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Published byAnissa Welch Modified over 9 years ago
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS SWAT: Given a graphic organizer and instruction, the students will be able to describe the causes of the rise in totalitarianism in Europe after World War I and the causes which brought about World War II by analyzing and explaining at least three of these causes in a power point presentation with 80% accuracy. NJCCCS: 6.1.12.D.11.a: Evaluate the effectiveness of international agreements following World War I in preventing international disputes during the 1920s and 1930s. 6.1.12.D.11.a: Analyze the roles of various alliances among nations and their leaders in the conduct and outcomes of the World War II. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, attending to such features as the date and origin of the information. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.1
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS SWAT: After reading primary as well as secondary sources and researching American involvement in World War II, the students will be able to formulate an opinion on American involvement in World War II by participating in a Socratic Circle and by explaining whether America should have become involved in World War II synthesizing and presenting at least two arguments to support their position with 80% accuracy.
AMERICAN HISTORY II (HONORS) ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What were the causes of World War II? Is American foreign policy motivated by ideals or self-interest? How does involvement in the world shape American society at home?
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS DO-NOW: Students will take their positions in preparation for participation in either the “Inner” or “Outer” Socratic Circle. Timer Set: 2 Minutes panning in groups 2 Minutes panning out (Student facilitator leads class discussion)
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS SECONDARY DO-NOW: Working in groups, students will discuss/address the following question: Think of the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. What are the pros and cons of American involvement in the war? Is it merely to fulfill the mission of former President George Bush who stated that we were waging a war on terrorism? How is the war on terrorism different from World War II? Explain.
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS HOMEWORK: Students will finish the Socratic Circle handout for homework and write an analytical paragraph about what they learned from participating in the Socratic Circle. Students will explore the tumultuous relationship between Native Americans and other white groups blossomed throughout time culminating in the issues of World War II to reign freedom globally. This will be accomplished by having students write an essay in which they compare and contrast each of these groups and time periods with the theme of respect.
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS LESSON CONNECTIONS: The teacher will review anchor chart on wall in which the students listed the difference between dialogue and debate. TIMER SET: 10 Minutes
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS EXPLANATION: Teacher will remind students of power point expectations. Grading rubric for power point will be reviewed. Teacher will review with students’ expectation for Socratic Circle exercise including the grading rubric. Socratic Circle on formulating an opinion on American involvement in World War II to occur in class on October 2 nd. Teacher will show a You Tube video clip on American involvement in World War II entitled: “In Defense of World War II”
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS GUIDED PRACTICE: The teacher will inform the students to get into either the Inner or Outer Socratic circle informing members of the inner circle to have a writing utensil and a copy of their notes. The outer circle should have a copy of these items as well and in addition, a copy of the “Socratic Circle Feedback Form.” While the students are taking their positions in class, either as participants in the outer or inner circle, the teacher will walk around the classroom. Thus a (Classroom observation) formative assessment will be utilized. Timer Set: 16 Minutes
AMERICAN HISTORY I HONORS APPLICATION Utilizing the Socratic Circle pedagogical technique, the students will address the major points brought forward from all the sources studied including the primary sources and videos on World War II. Students should initially form the discussion based on the questions which they had written up prior to coming to class. From the Socratic Circle exercise students will formulate an opinion concerning American involvement in World War II. Students should base their commentary on having read from their text, the primary source entitled: “The Good War Myth of World War II” written by Mark Weber as well as the You Tube video clip on American involvement in World War II entitled: “In Defense of World War II” While the students are participating in the Socratic Circle, the teacher will walk around the classroom and observe the students. Thus a (Classroom observation) formative assessment will be utilized. Utilizing an (exit card) formative assessment, the students will state their opinion on whether or not America should have intervened in World War II by writing a paragraph supporting their viewpoint.
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS APPLICATION: Students will prepare to share their power points with the class for a grade starting on Thursday, September 25 th. While the students are beginning to research on-line, the teacher will walk around the classroom and observe the students. Thus a (Classroom observation) formative assessment will be utilized. In addition, the teacher will engage in a one on one conversation with students as needed. Thus a (Student Conference) formative assessment will also be utilized. Utilizing an (exit card) formative assessment, students will identify at least three of the major causes of World War II and how it also caused a rise in totalitarianism in Europe after World War I.
