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Economy and trade.  Ancient Egypt had many jobs and I am going to talk about three.

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1 Economy and trade

2  Ancient Egypt had many jobs and I am going to talk about three.

3 The baker would make the bread and take it to the market to trade. He would either trade for supplies that he needed. Or he would trade the bread for other food.

4 Most ancient Egyptians fished for work. Half of the fish that they caught they would take to the market to trade. The other half they would take to there family for food.


6 Merchants are people that trade. They take food, art and other supplies to trade in other countries. They would take everything from the workers. Then bring stuff for the workers.

7  Egypt had a bartering economy. A bartering economy is when you don’t use anything but food. So the Egyptians would trade for other stuff they needed.

8  By Rajan

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