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Contact Centre Workshop For Social Housing 2014 Martin Jukes Mpathy Plus.

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Presentation on theme: "Contact Centre Workshop For Social Housing 2014 Martin Jukes Mpathy Plus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contact Centre Workshop For Social Housing 2014 Martin Jukes Mpathy Plus

2 Welcome

3 Programme 10:00Welcome and Introduction, 10:10Transforming to lead in empathy, whg 11.10 Break 11.25Speed Networking 11.45Project solving workshops 12.30 Lunch 13.15Feedback from workshops & discussions 13.45Customer Service Training – what is it and why do it 14.45Break 15.00Setting up a Contact Centre in 30 minutes 15:40Question Time 16:00Close

4 #mpathyworkshop follow Mpathy Plus @mpathyplus

5 Transforming to lead in empathy

6 Who are whg?  Walsall Housing Group  Stock transfer in 2003  19,000 units  House one fifth of the boroughs population  Listen to our customers, culture of customer involvement.

7 What was it like in 2012?


9 Why did you want to change? Extended hours for Asset Management New Town Office External environment Commercial vision Continued development of Customer Contact Centre Supporting Digital services Other service offerings

10 Where did you start? Identify options and appraise each for: Implications of change Structure Support Cost Benefits

11 Options M - FSatComments 19 – 5n/aDoes not meet future requirements 224 x 7 Insufficient demand – high cost 38am – 6pmn/aDoes not meet Asset Management requirements 48am – 8pmn/aDoes not meet Asset Management requirements 58am – 8pm8am – 1pmPreferred option 68am – 10pmn/aLow demand after 8pm 78am – 10pm8am – 1pmLow demand after 8pm

12 What were the major changes? 1.Clear direction and vision 2.Greater customer focus 3.People changes 4.Relocation

13 What else? Recognition of the need to change Great support from HR Salary benchmarking Consultation Ring fencing for alternative roles in whg Planning how to migrate from then to now

14 What else? What were the things that worried you the most? How did your team react to the uncertainty of change? How did you involve them?

15 How many staff did you recruit and how did you do it? RequirementCurrentGap in shifts Total Resource Requirement Gap in resource (for recruitment) 21.4 FTE (791 hours) Working a shift pattern as calculated to include 12 X Full Time 7 x 25hr Part Time 1 x 15hr Part Time NOTE: This is a shift pattern not a Colleague plan. More staff than shifts are required to cover absence, training etc. Total = 10.7 FTE (396 hours) 9 x Full Time 1 x 18.5hr Part time 1 x 20hr Part time 1 x 25 hr Part time Nil. Cover required for all shift patterns Suggested split as follows: 11 x Full time 4 x Part time 18.5 hrs 11 x Part time 25 hrs 1 x Part time 20hrs 1 x Part time 15 hrs 10.7 FTE 2 x Full time 3 x Part time (18.5 hrs or possibly 1 FT + 1x 18.5) 10 x Part time 25 hours 1 x Part time 15 hrs

16 What were the outcomes of the change? First week was difficult Increase in call volumes New Team Leader texted resignation Awaiting new starters Call handling performance improved very quickly Team leaders started leading instead of answering calls Focus on getting it right More hours at reduced cost

17 How call patterns have changed 2013 2014

18 How did you measure performance? Traditional measures Call recording quality monitoring Customer Experience Audit

19 What is a Customer Experience Audit? An independent assessment of the empathy shown towards customers Presented from a customers perspective Detailed analysis of transactions – 47 measures Independently validated by Oxford Brookes University* Correlated against profit across 28 companies* Template for excellence Absolute measure Cross industry benchmark


21 Mail Order Utilities Retail Manufacturing Telecommunications Legal Public Sector Travel Distribution Outsourcing Hospitality Entertainment Information Charities


23 How did it go?

24 Whg Empathy Rating How you make us ‘Feel’

25 The Absolute Scale  Very broad  From ‘couldn’t feel worse’ to ‘couldn’t feel better’  Based on feelings, not intellectual  Without expectation, human based. Positive = 28% ERIC Rating Couldn’t Feel Worse Couldn’t Feel Better July20136.1. Rating 0000 1.55728000 Extremely Bad BadNeutralGood Extremely Good 12345678910

26 What did you do after the audit? Measure performance with Customer Experience Audit Review with detailed insight from CEA Identify training needs and plan training to meet those needs Implement specific training and coaching

27 What were the key areas?  Focus on customer and meeting their needs  Fill gaps and silences  Follow call recipe  Develop consistency

28 What did the second audit show?

29 whg Empathy Rating How you make us ‘Feel’


31 whg Versus Competitors Part 2

32 Where is whg’s prime focus? % Me67% Their computer system3% The product (phone, etc)0% The sale0% The account0% Their procedures30% Themselves0% Other0% Me Their computer system The product (phone, etc) The sale The account Their procedures Themselves Other 2013 2014 0% 55% 5% 10% 30% 2013

33 Generally we (customers) feel most treated as? A very special person0% A friend3% An individual person38% A customer46% A number0% A 'sale'0% As one of the crowd13% An object0% A child0% An irritation0% A very special person3% A friend8% An individual person69% A customer20% A number0% A 'sale'0% As one of the crowd0% An object0% A child0% An irritation0% 2013 2014

34 What else did you do?

35 New office

36 And finally What was the biggest challenge? What are you most proud of?

37 Thanks for listening Any Questions?


39 Speed Networking

40 Networking Some suggestions Who are you, where do you work and what do you do? What is the biggest challenge you are facing at work? How do you know how well you are performing? How is your Contact Centre changing

41 Workshop Activities Group discussions exploring problem/issues/experience/solutions Work with other organisations – share ideas/learnings Feedback after lunch – 5 minutes per table (lunch at 12.30)


43 Welcome Back

44 Group exercises - feedback 1. Webchat launch 2.Food poisoning 3. Facebook hysteria 4. Network failure 5. Customer Complaints/Increasing demand

45 Welcome Customer Service Training – what it is and why we need it Neville Beardsmore 4 th December 2014

46 Can you name these celebrities?

47 A question..... What is Customer Service?


49 Perceptions How many legs does this elephant have?

50 Perceptions – an old favourite Which line is the longest?

51 Standard of service Remember this one? Treat your customer as you would like to be treated yourself

52 Dissatisfied customers For every 1 complaint you receive: 19 others had the same experience Each tell 10 other people on average Therefore 200 people have heard about the poor service

53 Area population: 500,000 people Potential customers: 3,000 You already have 300 customers You receive 5 complaints in your first month 1.How many dissatisfied customers do you actually have? 2.How many people do they tell? 3.How long until you lose all of your potential customer base and go out of business? Losing your customers

54 What do we know about your customers? They have 3 common concerns: 1.You won’t understand their problem 2.You won’t / can’t help them 3.As a result, they will need to assert themselves and take control

55 90% of what your customer thinks of you is formed in the first 9 seconds 90% in 9 seconds First impressions

56 Building trust and confidence in 9 seconds They have 3 common concerns: 1.You won’t understand them 2.You won’t / can’t help them 3.As a result, they will need to assert themselves and take control

57 1.Positive opening 2.Identify the issue 3.Resolve the issue 4.Check Customer Satisfaction 5.Complimentary Close The Customer Service Recipe

58 Why are these people so watchable?

59 The secret: Consistency “You get what’s on the packet every single time”

60 You’ve been a wonderful audience Thank you and Goodbye


62 Building a Contact Centre in 30 minutes Steve Cutler

63 Q & A and open discussion

64 Closing Comments

65 Thank you Feedback Have a safe journey home

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