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS APPLICATION: Students will continue to research and prepare for a Socratic Circle on formulating an opinion concerning American involvement in World War II. Socratic Circle scheduled to occur on Thursday, October 2 nd. In preparation for the Socratic Circle, students will be instructed to begin reading: “The Good War Myth of World War II” written by Mark Weber
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS APPLICATION: As the students read the scholarly essay, they should take notes. While the students are reading, the teacher will walk around the classroom and observe the students. Thus a (Classroom observation) formative assessment will be utilized. In addition, the teacher will engage in a one on one conversation with students as needed. Thus a (Student Conference) formative assessment will also be utilized. Utilizing an (exit card assessment), the students will analyze at least two advantages and two disadvantages of American neutrality during World War II with 80% accuracy.
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS SYNTHESIS: The teacher will assist students in describing how totalitarianism changed the behavior of countries during World War II. The teacher will assist students in evaluating the pros and cons of American neutrality during World War II. Timer Set: 4 Minutes
THE GREAT TRIALS SWAT After setting up a an anchor chart in which students list the important components which need to be considered when participating in a mock trial, the students will be able to explain why the trial of Socrates had important repercussions in Ancient Greece and how it influenced the conduct of people in modern times by preparing for a mock trial and by writing and describing at least three major ways in which the case has become influential with eighty percent accuracy. NJCCCS: 6.2.8.A.3.e: Compare and contrast the American legal system and the legal systems of classical civilizations, and determine the extent to which the early systems influenced the current legal system. 6.1.4.A.9: Compare and contrast responses of individuals and groups, past and present, to violations of fundamental rights. 6.3.4.A.1: Evaluate what makes a good rule or law.
THE GREAT TRIALS ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Is the trial process a fair one that protects the defendant and the people? What if any modifications should be made in the trial process to make it fairer or more equitable?
THE GREAT TRIALS DO-NOW: Students will be shown a picture of the Trial of Socrates. Working in groups, students will write down what they observe about the picture. Website link: on-trial2.jpg Next, students will contrast that picture with modern day trials. A student facilitator will be appointed to lead a brief discussion. TIMER SET: 4 Minutes
THE GREAT TRIALS HOMEWORK: Students will prepare for a mock trial of Socrates. Mock trial to occur in class on Tuesday, October 14 th. Students will distinguish between disrespect based on race and compare it to disrespect based on ignorance as it applies to the Trial of Socrates. This will be accomplished by having students write a short response in which they compare and contrast how ignorance applied to the Trial of Socrates and how it applies today when it comes to issues of disrespect. Essays due tomorrow.
THE GREAT TRIALS LESSON CONNECTIONS: Teacher will review how the ancient court system worked with Socrates and contrast it with the modern court system. Timer Set: 5 Minutes
THE GREAT TRIALS EXPLANATION: Teacher will review the rules of the Mock Trial on Socrates. Teacher will distribute grading rubric and review with the students. Timer Set: 5 Minutes
THE GREAT TRIALS GUIDED PRACTICE: The teacher will assist the students in setting up an anchor chart in which students list the important components which need to be considered when participating in a mock trial. A Smart Board graphic organizer will be utilized for this purpose. Two students will be appointed to lead this part of the lesson. The first student will engage the class in a class wide discussion calling on students to list the important components which need to be considered when participating in a mock trial. A second student will write down the responses on a suitable Smart Board graphic organizer. The remaining students will write down the information in their notebooks. During this section of the lesson, the teacher will walk around the classroom. Thus an (Observation) formative assessment will be utilized. In addition, the teacher will engage in a one on one conversation with students as needed. Thus a (Student Conference) formative assessment will also be utilized. Timer Set: Minutes
THE GREAT TRIALS APPLICATION: Working individually and in small groups, students will discuss the answer(s) to the following questions: Who was Socrates? Why is he remembered today? Who are those who accuse Socrates of criminal activity? Is what he did a crime today? How is the trial format as described in the website different/similar than the trial organization? Is it a more just system than ours, or is it less fair? After working through these questions, a student facilitator will be appointed to lead a brief discussion.
THE GREAT TRIALS APPLICATION: While the facilitator is leading a brief discussion having the students share out discussing the charges brought against Socrates, the teacher will walk around the classroom and observe the students. Thus an (Observation) formative assessment will be utilized. In addition, the teacher will engage in a one on one conversation as needed with students to check for their understanding. Thus a (Student Conference) formative assessment will also be utilized. Students will then be instructed to read the article on the website by I.F. Stone. Why does he think that the trial of Socrates lives through the ages? What is the principle according to I. F. Stone that Socrates was defending? Why do contemporary figures, such as Mohammed Ali owe a debt of gratitude to Socrates? Again, a student facilitator will be invited to lead a brief discussion based on the questions asked above. While the students are engaged, the teacher will walk around the classroom observing the students. Again, an (Observation) formative assessment will be utilized. Students will begin/continue to work on the script for the Mock Trial on Socrates.
