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® IBM Software Group © 2006 IBM Corporation Increase productivity with secure mobile access to applications.

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1 ® IBM Software Group © 2006 IBM Corporation Increase productivity with secure mobile access to applications

2 2  Business need  Solution Details  Helpful information  Summary Agenda

3 3 On the Minds of Top Executives Worldwide Source: IBM Corporation - July 2005 (Over 1400 Survey’s Worldwide) CIO Challenges  Aligning IT & business goals  Building responsiveness and agility into the organization through IT  Enable IT staff to be more effective CEO Challenges  Process Efficiency  Meeting Customer Expectations  Employee Productivity  Security & Privacy

4 4 “We need to make things more efficient, so we do more business, adding to the bottom line.” Improve Efficiency and Productivity “ We need to work smarter, using faster performing and easier to use tools.” Deliver Responsiveness and Reliability at Lower Cost “It’s about giving certain users the ability to manage content and make changes themselves.” Accelerate Application and Content Deployment Existing Realities (“How do I…”)

5 5 Enter SOA – Services Oriented Architecture … a service? A repeatable business task – e.g., check customer credit; open new account … service oriented architecture (SOA)? An IT architectural style that supports integrating your business as linked services "SOA impacts every aspect of IT and business.”

6 6 Significant productivity improvements can be obtained by extending SOA beyond the data center, to the edge of the network – Laptops, PDAs, Tablets, Smartphones “Field service organizations that have provided mobilized technology to field personnel for at least two years outperform those that have not by a margin of two to one. Mobile technology holds – and in many cases has delivered on – the promise of seamless and zero-latency connectivity between the field and the back office." Aberdeen Group - Analyst Mark Vigoroso

7 7 Enter Lotus Expeditor and Lotus Mobile Connect: Securely access apps on mobile devices regardless of network connectivity Tablet Laptop Back-end Server Services PDA Smart Phone ERP CRM Customer Service Collaboration Inventory, Logistics Supply Chain Secure mobile access in semi- connected environment

8 8 Mobile Enterprise  Customer need  Secure access to enterprise apps in poor or no connectivity  Value proposition offered by IBM  Improve productivity by securely accessing apps from mobile devices - anytime, anywhere  Products used  Lotus Expeditor:For occasionally connected mobile apps  Lotus Mobile Connect:For secure connectivity

9 9  Customer quote  “Work with IBM to make them the industry standard across all Japan Insurance and Financial Areas”  Customer Problem  High time & error rates in transcribing information obtained on customer premise  High adjustment costs  Solution  85K agents use WED-based application to enter policy data on tablet PC at customer sites  Synchronize with home office at end of day  Result  Increased agent productivity – reduced tasks by 30%  Lowered insurance adjustment costs Basic Information Total Premium Amount Covered & Option Selection Customer: Nissay Insurance Mobilizes Sales & Claims Management

10 10 Customer: Ludwig Görtz Improving customer satisfaction using wireless technology Challenge  Increase customer loyalty, attract new business  Reduce the footwork from its sales staff; for example, to check the availability of shoe sizes or styles that were not on display, which sometimes resulted in lengthy customer wait times. Solution  Sales clerks now check inventory without leaving customer’s side.  Use a mobile communication system that integrates existing messaging environment and inventory data into a single portal.  Sales staff remotely accesses portal through personal digital assistants (PDAs). Results  15% increase in revenue due to greater sales efficiency  20% increase in customer satisfaction  30% reduction in customer wait times

11 11  Business need  Solution Details  Helpful information  Summary Agenda

12 12 Products in the Solution Lotus Expeditor * Server-managed client platform for semi-connected apps u role-based SOA Based Process driven in context services Lotus Mobile Connect ** Mobile VPN for secure roaming and access * Lotus Expeditor: new release of WebSphere Everyplace Deployment (planned later in 2006). ** Lotus Mobile Connect: new release of WebSphere Everyplace Connection Manager, (planned later in 2006)

