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1.Choose your seat (If you choose wisely I may not have to move you) 2. When I raise my hand or you hear my voice – please stop talking. 3.I will take.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Choose your seat (If you choose wisely I may not have to move you) 2. When I raise my hand or you hear my voice – please stop talking. 3.I will take."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Choose your seat (If you choose wisely I may not have to move you) 2. When I raise my hand or you hear my voice – please stop talking. 3.I will take attendance out loud – listen for your name, RESPOND so that I can hear you and see your face.

2 We will go over the rules when we are finished getting organized WRITE THIS IN YOUR AGENDA: 1 – Black & White composition notebook (This stays in class) 1 – Pocket FOLDER to hold papers in order 1 – personal pencil sharpener that catches the shavings Pencils/pens/lined paper/eraser A box of tissue to share  Colored pencils @home (for homework)  1 – USB drive (thumb drive) optional but very helpful with projects (These can be inexpensive at the dollar store) Have a usable email account (approved by your caring adults) (This will be used often- for saving or sending various assignments to me) DONATIONS: Tissue, colored pencils, markers, hand wipes, etc. are all appreciated. THANK YOU!

3 Name Cards 1.Fold your big index card – hot dog style (it will look like a tent) 2.PRINT your name NEATLY on the front and back 3.On both sides, In the upper right corner, write your hour and put a circle around it 4.These cards will be passed out and collected everyday.

4 CALLING CARD You will get one small index card: Calling Card– PRINT YOUR NAME AND HOUR - Put a circle around the hour. (Nothing fancy). -Pass the card to the front when you are finished.

5 BIRTHDAY CARD You will get one small index card: Decorate Your Birthday Card – You may decorate your card however you wish. Make sure you write your NAME and BIRTHDAY on it. - These cards will be collected by the month and displayed. -Listen for your month. -They can be used later for bookmarks.

6 Contact Form Fill in only the top portion – the rest is for me. Print your name, address, phone number neatly. Write the name of your caring adult – especially if this person has a different name than you (this is the person that I need to talk to about you) If you know the email of your caring adult, add that too. Include the best time to call. I will collect these alphabetically – LISTEN FOR YOUR NAME

7 MY STUDENT SURVEY I would like to know about you. Fill in the questions as best you can. Print neatly so that I can read them. I will collect these paper alphabetically – LISTEN FOR YOU NAME Social Studies Folder This folder will be used for parent conferences. Print your name and hour on the front of the folder in marker (It has to be seen when the folder is closed). You may decorate your folder as you wish while you are waiting for me to collect the student surveys.

8 We are almost finished with getting organized. Name Card Home Contact Form Calling Card Birthday Card Student Survey Social Studies FOLDER (If you have it) ** If you need any of these – LET ME KNOW


10 Before Class: 1.Get Social Studies Notebook 2.Get Name Card 3.Be Prepared During Class: LISTEN AND FOLLOW DIRECTIONS (Do Your Work) At the End of Class: 1.Clean up after yourself (put supplies away, trash, etc.) 2.Put your Social Studies Notebook in the correct crate 3.Put your Social Studies Folder in the correct place (we may have to work this one out). 4.Turn in your Name Card (We will practice the procedures.)

11 You will have about 7 minutes to find a person that fits each statement. Write the name of the person beside the statement (or have them sign the paper). When you have all the statements filled – go back to your seat. We will tally how many people fit each statement. STAND UP and/or SIT DOWN as the following questions apply to you.

12 PERSONAL GOAL In your social studies notebook: Write the date Create a personal goal for this week in this class. Keep your goal simple and attainable so that you can be successful. Share with a partner Random people will be called upon to share their partner’s response. We will look at these goals on Friday to assess your success.

13 Writing Sample (in SS Notebook) Write about an experience you had this summer. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. Include what happened and how you felt. Share

14 CNN STUDENT NEWS AFTER WATCHING THE NEWS-- In your social studies notebook write a personal response or reflection of: An interesting article and why Something you learned An article that sparked feeling and why

15 Student Interview Try to find a person that you do not know very well (not your BFF). You will interview each other. Listen carefully You will introduce this person to the class using your interview sheet.

16 Social Studies Notebook Assess how you felt in class before the Getting to Know You and the Student Interview. Write the DATE in the margin & Respond IN YOUR NOTEBOOK Reflect on your feeling about getting to know another classmate. Write the DATE in the margin & Respond IN YOUR NOTEBOOK

17 Student Interview You will introduce your partner to the class. Tell us what you learned about him/her. You may stand together for moral support. We will respectfully listen to you. Turn in your interview sheets when you are finished.

18 In your social studies notebook assess the partner activities we have completed. How did you feel beforehand? How did you feel afterward? Are you feeling more comfortable in class? How could we help you or others to feel more comfortable in class (answering questions, presentations, etc.)? BE PREPARED TO SHARE

19 Project (homework) - You may work alone or with a partner. -You may use technology (computer, iPhone, etc.), a paper product, rap, or act it out. -If using technology you may use one of the listed apps or if you would like to use another… talk to me. (Apps: Blabberize, Bitstrips, Sock Puppets, Storyjumper) When using any media type - create a product that reflects how to get to know someone that you don’t know yet. How do you approach him/her? What do you say? How should they respond? Keep the scenario positive. You may email me the project at Put your FULL NAME & HOUR in the address bar

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