THE GREAT TRIALS APPLICATION: As students continue working on the script for the Mock Trial on Socrates, the teacher will not only utilize an (Observation) formative assessment, but will engage students in a one on one conversation to check for understanding. Thus a (Student Conference) formative assessment will be further utilized. Utilizing an (exit card) formative assessment, the students will be able to explain why the trial of Socrates had important repercussions in Ancient Greece and how it influenced the conduct of people in modern times by writing and describing at least three major ways in which the case has be
THE GREAT TRIALS SYNTHESIS: The teacher will assist the students in explaining why the trial of Socrates had important repercussions in Ancient Greece and how it influenced the conduct of people in modern times by asking the students key questions on the trial. Timer Set: 4 Minutes
AP US HISTORY SWAT: Given secondary documents on the development of slavery, the students will be able to explain relationship between slavery as an institution and the events of the Stono Rebellion by writing a response comparing and contrasting three of the previous turning points: (i.e. King Philip’s War, Pope’s Rebellion, and Bacon’s Rebellion).
AP US HISTORY STANDARDS: NJCCCS: 6.1.12.A.1.a: Explain how British North American colonies adapted the British governance structure to fit their ideas of individual rights, economic growth, and participatory government. RH. 9-10.2 Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the text. RH.9-10.1; Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, attending to such features as the date and origin of the information.
AP US HISTORY ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How did the South Atlantic System create an interconnected Atlantic World, and how did this system impact development in the British Colonies How did relations between English colonists and Native Americans evolve over time? How did cultural values and conceptions of group identity and autonomy emerge out of cultural interactions between British government officials, Africans and Native Americans? How did these ideas and beliefs shape colonial identity, politics, culture and society? How and why did slavery develop in the British colonies? How were changing religious ideals, Enlightenment beliefs, and republican perspectives influenced by Atlantic World exchanges?
AP US HISTORY DO-NOW: Working in groups, the students will explain how ideas and beliefs shaped colonial identity, politics, culture and society. A student facilitator will lead a brief discussion. TIMER SET: 4 MINUTES
AP US HISTORY HOMEWORK: The students should outline Chapter #3: “The British North America”, pp. 101- 111. Students should complete the “Terms to Know” on p. 111. Quiz scheduled for Wednesday.
AP US HISTORY LESSON CONNECTIONS The teacher will review information which students acquired from having read and listened to the lecture on Chapter #3 posted to my website. The teacher will review information from student outlines which they completed on Chapter #3: “The British North America”, pp. 90-100. The teacher will review Games’ article entitled: “Introduction, Definitions, Historiography : What is Atlantic History” The teacher review the handouts previously assigned. TIMER SET: 10 Minutes
AP US HISTORY EXPLANATION: Teacher will go over the Northern Maritime Economy. The teacher will review selected points from the flipped classroom lecture on Chapter #3: “The British Atlantic World, 1660-1750.” Timer Set: 5 Minutes
AP US HISTORY Application Working individually, students will read a secondary account of the slave trade entitled: “Slaves” written by Taylor taking individual notes as they read. Upon completing the account entitled: “Slaves” written by Taylor, students will read: “Drawing the Color Line” by Zinn. Students should take notes as they read. While the students are engaged in this activity, the teacher will walk around the classroom and observe. Thus an (observation) formative assessment will be utilized. Additionally, the teacher will engage students in a one on one conversation to check for understanding. Thus, a (student conference) formative assessment will also be utilized. A student facilitator will be appointed to lead a discussion with each group reporting out. Utilizing a (short answer) formative assessment, drawing on their text and secondary readings, the students will write a response in which they compare and contrast the Stono Rebellion to King Philip’s War, the Pope’s Rebellion, and Bacon’s Rebellion.
AP US HISTORY APPLICATION: Students will complete a section of the AP Practice Exam. While the students are engaged in this activity, the teacher will walk around the classroom and observe. Thus an (observation) formative assessment will be utilized. Additionally, the teacher will engage students in a one on one conversation to check for understanding. Thus, a (student conference) formative assessment will also be utilized.
AP US HISTORY SYNTHESIS: The teacher will assist students in identifying and distinguishing between the various colonial rebellions explaining their significance to the evolution of colonial development. Timer Set: 6 Minutes
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