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BACKGROUND Comprehensive Spending Review 2010 marked the beginning of the grant reduction programme Local government anticipating a 28% cut in grant over.

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Presentation on theme: "BACKGROUND Comprehensive Spending Review 2010 marked the beginning of the grant reduction programme Local government anticipating a 28% cut in grant over."— Presentation transcript:

1 BACKGROUND Comprehensive Spending Review 2010 marked the beginning of the grant reduction programme Local government anticipating a 28% cut in grant over the period HCC reduction is 43% over period (around £80M) Further cut of £27M in 2015/16 Inflationary pressures of around £14M per annum Social care demography and complexity pressures of £11.5M per annum Total savings requirement of £200M from 2011/12 to 2015/16 Net budget is around £750M

2 HCC RESPONSE Aim to deliver 4 years savings in 2 - £55M in 2011/12 and £45M in 2012/13 Based on original grant projections, this plus 1.9% council tax increase pa would have balanced the budget by 2014/15 Scale of grant reductions was greater than expected Council Tax Freeze Grant meant no base council tax income being generated each year No savings target in 2014/15 to give time and capacity to deliver further £93M by 2015/16 financial year Early delivery of savings in 2014/15 will provide funding for future transformation and change

3 BUSINESS RATE RETENTION 2013/14 estimate of £451M to be collected across Hampshire (excluding unitaries) 9% retained by HCC (£41M), £180M by districts £225M goes back to Government HCC receives £63M top up grant Estimates for next year up to £465M BUT Impact of accruing for potential appeals in current year producing significant deficits Many authorities at the safety net threshold (i.e. loss of more than 7.5% of income)

4 BUDGET 2014/15 – FINANCIAL SUMMARY £17.8M loss of Government grant £12.4M inflation and base changes £11.5M of social care growth £6.3M of savings from Children’s for Early Intervention Grant loss and £3M of slipped savings from Adults No increase in Council Tax Nothing assumed for New Homes Bonus but Government have now confirmed that we will keep this Net Deficit of £32.2M for the year - will be met by increased investment income and £25M draw from Grant Equalisation Reserve

5 UPDATE FOLLOWING SETTLEMENT New Homes Bonus being retained in current form (funding for LEPs now through additional borrowing) Council Tax Freeze Funding ‘in baselines’ from 2016/17 - £28.4M for HCC Revenue support grant lower by £1.4M following further 1% cut to Departmental Expenditure Limits Council tax surplus offset by business rates losses and RSG reduction Still need £25M draw from reserves to balance the budget

6 TRANSFORMING THE COUNCIL TO 2015 Programme based around corporate workstreams as in previous years. Key areas : –External spend –Working with Health (Better Care Fund and Public Health integration) –Integrated Business Centre –Senior management and staff overheads –IT Spend Target of £93.2M to be in place by April

7 CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2013/142014/152015/16 £’000 Adult Services11,6816,08114,481 Children’s Services89,96889,35773,497 Environment49,65641,80738,000 Policy and Resources56,29039,56030,310 Land and Site Purchase746 Total208,341177,551157,034 Total Programme 542,926

8 CAPITAL INVESTMENT – CONFIDENTIAL UNTIL 29 TH JANUARY Broadband investment to deliver 95% coverage of super fast broadband - £13M HCC investment Replacement for project resilience - £12M per annum using new homes bonus funding £12M investment in Country Parks Setting money aside for infrastructure investment to unlock key development sites Grants for ‘Investing in Hampshire’ – Tourism and Heritage School places continues to be a pressure - £30M extra from Government over next 2 years, £165M already being spent on providing 9,000 new school places across Hampshire £45M extra care housing programme Reviewing impact of flooding and potential remedies

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