life?

8  Save or Spend?  Investments?  Loans?

9  International Move  Close to Family  Buy or Rent  City, Country, Suburbs?

10  Definition  How to gain and keep it!

11  True vs. Not  Breakups

12  Yes or No?  To Whom?  When?  Proposal?  Bridal Party?  Divorce?

13  Parents – Relationships: strained or close? Trusting, loving?  Children? Yes or No? How many? Biological or Adopted? Values?  Working vs. SAHP

14  Health  Fitness  Creative and Intellectual Pursuits  Balancing Time

15  Drugs and Alcohol  Ride with driver under the influence?

16  Procedures?  Braces?  Plastic Surgery?

17  Definition?  True Friends?  Loyalty?  Tough decisions?

18  Retirement  Parental Elderly Care

19  Family member or Personal?  Inheritance?

20  Voting  Political Views

21  Trusting Yourself Over Your Parents?  Mentors? Where to seek advice/help. From whom?  Volunteering?  Self-sacrifice vs. Pride  Regret or Acceptance?  Quitting or Continuing?  Community Involvement?  Morals and Ethics?  Going against your word?  Having patience?  Lying? Breaking Promises?  Right and Wrong?  Forgiveness? Compassion?  Anxiety and Nerves?  Does the end justify the means?  Happiness: Finding and Maintaining it! Keeping Others Happy.

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