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Mediterranean Society: The Greek Phase

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1 Mediterranean Society: The Greek Phase
Chapter 9

2 Early development of Greek Societies
Minoan and Mycenaean Societies

3 Between 2200 and 1450 B.C.E, was the center of Mediterranean commerce
Received early influences from Phoenicia and Egypt By 1100 B.C.E. Crete fell under foreign domination

4 Untranslated form of writing, Linear A, was used

5 Minoan snake goddess

6 bull jumping, plaster

7 Crete games

8 Mycenaean society: named after the important city, Mycenae
Indo-European immigrants settled in Greece, 2000 B.C.E.

9 Adapted Minoan Linear A into their script, Linear B
Linear A, script Linear A, logograms

10 Stone fortresses in the Peloponnesus (southern Greece) protected agricultural settlements

11 Pyramid in Argos, dates earlier than Egyptian pyramids

12 Overpowered Minoan society and expanded to Anatolia, Sicily, and Italy

13 Chaos in the eastern Mediterranean after Trojan War (1200 B.C.E.)
Excavation of Troy 7th century B.C.E. pottery depicting Trojan Horse

14 The world of the polis gradually emerged in Greece
Sparta began to extend control during eighth and seventh centuries B.C.E.

15 Reduced the neighboring peoples to the status of helots, or semi-free servants - maintained domination by very powerful military machine

16 Spartan society: Discouraged social distinction, observed austere life style Distinction was drawn by prowess, discipline, and military talent

17 Athens gradually broadened base of political participation
Solon sought to negotiate order by democratic principles Citizenship was open to free adult males, not to foreigners, slaves, and women


19 Athenian society Maritime trade brought prosperity to Attica, region of Athens Aristocratic landowners were primary beneficiaries Class tension became intensified in the sixth century B.C.E.

20 Pericles (443-429 B.C.E., most popular democratic ruler of Athens

21 Greece and the larger world - Greek colonization

22 Greeks founded more than four hundred colonies
Facilitated trade among Mediterranean lands and people Spread of Greek language and cultural traditions Stimulated development of surrounding areas

23 Conflict with Persia and its results
The Persian War ( B.C.E.) - Greek cities on the Ionian coast revolted against Persia, 500 B.C.E.

24 Battle of Marathon (490B.C.E.) is decisive victory for Athens

25 Xerxes tried again to seize Athens; his navy lost battle of Salamis (480 B.C.E.)
Persian army retreated back to Anatolia

26 The Delian League Military and financial alliance among Greek poleis against Persian threat When Persian threat subsided, poleis, other than Athens, no longer wanted to make contributions

27 The Peloponnesian War (431-404 B.C.E.)
Tensions led to two armed camps, under leadership of Athens and Sparta Unconditional surrender of Athens , 404 B.C.E.

28 The Macedonians and the coming of empire
The kingdom of Macedon, a frontier state north of peninsular Greece

29 Phillip of Macedon (reigned 359-336 B. C. E
Phillip of Macedon (reigned B.C.E.) brought Greece under control

30 Alexander of Macedon succeeds Philip at age twenty and begins conquests
By 331 B..E., controlled Syria, Egypt, Mesopotamia

31 Invaded Persian homeland and burned Persepolis, 331 B.C.E.
Crossed Indus River by 327 B.C.E., army refused to go farther Died in 323 B.C.E. at age of thirty-three

32 Hellenistic Empires: Alexander’s realm was divided into Antigonid, Ptolemaic, Seleucid

33 Antigonid empire: Greece and Macedon
Continuous tension between the Antigonid rulers and Greek cities Economy of Athens and Corinth flourished again through trade

34 The Ptolemaic empire; Egypt – the wealthiest
The rulers did not interfere in Egyptian society Alexandria, capital at mouth of the Nile Cultural center: the famous Alexandria Museum and Alexandria Library

35 The Seleucid empire: largest, from Bactria to Anatolia
Greek and Macedonian colonists flocked to Greek cities of the former Persia Colonists created a Mediterranean-style urban society Bactria withdrew from Seleucids and established independent Greek kingdom

36 The fruits of trade: Greek economy and society
Trade and the integration of the Mediterranean Basin

37 Trade and commerce flourished resulting in population growth and more colonies
Production of olive oil and wine, in exchange for grain and other items Led to broader sense of Greek community

38 Panhellenic festivals (like Olympic Games) became popular

39 Family and society Greek society in Homer’s works

40 Heroic warriors and outspoken wives in Homer’s world - strong-willed human beings clashed constantly

41 Patriarchal society was the norm
Women could not own landed property but could operate small businesses

42 Priestess was the only public position for women
Spartan woman enjoyed higher status than women of other poleis

43 Sappho: talented female poet wrote poems of attraction to women
Instructed young women in music and literature at home Critics charged her with homosexual activity (not acceptable for women)

44 Slavery: private chattel, property of their owners
Worked as cultivators, domestic servants Educated or skilled slaves worked as craftsman and business managers

45 The cultural life of classical Greece
Rational thought and philosophy Acropolis at Athens

46 The formation of Greek cultural traditions: philosophy based in human reason SOCRATES ( B.C.E.): “an unexamined life is not worth living” Encouraged reflection on questions of ethics and morality Was condemned to death on charge of corrupting Athenian youth

47 PLATO (430-347 B.C.E.): a zealous disciple of Socrates
The Theory of Forms or Ideas – world of ideal qualities This world is imperfect reflection of world of Forms His Republic expressed the idea of philosophical kings

48 Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.): Plato’s student, but distrusted Theory of Forms
Devised rules of logic to construct powerful arguments Philosophers should rely on senses to provide accurate information

49 Legacy of Greek philosophy
Intellectual authorities for European philosophers until seventeenth century Intellectual inspiration for Christian and Islamic theologians

50 Popular religion and Greek drama
Greek deities: Zeus and scores of subordinate deities

51 Various types of religious cults: cult of Dionysus most popular

52 Drama was performed at annual theatrical festivals
Great tragedians explored the possibilities and limitations of human action Comic drama took delight in lampooning the public figures

53 Hellenistic philosophy and religion
Hellenistic philosophers: search for personal tranquility Epicureans: identified pleasure as the greatest good Skeptics: doubted certainty of knowledge, sought equanimity Stoics: taught individuals duty to help others and lead virtuous lives

54 Religions of salvation spread through trade routes
Mystery religions promised eternal bliss for believers; like the Cult of Osiris Speculation about a single, universal god emerged

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