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1MoASBO 2012 MoASBO 2012. 2MoASBO 2012 E LECTRIC DISTRIBUTION FLEET Members of project team Kansas City Clean Cities Regional Coalition Lee’s Summit R-7.

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Presentation on theme: "1MoASBO 2012 MoASBO 2012. 2MoASBO 2012 E LECTRIC DISTRIBUTION FLEET Members of project team Kansas City Clean Cities Regional Coalition Lee’s Summit R-7."— Presentation transcript:

1 1MoASBO 2012 MoASBO 2012

2 2MoASBO 2012 E LECTRIC DISTRIBUTION FLEET Members of project team Kansas City Clean Cities Regional Coalition Lee’s Summit R-7 School District Smith Electric Truck

3 3MoASBO 2012 L EE ’ S S UMMIT R-7 E CONOMICS FY09 fuel expense $2.47 per gallon ( FY09 electricity expense $.09 per kWh FY10 fuel savings $12K per year FY10 lower maintenance costs $3K per year Estimated payback on investment is 6.5 years

4 4MoASBO 2012 D ECISION M ATRIX Step 1:Evaluate costs to replace aging fleet (conventional vs. alternative fuels) Step2:Analyze market options (natural gas, diesel, propane, electricity) Step 3:Determine long term financial impact ( operational and maintenance) Step 4:Explore corporate partners

5 5MoASBO 2012 P ROJECT APPROACH Step1:Evaluate payload capacities Step 2:Determine length of each route Step 3:Determine hours of operation Step 4:Design a chassis and power plant Step 5:Develop production schedule for vehicle


7 7MoASBO 2012 BrandEdison™Newton™ Class2 – 34 – 7 GVW (lbs)7,700 – 10,10014,000 – 33,000* Payload (lbs)2,700 – 5,1007,300 – 16,300 Max Range (mi)100150 AvailabilityROW U.S., ROW *Step Van & 33,000 GVW Available Q2 2012 D IVERSE O PTIONS A VAILABLE TO S CHOOL D ISTRICTS


9 9MoASBO 2012 Battery costs decreasing over time Fuel costs increasing over time Five Year Capital & Operating Expense Comparison N EWTON T OTAL L IFE C OST OF O WNERSHIP S UPERIOR TO D IESEL

10 10MoASBO 2012 I NCENTIVES A DD TO M OMENTUM CA HVIP Program ($10,000-$30,000) NY-ZVIP Program ($20,000) Hunts Point Clean Truck Program ($40,000) NYC Private Fleet Program (Amount TBD) Maryland ZVIP Program ($20,000) Georgia Tax Credit Illinois Rebate - $4,000 NY Infrastructure Grant Arizona Sales, Excise and Renewal Tax Exemptions/Reductions West Virginia Tax Credit Federal Tax Incentive for GVW <14,000 ($7,500) OLEV LCVPP Purchasing Grant (250-500 vehicles) EV Purchasing Consortium (2012-13) Congestion Charge Relief (£1,000+/annum/vehicle) Spain Movele Program voucher (€20,000) Spain Tax Incentives (9 municipalities) (€6,000) Netherlands Amsterdam Electric Grant (50% of the cost differential between EV and diesel) Netherlands DC-TEC Purchasing Consortium (3,000 vehicles) Norway Tax Incentives (No sales tax, import duty, annual registration) France Program voucher (€5,000) Other Incentives End-User Voucher Programs 2012UK Other Incentives United States Rest of World

11 11MoASBO 2012 S USTAINABILITY I MPACT : 1/10 TH C ARBON F OOTPRINT VS. D IESEL Sustainability ImpactSavings Vs. Diesel Equivalent Total Greenhouse Gas Offsets321.10 tons Yr. 5 Gallons of Fuel Eliminated>17K gallons Yr. 5 Hours of Driver Diesel Fume Inhalation Spared >15K hours Yr. 5

12 12MoASBO 2012 B RAND I MPACT The Newest Booming American Automaker April 6, 2010 Ahead of the Curve Bryan Hansel of Smith Electric Vehicles discusses the new zero- emissions trucks. July 29, 2009


14 14MoASBO 2012 T HANK Y OU For more information about this program contact: Smith Electric Jessie Shroyer Tim Weaver Lee’s Summit R-7 School District Ron Cox

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