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WLTP in TA process Task Force (subgroup of AdminWG)

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1 WLTP in TA process Task Force (subgroup of AdminWG)
Brussels – 21st-22nd May E.Collot (UTAC) & R.Gardner (TRL) 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

2 Introduction Framework of TF meeting Reminder Remarks Test
Information document (xx/2015 // annexes I & III 2007/46) Test report (xx/2015) Certificate (xx/2015) Families Extension rules Individual vehicle COP Test results (annex VIII 2007/46) TVV (annex II part B 2007/46) CoC (annex IX 2007/46) Reminder The purpose of this group is to determine how to approve a vehicle and make recommendations to the AdminWG. It will then be the AdminWG that agrees and prepares the requirements/text to be included in the new EU WLTP regulation. Remarks This is a working document for the expert TF: comments, proposal and agreement are blue Each reference to a regulation is written in ‘Times new roman’ When the Vehicle Low (VL) is mentioned: when existing (interpolation approach) Actions are highligthed in red 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP 2

3 Test Current agreement / Text Proposal/agreement/comment
Choice of the tested vehicles The choice of VL and VH is an agreement between TS/TAA and OEM The information about the tested vehicle is provided in the information document Checking of their parameter (by testing, calculation) 'virtual' vehicle (not produced) agreement Same vehicle tested (H and L) The only difference between VL and VH is the roadload Number of test CO2/FC rules (dp1, dp2) CO2/FC rules are at least on combined results. Are they applicable for each phase? Action EC to answer – see also conclusion from EU WLTP meeting 11/5/15. Pollutant rules Interaction? JRC proposal (A. Marotta) for GRPE (June) ongoing CO2/FC: results on test report (692/2008) and test result (ann VIII 2007/46) Pollutants PASS/FAIL criteria (character) + results in the test report (692/2008) Question: KBA/German (or other MS) position? 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

4 Information document 1/4
Current agreement / Text (xx/2015 annex I appendix 3) Proposal/agreement/comment Declaration of: 14°C family Roadload family RDE family? How-where to identify the families? - Roadload + ATCT: test results (e.g. coastdown results in the document) - RDE: ? What about TA issued by different TAAs (e.g. for roadload and ATCT)? Responsibility lies with the TAA that issues the type approval certificate (with information from different TS) GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE VEHICLE The only difference between the physical VL and VH is the roadload (and transmission in tolerance of 0-8%) 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

5 Information document 2/4
Current agreement / Text (xx/2015 annex I appendix 3) Proposal/agreement/comment 2. MASSES AND DIMENSIONS (in kg and mm) (reminder: TM of Vind : actual mass of Vind + 25 kg + mass representative of payload) MRO, maximum and reference masses for VL and VH TM of VL and VH  Modification of appendix of information document (“test conditions”) (ann I&III of 2007/46) 2.6.2: mass of the optional equipment To be changed in “maximum mass of…” Need to check alignment of 2007/46 and 692/2008 for Mass in Running Order 3.5. CO2 emissions/fuel consumption (manufacturer’s declared value) for VL and VH: CO2-FC declaration in WLTP on each phase + combined final values (after corrections) During transient period in NEDC on combined and phases (for metamodel/double testing) Other ‘short-lived’ regulation on correlation could be introduced for transitional period interpolation family needed (physical WLTP results) for MM 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

6 Information document 3/4
Current agreement / Text (xx/2015 annex I appendix 3) Proposal/agreement/comment 6.6. Tyres and wheels 6.6.1 Tyres/wheels combination(s) for all tyre options indicate, size designation, load-capacity index, speed category symbol, rolling resistance to ISO (where applicable) for tyres of category Z intended to be fitted on vehicles whose maximum speed exceeds 300 km/h equivalent information shall be provided; for wheels indicate rim size(s) and off-set(s) (quite the same in ann I & ann III of the 2007/46)  Action To be clarified/harmonised by EC (KS) VH and VL RR is already included in the “test conditions” appendix  6.6. Tyres dimensions for tyres of category Z intended to be fitted on vehicles whose maximum speed exceeds 300 km/h equivalent information shall be provided;  still relevant? R117? Not included in the 2007/46 for wheels indicate rim size(s) and off-set(s) Aerodrag of VH and VL See appendix “test conditions” and Spark plug + ignition coil (ann I 2007/46)  to be added in the information document (annI app3 of xx/2015) Erased from “test conditions” appendix See attached document 4.7. Maximum vehicle design speed (in 2007/46 not in xx/2015)  to be added for harmonisation 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

