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Template by Kevin Dufendach Updates at not in any way.

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Presentation on theme: "Template by Kevin Dufendach Updates at not in any way."— Presentation transcript:

1 Template by Kevin Dufendach Updates at not in any way endorsed or affiliated with the Jeopardy Game Show Board Instructions

2 Board $0 Instructions To start a new game, click the “reset” button on the board slide. This will reset the board, set each player’s score to 0, and randomly move the Daily Double. Click “Adj Scores” from the board to manually change scores. Click on the lights at the bottom to start a countdown (click below to change). Incorrect response: Click the “incorrect” button if the player responds incorrectly, and their score will subtract. Correct response: Press the “correct” button if the player responds correctly, and the correct response will then be shown. –To skip viewing the correct response, check the box below If no one gets the question correct, press the arrow to go to the next slide (or return to the board if the checkbox below is checked). Troubleshooting: –Do not delete the value shape (e.g. $400) from any slide. If you don’t like it, you can move it off the screen, but DON’T DELETE IT, and don’t change its text!!! –Do not delete question slides and copy them in from somewhere else. You can do this to replace “answer” slides, but just not question slides (unless you re-apply the hyperlinks to the board) –If none of the functions are working, see “Macro Troubleshooting”“Macro Troubleshooting” Template by Kevin Dufendach. Updates at Please send questions and comments to Reset Adjust Countdown Timer Import from Excel Template (Template available online) Import from Excel Template (Template available online)

3 Board $0 Macro Troubleshooting If you’re having trouble getting this PowerPoint to work, be sure to “Enable Macros” when opening the file. If you don’t see this box when you open PowerPoint, your security settings may be set too high. In this case, go to the “Tools” menu and select “Options.” Click on [Macro Security…] and then select “Medium.” Press OK until you return to the show. Now save this file and then re-open it. You should now receive the dialog shown above. Click “Enable Macros” Note: some of the functions may not work with versions of PowerPoint other than PowerPoint 2010 for Windows

4 Board $0 Board DNA Structure DNA Replication RNA Transcription TranslationMutations $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 The Daily Double is located at: E5 Move to reveal location Reset Instructions Double Adj Scores

5 $0   Board $100 prompt: this is the name for the shape of DNA $100

6 Board $0 $100 response What is a double helix? $100

7 $0   Board $200 prompt: These are the molecules that make up the backbone. $200

8 Board $0 $200 response What are deoxyribose and phosphate molecules? $200

9 $0   Board $ 300 prompt: The base pair rule states that Adenine always pairs with Thymine and this other pairing. $300

10 Board $0 $300 response What is Guanine pairs with Cytosine? $300

11 $0   Board $400 prompt: This bonds the parts of the backbone together $400

12 Board $0 $400 response What are phosphodiester bonds? $400

13 $0   Board $500 prompt: This experiment used radioactive bacteriophages to confirm that DNA is the genetic material. $500

14 Board $0 $500 response What is the Hershey-Chase Experiment? $500

15 $0   Board $100 prompt: This enzyme is responsible for breaking the hydrogen bonds and beginning replication. $100

16 Board $0 $100 response What is DNA Helicase? $100

17 $0   Board $200 prompt: This enzyme is responsible for adding the first few neucleotides on to a strand of DNA. $200

18 Board $0 $200 response What is RNA Primer? $200

19 $0   Board $300 prompt: This enzyme only adds to the 3’ end of the DNA strand. $300

20 Board $0 $300 response What is DNA Polymerase? $300

21 $0   Board $400 prompt: This strand of DNA replicates from the replication fork to the origin. $400

22 Board $0 $400 response What is the lagging strand? $400

23 $0   Board $500 prompt: DNA is said to be this because it uses one strand as a template while creating a new strand. $500

24 Board $0 $500 response What is semiconservative? $500

25 $0   Board $100 prompt: RNA contains this sugar in its backbone. $100

26 Board $0 $100 response What is ribose? $100

27 $0   Board $200 prompt: When pairing with adenine, this is used. $200

28 Board $0 $200 response What is uracil? $200

29 $0   Board $300 prompt: This type of RNA is created from DNA. $300

30 Board $0 $300 response What is messengerRNA? $300

31 $0   Board $400 prompt: This type of RNA contains anticodons. $400

32 Board $0 $400 response What is transferRNA? $400

33 $0   Board $500 prompt: This type of RNA is responsible for reading the RNA that comes out of the nucleus. $500

34 Board $0 $500 response What is ribosomalRNA? $500

35 $0   Board $100 prompt: This is where transcription takes place. $100

36 Board $0 $100 response What is the nucleus? $100

37 $0   Board $200 prompt: This is a three letter grouping in mRNA that is made of nitrogenous bases. $200

38 Board $0 $200 response What is a codons? $200

39 $0   Board $300 prompt: This enzyme is responsible for transcription. $300

40 Board $0 $300 response What is RNA Polymerase? $300

41 $0   Board $400 prompt: Each RNA strand contains an AUG sequence known as this codon. $400

42 Board $0 $400 response What is a start codon? $400

43 $0   Board $500 prompt: This sequence is the complimentary RNA sequence to the following DNA sequence: 5’ TATCGA 3’ $500

44 Board $0 $500 response What is 3’ AUAGCU 5’ $500

45 $0   Board $100 prompt: Translation is the process of making this chain. $100

46 Board $0 $100 response What is a polypeptide? $100

47 $0   Board $200 prompt: This is the number of amino acids found in the body. $200

48 Board $0 $200 response What is 20? $200

49 $0   Board $300 prompt: This is the location in which translation takes place. $300

50 Board $0 $300 response What is a ribosome? $300

51 $0   Board $400 prompt: AAU codes for this amino acid. $400

52 Board $0 $400 response What is asparagine? $400

53 $0   Board $500 prompt: These codons code for glutamine. $500

54 Board $0 $500 response What are CAA and CAG? $500

55 $0   Board $100 prompt: This type of mutation occurs when a single base is incorrectly paired. $100

56 Board $0 $100 response What is a substitution? $100

57 $0   Board $200 prompt: This type of mutation shifts the reading frame backward. $200

58 Board $0 Fredrick, $200 response What is a deletion? $200

59 $0   Board $300 prompt: When replicating, a strand of DNA mutates from AGCTCGA to AGGCTCGA $300

60 Board $0 $300 response What is an insertion? $300

61 $0   Board $400 prompt: This type of mutation causes a flip flop of genes between two chromosomes. $400

62 Board $0 $400 response What is a translocation? $400

63 $0   Board $500 prompt: These types of mutations occurred in the following sequences: AAGTAGTCT AAGAGTCCT $500

64 Board $0 $500 response What is an insertion and a deletion? $500

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