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What does Indicator #13 say? Virginia Department of Education  “Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable.

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2 What does Indicator #13 say? Virginia Department of Education  “Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are annually updated and based upon an age appropriate transition assessment, transition services, including courses of study, that will reasonably enable the student to meet those postsecondary goals, and annual IEP goals related to the student’s transition services needs. There also must be evidence that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition services are to be discussed and evidence that, if appropriate, a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority.” (20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(B)) Indicator #13

3 How will you review files? Virginia Department of Education  School divisions will report on IEPs developed between July 1 and June 30.  Each school division will review a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of IEPs for youth 16 and older, including students placed in other settings (private schools, employment, residential, etc). Indicator #13

4 How will you review files? Virginia Department of Education  Select records that represent:  all ages, 16 through 21  all schools within the school division  all disability categories proportionately represented  placements in settings outside of the public schools Indicator #13

5 How will you determine the number of files to review? Virginia Department of Education  Determine the total number of students with IEPs in the school division that are 16 years and older.  Select for review 20% of the school division’s total special education population, 16 years and older. Indicator #13

6 Here are some examples Virginia Department of Education  If the school division’s special education population, 16 years and older is 400, then select 20% of the records for 400 students.  20% of 400 or.20 X 400 = 80 REVIEW 80 Records  There are 1250 students in the school division ages 16 and older who have IEPs so select 20% of the records for 1250 students.  20% of 1250 or.20 X 1250 = 250 REVIEW 250 Records Indicator #13

7 How will you represent all the disabilities and settings? Virginia Department of Education  In selecting, identify records that proportionately represent each disability category within the school division (e.g., LD, OHI, VI, etc.).  In selecting, identify records from all schools within the school division with students 16 years and older, include students placed in other settings (school division placements in private schools, employment, residential, etc). Indicator #13

8 Here is an example Virginia Department of Education  Review 80 records; Proportionate representation  LD: 70% 70% of 80 or.70 X 80= 56  HI: 1% 1% of 80 or.01 X 80=.8 1  ED: 9% 9% of 80 or.09 X 80= 7.2 7  Intellectual Disability: 5% 5% of 80 or.05 X 80 4  OHI: 12% 12% of 80 or.12 X 80= 9.6 10  Autism: 3% 3% of 80 or.3% X 80= 2.4 2 Indicator #13

9 Small Numbers Virginia Department of Education  When 20% of the school division’s IEPs are 15 or less all records should be reviewed.  When the total population is less than 15, all records should be reviewed and reported. Indicator #13

10 Here are some examples Virginia Department of EducationIndicator #13

11 Large Numbers Virginia Department of Education  When 20% of the school division’s IEPs are more than 250, review and report on at least 250 IEPs.  An example:  2040 students age 16 and older with IEPs. 20% of 2040;.20 X 2040= 408; Review at least 250 files Indicator #13

12 More Questions? Virginia Department of Education Questions about using the survey or the web site? Contact Liz Getzel at 804-827-0748 Questions about the survey questions? Contact Marianne Moore at 804-225-2700 Need Transition technical assistance? Contact your regional T/TAC Indicator #13

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