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What schools are there in your country
урок изучения новой темы подготовила Анфарович У. К., учитель английского языка МКОУ «СОШ№7» г.п. Талинка
Finish, please. 1.Live and… learn.
2.All wish to possess knowledge, but… few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price. 3.To know everything is… to know nothing. 4.As for me all I know is … that I know nothing.(Socrates) Knowledge is like money: the more he gets, the more he craves. Men learn while they teach Уча других, люди учатся сами.
What’s the English for…
1.Век живи, век учись. 1.Live and learn. 2.Многие хотят обладать знаниями, но сравнительно немногие готовы заплатить за них требуемую цену. 2.All wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price. 3.Знать всё- значит не знать ничего. 3.To know everything is to know nothing.
4.Что касается меня, то я знаю только то, что я ничего не знаю.
4.As for me all I know is that I know nothing. (Socrates) 5.Знания подобны деньгам: чем больше Вы их имеете, тем ещё больше Вам хочется их иметь. 5.Knowledge is like money: the more he gets, the more he craves. 6.Трудно в учении, легко в бою. 6.The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. 7.Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда. 7.A cat in gloves catches no mice. Не учи учёного. 8.Don’t teach a fish to swim. 9. Яйца курицу не учат. 9. Don’t teach your grandmother to such eggs.
Repeat after Yana, please & try to interprite
To attend, 93per cent, education, independent, boarding schools, Eton, Harrow, Winchester, a kindergarten, nursery, optional, compulsory, comprehensive, to mean, most, primary, to divide, to decide, during, clay, timetable, curriculum, to provide, to offer, there, then, than, entrance examinations, to pass the 11+ exams, a subject, primary schools, whole, which, a stage, secondary, modelling;
Render the questions, you are to answer, into Russian, please.
Why is it difficult to understand the education system in GB? What schools provide free education? What schools do 93% of children attend in England? 4. When do parents have to pay for their children’s education? 5.What are the most famous public schools in England? .
Answer the questions, please.
Why is it difficult to understand the education system in GB? 1.Because it is different in different parts of the UK. 2. What schools provide free education? 2.State ones provide free education 3. What schools do 93% of children attend in England? 3.About 93% of children attend state schools in England. 4. When do parents have to pay for their children’s education? 4. Parents have to pay for their children’s education if they want to send them to a private or a public school. 5.What are the most famous public schools in England? 5.Eton, Harrow & Winchester are the most famous public schools in England.
Ex.1.4) p.95 Primary schools may be divided into two parts during the 1st two years reading, writing & arithmetic are taught for about 20 minutes a day. Much time is spent in modelling from clay or drawing The whole period of compulsory education is divided into four stages.
The key to ex.1.2)p.95 state, independent free
have to pay for their education must attend schools between 6/6,5 -16/17(in Russia) 5-16 ( in the UK) for small children/ optional five primary schools & comprehensive schools entrance examinations have to pass the 11+ exams national examinations
ex.2 p.73 A.B. 1.All children must attend school between the age of 5 and 16. 2.They discuss different problems in the lessons. 3.The government built a new school. 4.Pupils must take exams at the end of each stage of education. 5.They will know the results of the tests in a few days. 6.They had finished the work before the exams started. 7.In the next ten years, more people will have education through the Internet. 8.Has anyone told Ann about the news? 9. At the meeting they have taken two important decisions. 10. All pupils must do the home task in time.
THE KEY ex.2 p.73 A.B. 1.School must be attended by all children between the age of 5 and 16. 2.Different problems are discussed in the lessons. 3. A new school was built by the government . 4. Exams must be taken at the end of each stage of education. 5.The results of the tests will be known in a few days. 6.The work had been finished before the exams started. 7.In the next ten years, education will be had through the Internet. 8.Has the news been told about by anyone ? 9. At the meeting two important decisions have been taken . 10. The home task must be done in time by all pupils .
Home task 1.Хорошее чтение и перевод текста упражнения 1 страница 94 (выписать в словарь и выучить все незнакомые слова)- Володя, Саша, Эмин, Витя, Кристина, Катя. 2. Хорошее чтение и перевод текста упражнения 1 страница 94 (выписать в словарь и выучить все незнакомые слова), подготовить вопросы к тексту (5-8)письменно Егор, Игорь, Яна, Артём. 3. Написать сочинение и рассказать о системе образования в Англии – Настя, Игорь, Вадим, Мария.
I’ve earned+ (plus) , half+, - (minus)
Student 1: I have done my best. I have been well – mannered, attentive & active. Now I can change Active into Passive with the modal verbs. Student 2: I haven’t done my best. I haven’t been well – mannered, attentive & active. I have to work hard next lesson. I have only got some ideas about system of education in England
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