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Warwickshire County Council Staff Briefing 24 April 2013 - Stratford.

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Presentation on theme: "Warwickshire County Council Staff Briefing 24 April 2013 - Stratford."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warwickshire County Council Staff Briefing 24 April 2013 - Stratford

2 Warwickshire County Council Key Messages Tough times ahead Need to think radically different We are not immune We are in this as a service together

3 Warwickshire County Council Current Financial/Medium Term Position

4 Warwickshire County Council The Future Funding Landscape Why do the Fire Service have to make savings? Reduction of £92 million over 4 years from a base budget of £320 million to: - Offset declines in government funding -Fund inflation and spending pressures The only way to reduce the level of savings is to: –Reduce demand for our services –More Houses to generate more council tax –Business growth to generate more business rates –Charge more via fees or council tax

5 Warwickshire County Council What’s next for the Fire Service? Cannot continue ‘as is’ Potential of £6 million reduction in the fire service budget by 2018 This means by 2018 we will have 30% less money to spend than now This equates to 40% of the workforce! We will need to identify new ways of working No single measure will work to meet the gap Alliances/shared services/collaboration is still very much on the agenda

6 Warwickshire County Council Future Thinking Redesign the service so we deliver the most effective emergency response possible Improve the outcomes we deliver where we can but do not ‘over perform’ Identify and agree what it is we can’t do and communicate it to the community Save money!

7 Warwickshire County Council Any questions?

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