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) 0 Palliative Care Education in Nursing Homes Senior Lecturer Brigid Purcell September 2007.

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1 ) 0 Palliative Care Education in Nursing Homes Senior Lecturer Brigid Purcell September 2007

2 ) 1 Professor Ian Philip National Director for Older People, DoH 2007 Care homes play a vital role in providing a home and care for residents, and support for their families and friends. Treating residents with respect for their dignity is fundamental to all care provided by care homes, and is especially true for care at the end of life. However to deliver the standards of care that we would expect for our own families, staff need to have the right skills, knowledge and support” Building on firm foundations. Improving end of life care in care homes: examples of innovative practice. 2007

3 ) 2 Palliative Care Education Access Equity Flexible Service/client led

4 ) 3 Palliative Care Education University Specialist Palliative Care Providers Innovative delivery methods

5 ) 4 Palliative Care Education Communication skills training Symptom management End of life Quality of care

6 ) 5 Innovative practice 1 Introduction of end of life care tools to improve care at Risedale Estates 5 homes with 243 residents Residential, elderly mentally infirm and continuing care GSF implemented New advanced care plan for all residents, which included issues around end of life and their preferred place of care All Risedale homes implemented the GSF, LCP and PPC tools Residents say they feel more in control; staff are more confident and knowledgeable The LCP has enabled nurses to discontinue inappropriate procedures in the last 48 hours of life

7 ) 6 Innovative Practice 2 A four month-pilot study, which involved placing a Marie Curie registered nurse in a dual care home to work alongside staff as a role model The pilot led to greater use of end of life pathways as well as a new training plan and handover sheet. The challenge now is securing funding to appoint a 2day week outreach worker on a permanent basis with the hope of cascading the learning to other care homes

8 ) 7 Innovative Practice 3 Implementation of “cluster training programme in Sheffield Care Homes Macmillan Nurse provided the education and hosted them in the various care homes Sessions proving successful and oversubscribed The cluster approach has improved relationships between homes and reduced staff’s sense of isolation

9 ) 8 Palliative Care Education in Nursing Homes Thank you

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