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If you found out that you had ONE WEEK left to live, what would you do?

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1 If you found out that you had ONE WEEK left to live, what would you do?


3 1. anomaly: a deviation from the common rule, type, arrangement 2. bacchanalia: a drunken feast; orgy 3. bereft: to deprive and make desolate, especially by death 4. calibrate: to plan or devise something carefully so as to have a precise use, application, appeal 5. coterie: a group of people who associate closely, an exclusive group; clique

4 * Green grew up in Orlando, Florida * He graduated from Kenyon College in 2000 with a double major in English and Religious Studies. * After leaving college, Green spent five months working as a student chaplain in a children's hospital * He attended the University of Chicago Divinity School at the time, although he never actually attended. * His experiences of working with children with life-threatening illnesses inspired him to later write The Fault in Our Stars.

5 * Hazel Grace Lancaster : 16, is the novel's narrator. She goes by Hazel, but Augustus (and sometimes his father) calls her "Hazel Grace". She is a thyroid cancer patient, having been diagnosed when she was 13. * Augustus Waters : 17, is in remission. He was diagnosed with osteosarcoma at a young age and lost his right leg to the disease. * Isaac : Augustus' best friend. He has eye cancer, and eventually loses his sight because of it. * Peter Van Houten : a recluse author whose first and only work, An Imperial Affliction, serves as the basis of most of Hazel's beliefs for both her life and relationship with Augustus.

6 * Mrs. Lancaster: Hazel's mom. She often takes every opportunity to be enthusiastic at small occasions, such as Hazel's "half-birthdays", Hazel describes her mother as her best friend. * Mr. Lancaster: Hazel's dad, a man who tends to cry a lot. * Mrs. Waters: Augustus' momMark Waters: Augustus' dad * Lidewij Vliegenthart: Van Houten's personal assistant. * Kaitlyn: One of Hazel's only friends left from high school. * Patrick: social worker who runs the support group. He once had testicular cancer and was supposed to die * Monica: Isaac's girlfriend

7 Thyroid Cancer * Is a malignant thyroid neoplasm originating from follicular or parafollicular thyroid cells. * Affects a person’s ability to breathe and speak. * Occurs often in young females Osteosarcoma * The eighth most common form of childhood cancer, comprising 2.4% of all malignancies children, and approximately 20% of all primary bone cancers. * Incidence rates for osteosarcoma in U.S. patients under 20 years of age are estimated at 5.0 per million per year. * It originates more frequently in the metaphysical region of tubular long bones, with 42% occurring in the femur, 19% in the tibia, and 10% in the humerus. About 8% of all cases occur in the skull and jaw, and another 8% in the pelvis.

8 1. deferential: showing deference 2. deign: to think fit or in accordance with one's dignity; condescend 3. dishevel: hanging loosely or in disorder; unkempt 4. dysmorphia: malformation; an abnormality in the shape or size of a body part 5. edema: effusion of fluid into cells or body cavities

9 1. Eponymous: giving ones name to a tribe, place, album 2. Existential: [ly] pertaining to existence 3. Flummox: [ed] to bewilder, confound, confuse 4. Fraught: filled or laden with 5. Hamarita: tragic flaw

10 1. Inexorable: unyielding, unalterable 2. Insipid: without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities 3. Lascivious: inclined to lustfulness; wanton; lewd 4. Malevolent: evil, harmful, injurious 5. Misnomer: a misapplied or inappropriate name or designation

11 1. Nihilism: nothingness or nonexistence... an extreme form of skepticism: the denial of all real existence or possibility of objective basis for truth 2. Ontological: [ly] of or pertaining to ontology: the branch of metaphysics that studies the nature of existence or being as such 3. Palliative: serving to relieve or lessen without curing, mitigate, alleviate 4. Sobriquet: a nickname 5. Trope: any literary or rhetorical devise, as a metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony, that consist in the use of words in other than their literal sense 6. Vernacular: native or indigenous language, language of people opposed to literary language

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