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1 Lesson 1 Raising Funds & Support 2 Key Principle Support raising is a strategic time for team building.

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2 1 Lesson 1 Raising Funds & Support

3 2 Key Principle Support raising is a strategic time for team building.

4 3 The top 5 excuses not to raise funds Excuse #1 That is a lot of money If God wants you to go then it is His responsibility to provide the funds—God simply wants you to trust Him 1 Thessalonians 5:24 says “The one who has called you is faithful and he will do it.”

5 4 Excuse #2 I feel like I am begging We are inviting people to invest in what God is doing and be part of the blessing --Source: Go Prepared

6 5 Excuse #3 I just don’t see it as Biblical to ask for money. Not true. Paul asked for support for his mission trips.

7 6 # Excuse 4 I have a lot of friends but they do not have a lot of money to give. God wants people to give. You will be surprised who gives and who does not.

8 7 The top 5 excuses not to raise funds Excuse #5 I’m afraid. What makes the difference is how passionate you are in what God is calling you to do. Ultimately God is in control.

9 8 Fear That Said… let’s take the Out of fundraising!

10 9 Key Principle In order to fundraise well it is important to develop a realistic budget.

11 10 Budget Components Air travel Taxes/visas Insurance Lodging & meals In-country travel In-country ministry related expenses Gifts & tips—receiver host/mission, lodging host, transportation, translator, helper, etc. Other costs [Note: Diocesan assessment in some cases]

12 11 Personal Expenses Passport fees Immunizations Side trips in country Travel books, maps & other literature Personal expenditures-- shopping for souvenirs, gifts, travel books, etc.

13 12 Key Principle Support raising is a strategic time for spiritual development for both the team and the congregation

14 13 You aren’t doing this alone. Support raising involves the entire team Pray for wisdom for the entire process Support raising is an exercise in faith Develop a realistic budget of expected expenses Be aware of any local parish guidelines: –Raising support –Fundraising Be prepared for evangelistic opportunities

15 14 Why people will give to you They want to serve the Lord They are generous They have been waiting for someone to do what you are doing You articulate your vision well They think you are facing a challenge with great courage

16 15 Question & Dialogue What are some advantages of asking others for support versus self-funding?

17 16

18 17 Biblical Concepts Interdependence Romans 15:24 ;III John 7,8 Living by faith II Corinthians 5:7; Hebrews 11:6 Trusting God’s provision Philippians 4:19; I Thessalonians 5:24 Good stewardship I Corinthians 3:16, 6:19; Ephesians 5:15-16; I Timothy 6:18

19 18 Scripture and Wisdom Psalm 111:10the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom Proverbs 2:6for the Lord gives wisdom Proverbs 3:13blessed is the man who finds wisdom Proverbs 4:11I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths

20 19 Effective support raising principles Be enthusiastic and positive-attitude Team should make list of potential contacts Develop informational flyer Use response cards Send thank-you notes Indicate that you will share about trip on return Don’t rely only on letters and email but use them Make personal visits—relationships are critical Make telephone calls with follow-up information

21 20 Key Principle Support raising is all about relationships. Don’t spend pre-trip time focused on money (or your lack of it). Focus on creating a network of prayer supporters.

22 21 Possible Sources of Support Sending church Family Friends Individual donors Businesses

23 22 Talk about what? Who you are Where you are going Why you are going Who you are going with Outcomes you expect from the mission How long it will take How much it will cost How much money is still needed Encourage people to pray about partnering with you

24 23 Key Principle Support raising is an opportunity for spiritual growth for both those raising support and those who are blessed by their partnership

25 24 Prayer Support Establish a prayer support team Identify prayer partners for each individual who goes

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