7 Information document 4/4
Gear shift Idling speed  same as (annex 1 appendix 3 xx/2015 and annexes I & III 2007/46) Additional safety margin (2 values) nmin drive (if the OEM declares higher than GTR calculated values) Maximum power curve (Pwot(nnorm)) Need to be added in the information document  Action AdminWG EC proposal to add result of the tool for gearshifting (VH & VL) It represents around 150 points. Action: H. Steven will have a proposal to have one number (for instance averaging gear shift)  Unic number specific to one vehicle (one for VH, one for VL)  Aim: to have a checksum -> easy to control / easy to calculate  EC agrees with this idea (need to see the proposal)  Action TF to propose where it could be register: in the proposal « information on tests condition »? or test report (xx/2015)? Reminder about Gearshfting: Need a full description of the calculation in xx/2015 Add an Excel sheet for calculation? (EU or UNECE websites): Action Remark: Gear shifting depends on specific characteristics of the tested vehicles (effective radius) 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP 7

8 Test report (xx/2015) 1/3 Current agreement / Text
Proposal/agreement/comment Minimal data needed: raw results corrections CO2/FC: Ki, RCB, 14°C, … Pollutants emission: Ki, DF Roadload VH-VL; options, masses and RR CO2 family limits Rounded values for final result only GTR to define metric precision for all the intermediate and final results Action – CL to raise with GTR drafting group Correlation exercise  independent regulation Vehicle class (which WLTC driven: class 1, 2, 3a, 3b, downscaled?) Roadload: other report See ‘information on test conditions’ (slide 6) Detailed results of roadload family? To be checked for extension 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

9 Test report (xx/2015) 2/3 Current agreement / Text
Proposal/agreement/comment Electrified vehicles: Transitional period: choice of vehicle to test (no interpolation approach) Decide how to deal with hybrid vehicles Reminder of electrified vehicles results: WLTP: - CD (OVC+PEV): Criteria Emissions, FC, CO2, AER, EAER, RCDC, RCDA, EAC - CS (OVC+NOVC): Criteria Emissions, FC, CO2 WLTP city CD (OVC+PEV): AERcity, EACcity ACEA proposal: still ongoing Action ACEA to provide a proposal Need a template of minimal information ? A template needs to be defined (minimum information) Action TF to write a proposal From certificate template (first) ATCT Action LB + A. Eder to check if the text is clear 3.8.3 FCF documentation requirement (sub annex 6a)  to be clarified How and when to apply? 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

10 Test report (xx/2015) 3/3 Current agreement / Text
Proposal/agreement/comment Other tests during transitional period: OBD Durability Ki For Ki: Information document (annex I appendix 3 xx/2015 // 2007/46 annexes I and III) To be modified to specify which type 1 (NEDC or WLTP) For those tests : if NEDC  NEDC roadload used OBD: ACEA + EC discussions ongoing Action EC+ACEA Ki (phase 1b) included in xx/2015? If NEDC Ki and WLTP Ki could be used it has to be declared somewhere Ki and Durability : accepted to keep NEDC values for a transitional period Action ACEA to provide a proposal (especially on Ki) Discussion: Ki NEDC used until monitoring ‘base year’ because of Ki needed for correlation or need to be correlated (from WLTP) Action TF to modify addendum of TA certificate // information doc (xx/2015 and 2007/46)  By using characters ? (A, B, …, ZX??) 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

11 Reporting: work on test report AdminWG-38
The document has been separated into 3 documents Test sheet Test report Recorded but no need to be kept « Test sheet » means kept by the OEM  to be defined Content How long will it be kept? Test Report – currently each TAA uses a different format. Agreed that having some form of harmonisation would be beneficial. 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP 11

12 Certificate (xx/2015) 1/2 Current agreement
/ Text (xx/2015 addendum to appendix 4) Proposal/agreement/comment 1.1. Mass of the vehicle in running order: … 1.2. Maximum mass: … 1.3. Reference mass: … For VH and VL + TMH and TML (see slide 5) 2. TEST RESULTS 2.1. Tailpipe emissions test results Type 1 test results, where applicable Type 2: … % Type 3: … Type 4: … g/test For VL and VH Emission level for pollutants (no result, which means no results in CoC also, and no result in 2007/46 annex VIII) KBA/German (or other MS?) could need it: Action EC to consult MS  political decision Type 2: only one test (on VH or on VL) Type 3: on VH and VL (because of roadload) Type 4: ‘type 1’ test before soaking ACEA proposal ongoing (with OBD, Ki, …) Action ACEA 2.5. CO2 emissions and fuel consumption test results Final values For VH and VL on each phase + combined 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

13 Certificate (xx/2015) 2/2 Current agreement
/ Text (xx/2015 addendum to appendix 4) Proposal/agreement/comment Vh and VL description Already included in the information document Reference to other families (ATCT, RDE) ATCT  correction already done Copy all the results in CoC (Ki…) Or have no reference to the detailed results in CoC (because these are incorporated into the final result that is on the CoC) RDE  ? (need to consider in the numbering characters) A Jungk (BMW) and SS (Opel) are working on RDE column RDL: information document Approval Certification Numbering System: to be redefined? Need a proposal on the « character » table (middle of 2016). To take into account: Emission level OBD RDE (monitoring, step 1, step2) (see above) Ki and Type 5 done in NEDC or WLTP … ? Pot pourri? // xx/2015 and 692/2008 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

