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Trajectory of pingpong ball + Racket detection Replicating trajectory of the ball by interpolating 3D coordinates.

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Presentation on theme: "Trajectory of pingpong ball + Racket detection Replicating trajectory of the ball by interpolating 3D coordinates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trajectory of pingpong ball + Racket detection Replicating trajectory of the ball by interpolating 3D coordinates.

2 Purpose –Interpolation of ball trajectory. Result data of “3D transformation” –Detection of pingpong rackets. –Data ready for visualisation. CSV(comma seperated value)

3 Realisation Tools: –Matlab 2010: Easy to use matrix calculations Built-in interpolation functions –Perl: XML -> CSV Easy to transform dataformats Information: –Matlab help, tutorials, internet Blackbox for end user: –XML -> -> Data for visualisation BlackBox

4 Implementation Blackbox uses 5 steps –Step 1: XML -> Matlab matrix –Step 2: Detectionof curves –Step 3: Spline generation –Step 4: Detection of ping pong rackets –Step 5: Data ready for visualisation

5 Implementation Blackbox in detail: # steps –Step 1: xml -> csv -> matlab matrix 1.Perscript called from within matlab –xml -> csv –Status = dos(‘perl’) 2.Matlab –csv -> matlab matrix –readcsv(“nameFile”)

6 Implementation –Step 2: Detection of curves Curve? –Set of 3D coordinates Why? –Direction and position of the ball –Position of pingpong racket Detection: –Input: 2D matrix [X;Y;Z] –Method: »Minimal: direction change on x-axis »Optional: + direction change on y-axis –Direction changes are indicated with a flag –Result:

7 Implementation Flag = -1 start and beginning x-axis & y-axis

8 Implementation –Step 3: Spline generation Purpose: –Replecating trajectory of the ball »Interpolating givin coordinates –Speed of ball »Constant speed »Variable speed Draw spline for each detected curve. Each curve has two splines –XY plane & YZ plane Merge the two splines Append coordinates Time stamps

9 DemoResult.csv

10 Interpolation

11 Implementation –Step 4: Detection of rackets Change of direction on X-axis Result of Step 3 Time stamps –Step 5: Data ready for visualisation Matrices -> Ballc.csv & Racketc.csv –Example

12 Conclusion XML of 3D coordinates interpolated Result data ready for visualisation Room for improvement

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