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ACME: a platform for benchmarking distributed applications David Oppenheimer, Vitaliy Vatkovskiy, and David Patterson ROC Retreat 12 Jan 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "ACME: a platform for benchmarking distributed applications David Oppenheimer, Vitaliy Vatkovskiy, and David Patterson ROC Retreat 12 Jan 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACME: a platform for benchmarking distributed applications David Oppenheimer, Vitaliy Vatkovskiy, and David Patterson ROC Retreat 12 Jan 2003

2 Motivation Benchmarking large-scale distributed apps (peer-to-peer, Grid, CDNs,...) is difficult  very large (1000s-10,000s nodes) need scalable measurement and control  nodes and network links will fail need robust measurement and control  large variety of possible applications need standard interfaces for measurement and control ACME: platform that developers can use to benchmark their distributed applications

3 ACME benchmark lifecycle 1. User describes benchmark scenario  node requirements, workload, faultload, metrics 2. System finds the appropriate nodes, starts up the benchmarked application on those nodes 3. System the executes scenario  collects measurements  inject workload and faults note: same infrastructure for self-management (just replace “fault” with “control action” and “benchmark scenario” with “self-management rules” or “recovery actions”)

4 Outline Motivation and System Environment Interacting with apps: sensors & actuators Data collection architecture Describing and executing benchmark scenario Resource discovery: finding appropriate nodes in shared Internet-distributed environments Conclusion

5 Sensors and actuators Source/sink for monitoring/control Application-external: node-level  sensors load, memory usage, network traffic,...  actuators start/kill processes reboot physical nodes modify emulated network topology Application-embedded: application-level  initial application type: peer-to-peer overlay networks  sensors number of application-level msgs sent/received  actuators application-specific fault injection change parameters of workload generation

6 Outline Motivation and System Environment Interacting with apps: sensors & actuators Data collection architecture Describing and executing benchmark scenario Resource discovery: finding appropriate nodes in shared Internet-distributed environments Conclusion

7 Query processor architecture SenTree ISING sensor HTTP URL HTTP CSV data aggregated response query ISING SenTree query childrens’ values HTTP URL HTTP CSV data SenTreeDown SenTreeDown/ SenTreeUp childrens’ values

8 Query processor (cont.) Scalability  efficiently collect monitoring data from thousands of nodes in-network data aggregation and reduction Robustness  handle failures in the monitoring system and monitored application query processor based on self-healing peer-to-peer net partial aggregates on failure Extensibility  easy way to incorporate new monitoring data sources as the system evolves sensor interface

9 Outline Motivation and System Environment Interacting with apps: sensors & actuators Data collection architecture Describing and executing benchmark scenario Resource discovery: finding appropriate nodes in shared Internet-distributed environments Conclusion

10 Describing a benchmark scenario Key is usability: want easy way to define when andwhat actions to trigger  “kill half of the nodes after ten minutes”  “kill nodes until response latency doubles” Declarative XML-based rule system  conditions over sensors => invoke actuators

11 “Start 100 nodes. Starting 10 minutes later, kill 10 nodes every 3 minutes until latency doubles” <condition type="sensor" ID="oldVal" datatype="double" name="latency" hosts="ibm4.CS.Berkeley.EDU:34794 host2:port2" node="ALL:3333" period="10000" sensorAgg="AVG“ histSize="1" isSecondary="true"/> <condition type="sensor" datatype="double" name="latency" hosts="ibm4.CS.Berkeley.EDU:34794 host2:port2" node="ALL:3333" period="10000" sensorAgg="AVG“ histSize="1" operator="

12 ACME architecture experiment spec./ sys. mgmt. policy SenTree ISING sensor actuator HTTP URL HTTP CSV data HTTP URL HTTP CSV data aggregated response query ISING SenTree query childrens’ values controller HTTP URL HTTP CSV data XML SenTreeDown SenTreeDown/ SenTreeUp XML SenTreeDown/ SenTreeUp childrens’ values

13 ACME recap Taken together, the parts of ACME provide  application deployment and process management  data collection infrastructure  workload generation*  fault injection* ...all driven by a user-specified policy Future work (with Stanford)  scaling down: integrate cluster applications sensors/actuators for J2EE middleware target towards statistical monitoring  use rule system to invoke recovery routines  benchmark diagnosis techniques, not just apps  new, user-friendly policy language include expressing statistical algorithms

14 Benchmarking diagnosis techniques experiment spec. controller XML history rule-based diagnosis statistical diagnosis pub/ sub ISING or other query processor subscr. reqs fault injection mon. data & events / queries fault injection diagnosis events & subscr. reqs. monitoring metrics queries

15 “Start 100 nodes. Starting 10 minutes later, kill 10 nodes every 3 minutes until latency doubles” when (timer_T > 0) startNode(number=100); when ((timer_T > 600000) AND sensorCond_CompLatency) killNode(number=10) repeat(period=180000); when (timer_T > 610000) stopSensor(name=oldVal); define sensorCond CompLatency { hist1 < 2 * hist2 } define history hist1 { sensor=lat, size=1 } define history hist2 { sensor=oldVal, size=1 } define sensor lat { name="latency" hosts="ibm4.CS.Berkeley.EDU:34794 host2:port2“ node="ALL:3333" period="10000“ sensorAgg="AVG" } define sensor oldVal lat; Revamping the language

16 Outline Motivation and System Environment Interacting with apps: sensors & actuators Data collection architecture Describing and executing benchmark scenario Resource discovery: finding appropriate nodes in shared Internet-distributed environments Conclusion

17 Resource discovery and mapping When benchmarking, map desired emulated topology to available topology  example: “find me 100 P4-Linux nodes with inter-node bandwidth, latency, and loss rates characteristic of the Internet as a whole and that are lightly loaded” When deploying a service, find set of nodes on which to execute to achieve desired performance, cost, and availability  example: “find me the cheapest 50 nodes that will give me at least 3 9’s of availability, that are geographically well-dispersed, and that have at least 100 Kb/sec of bandwidth between them”

18 Current RD&M architecture 1. Each node that is offering resources periodically reports to a central server a) single-node statistics b) inter-node statistics expressed as N-element vector  central server builds an NxN “inference matrix”  currently statistic values are generated randomly 2. When desired, a node issues a resource discovery request to central server  MxM “constraint matrix” [ load=[0,2] latency=[[10ms,20ms],[200ms,300ms]] ] [ load=[0,2] latency=[[200ms,300ms],[200ms,300ms]] ] 3. Central server finds the M best nodes and returns them to the querying node

19 RD&M next steps Decentralized resource discovery/mapping  replicate needed statistics close to querying nodes improves avail. and perf. over centralized approach Better mapping functions  NP-hard problem  provide best mapping within cost/precision constraints Give user indication of accuracy and cost Integrate with experiment description language Integrate with PlanetLab resource allocation Evaluation

20 Conclusion Platform for benchmarking distributed apps Collect metrics and events  sensors  ISING query processor Describe & implement a benchmark scenario  actuators  controller/rule system: process mgmt., fault injection XML-based (to be replaced) Next steps  resource discovery/node mapping  improved benchmark descr./resource discovery lang.  incorporating Grid applications  incorporating cluster applications and using to benchmark diagnosis techniques (with Stanford)

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