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Destiny Library Catalog. Access Destiny Click on the Destiny icon the desktop. Click on the link from the right-hand side of the school website.

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Presentation on theme: "Destiny Library Catalog. Access Destiny Click on the Destiny icon the desktop. Click on the link from the right-hand side of the school website."— Presentation transcript:

1 Destiny Library Catalog

2 Access Destiny Click on the Destiny icon the desktop. Click on the link from the right-hand side of the school website.

3 Click on Breckinridge County Middle School NOTE: You can view the card catalog of all the schools in the district.

4 You can search the BCMS library catalog from this page. (Notice the Catalog tab) You can do a basic search by Keyword Title Author Subject Series You can do more searches by exploring the tabs on the right hand side of the page. (power, visual, etc.)

5 You can access more features of Destiny by logging in to your account. Your username and password should be the same as your school computer name & password. Example: 20compja Password: 1114321 If your username and password does not work, please send an email to In your email include the subject “Destiny Login” In your message include your name and the username and password you use for your computer. I will correct these as soon as possible.

6 Once you are logged in Your name will appear in the top right-hand corner You will have a “My Info” tab Click on “My Info”

7 Here you can see your Patron Status ITEMS you have checked out Due Date, Title, Call Number, Price of the book and when you checked it out. any FINES you have been charged Any HOLDS you have and the status (pending or ready) Any RECOMMENDED TITLES someone has recommended for you.

8 Practice searching for books Example—type “hunger games” in the find box. Hit enter or Click the TITLE button.

9 Answer the questions in the notes section using the screen displayed above. NOTE: If you cannot see the cover/picture of the book PRESS F5 Next, click on the title of a book.

10 See the NOTES section! Look around the screen and notice all the information given about the book.

11 Notice the HOLD IT button in the top right-hand corner. WARNING!!!! Use this button ONLY if you want to place a book on hold. You cannot delete the hold. Mrs. Compton is the only one that can remove holds. You can not have more than 2 books on hold. Check you My Info Tab to see if you have any books on hold.

12 Now let’s explore Destiny Quest.

13 This is the same thing as destiny, but with a different interface (look). You can search for book using the FIND box. You can see the 10 most popular books that have been checked out. You can see a list of the new books added to the library.

14 Play around in Destiny Quest and search for books. Then Drag & Drop them into the various lists. “Have Read” list “Now Reading” list “Want to Read” list

15 Click on your “Have Read” list This should display the list of books you saved to your list.

16 Click on the stars beside “My Rating” of the book **Notice how you can change this book to a different list**

17 Now you can rate the book with stars. (5 stars is the best) You can also type in a review/comments about the book. These should be entered in complete, grammatically correct sentences! See you language arts teacher for more information on how to complete a great book review. Click Save when finished.

18 You can Change your background in destiny quest by clicking on the paint brush.

19 Click logout or exit to return to the regular Destiny interface.

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