14 Families Current agreement / Text Proposal/agreement/comment
Link between each family. Ensure the reporting of the several tests somewhere Define when to carry out the tests, how to apply the correction to the results? Order of correction’s application Interference? sufficiency of information to provide a homologation’s certificate RR for VH and VL in TVV family? See previous references to families (information document, test results, certificate) 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

15 Extension rules Current agreement / Text Proposal/agreement/comment
Need to decide how to deal with CO2 family and especially extrapolation rules (±3g within 30g or 20%) Need to decide if: Keep the list as it is; or Complement the list with other parameters; or Complement the list with a general paragraph; or Drop the list and just have the general paragraph. See extract (working doc TF meeting 10/02/2015) See ACEA discussion paper Action ACEA to have a proposal See type definition (slide 19) 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

16 Individual vehicle Current agreement / Text Proposal/agreement/comment
Description of the individual vehicles: External database (from OEM) Option: impact on roadload parameter = energy demand on cycle = individual CO2/FC values checking and testing if needed EC proposal on minimal data, access: ‘transparency on technical information’ Action EC (KS) to circulate it and put in the agenda of the next AdminWG (updated) for discussion Document provided 21/05/15  agreement in TA sub- group Audit-verification of the OEM tool – input data (database) Separated from COP, that concerns the whole vehicle Action KS to check it with A Lagrande, who is working on the update to the FWD 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

17 Conformity Of Production
Current agreement / Text Proposal/agreement/comment New statistical approach Vind tested To be discussed in EU-WLTP ACEA proposal ongoing  Action AdminWG Evolution factor (Dekra+RDW) ISC don’t need ev fctr -> test CO2 at ISC and no more at COP moment Ongoing  Action AdminWG Agreement between TAA+OEM Audit frequency Sampling Non conformity strategy Action AR proposal CO2 calculation tool and dataset Separated audit process (between TAA and OEM) Not linked to the COP 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

18 2007/46: test results Current agreement / Text
Proposal/agreement/comment Which values to report?  Linked to test report (xx/2015)  Need to keep in mind the use of it: COP/ISC National regulation demand (e.g. German publication of pollutants’ emission) National registration Annex VIII 2007/46: Proposal: not to include pollutant emissions results (see previous slides) French proposal (AdminWG minutes) : f0, f1, f2 for VL and VH RR and Mass for VL and VH Delta Cd.A of VL (compared to VH)  Agreed in the TF 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

19 2007/46: TVV 1/2 Current agreement / Text Proposal/agreement/comment
Need to be redefined What is a type? A variant? A version? Does it still exist? See details : Version definition (2007/46 annex II part B) Proposal: (k) for transition period, NEDC based EI  to keep EI in the version definition ? (h), (i) and (j)  “combined or weighted, combined xxx on NEDC” (where xxx is either CO2, or energy or fuel consumption) 692/2008 Article 2 Proposal : remove (a)? NB: editorial note footnote (2) refers to the OJ  if (a) is deleted the footnote will need to be moved to the next reference to Reg.83? EC proposal: Vehicle type regarding xx/2015 is defined by the interpolation family Action ACEA to provide an alternative proposal for vehicle type definition regarding the xx/2015 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

20 2007/46: TVV 2/2 Current agreement / Text Proposal/agreement/comment
Pollutant emissions  VH and VL results? Refer to emission level only : no actual results? (see slide 12Action EC to consulte MS ) RDE refer to TVV (emissions data available)  to be careful of redefining any T V or V 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

21 2007/46: CoC Current agreement / Text (annex IX 2007/46)
Proposal/agreement/comment Transparency for customer: which level of information Calculation by the OEM  to be checked (see ‘individual vehicle’ slide 16) Option of Vind Calculation of Cd.A Mass = weighing RR EC proposal (Action EC to provide for 29/05/15) CoC: Today (NEDC) NEDC and WLTP (if available) both values (mandatory) WLTP and NEDC (if available) WLTP only Or NEDC only NEDC if available and WLTP if available The less modification we have, the better it is (national registration, monitoring IT systems…) Tyres combination (52. Remarks) Still revelant? 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

22 Open points Current agreement / Text Proposal/agreement/comment
Multistage vehicles Proposal ongoing on UNECE side Action AR to answer: How to approve multistage vehicles in WLTP? What becomes of the DAM? Combined approach for N-category vehicles  Classes versus VH-VL definition EC position: no problem to have different emissions limits (from different classes) and a interpolation between VL and VH for CO2/FC Other categories of vehicles M2, N1 cl1, 2, 3 … Dates, masses… Action TF to work on it (character…?) Smoke opacity Still relevant in the EU-WLTP? (no more reference to R24 in 582/2011 (Heavy Duty) xx/2015 may be needed for periodic inspection (regulation) Action KS to check with DG MOVE as to whether smoke requirements needs to be retained 21-22/05/2015 TA process with WLTP

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