13 13 IBM Lotus Expeditor  IBM’s strategic server-managed client platform  Open standards-based alternative to.NET client and VB  Client integration platform for laptops, desktops, kiosks and mobile  Extends composite apps (Portal, Forms etc)  Aggregates a variety of application types in a single client view (eg Portlets, ActiveX, Host terminal apps, Native, Windows, Swing and others)  Provides anytime/anywhere access in semi-connected environment  Strategic to WPLC as standalone product and as the foundation for:  Lotus Sametime 7.5, IBM Lotus Notes “Hannover” release … and more! Rich Client Mobile Clients Composite Apps Managed Eclipse / Web-app based client ERP CRM Customer Service Collaboration Inventory, Logistics Supply Chain

14 14 Lotus Expeditor: End to end Server Managed Client Semi-Connected Support IT Data Center Desktops, Laptops, Kiosk’s, PDA’s* … Back- End Services to SOA Managed Client Expeditor Server Expeditor Client SOA Managed Client Platform ~ Operates Connected or Offline * Portal Administered Client not available on PDAs PORTALSERVER/APPSERVERPORTALSERVER/APPSERVER Think: “Replication”

15 15 Browser Portlet Factory IBM Lotus Mobile Connect Secure Connectivity User authentication Data encryption Secure VPNs Optimized access  IBM’s secure mobile VPN  Seamless cross-network roaming  Secure wireless & wire line roaming to over 40+ networks  Proven ROI - least cost routing & data optimization  Secure end-to-end connect to corporate intranets  Strong authentication and support for RSA Secure ID  End-to-end encryption- DES, Triple DES, RC5 and AES  FIPS 140-2 certification  Scalable and Reliable  Supports gateway clustering, and can distribute across multiple sites  Used WW today by IBM mobile workers!! Sametime Notes“Hannover” Expeditor

16 16 Lotus Mobile Connect: Secure Mobile VPN (Virtual Private Network) IT Data Center Desktops, Laptops, Kiosk’s, PDA’s* … Back- End Services to Mobile Connect Clients Mobile Connect Client Mobile Connect Clients PORTALSERVER/APPSERVERPORTALSERVER/APPSERVER Mobile Connect Server Secure VPN Firewall

17 17 Existing capability and what's coming in Nov 2006 WebSphere Everyplace Deployment V6.0  Eclipse and web based UI  Transaction messaging  Local database  Remote application deployment and management  Composite apps New in Lotus Expeditor V6.1  Enhanced mobile device support  Linux server  Enhanced toolkit WebSphere Everyplace Connection Manager V6.0  Mobile VPN  Seamless roaming  Data compression  Support for a large number of server and client platforms  FIPS 140-2 certification  Support for more than 50 networks New in Lotus Mobile Connect V6.1  Enhanced server platform support (Windows)  Enhance client device support (Nokia E60 etc)

18 18 Competitive Differentiation vs. Microsoft.NET  Expeditor  Based upon open standards -> No vendor lock in plus reuse of developer skills  Support variety of platforms (Linux, Windows, Windows Mobile etc) –> More flexible  Apps portable between platforms and backward compatible -> Lower maintenance and support cost  Mobile Connect  World class encryption (FIPS 140-2 certification)  Seamless Roaming  Support for the broadest range of server and device platforms in the industry

19 19  Business need  Solution Details  Helpful information  Summary Agenda

20 20 Helpful links  WebSphere Everyplace Deployment (Lotus Expeditor from V6.1)  Homepage:  Info Center:  IBM Education Assistant: (Select "IBM WebSphere Everyplace Deployment, V6.0" from the drop down list. In "Select your product:", then press the Go button.)  Support page:  Redbooks:  IBM Workplace Client Technology Micro Edition Version 5.7.1: Application Development and Case Study:  Patterns: SOA Client – Access Integration Solutions. SG24-6775-00: )  IBM WebSphere Everyplace Deployment V6 Handbook for Developers and Administrators Volume I: Installation and Administration, SG24-7141 (target pub date March 06 – check )  Workshops for Partners and Customers     WebSphere Everyplace Connection Manager (Lotus Mobile Connect from V6.1)  Documentation, downloads, trials, demos, samples 

21 21 WebSphere Everyplace Deployment No Charge Services Program - Will apply to Lotus Expeditor too  20 Hours of ‘no charge’ services with any deal where WebSphere Everyplace Deployment software deal size >= $20K  No charge services can be used for WED Workshop (scoping requirements, design, architecture)  OR anything else related to a WED deployment  Free services provided by  SWAT team  Pre-approved list of geo based SIs  Engagement model  WPLC generalist owns the deal  Engages Enterprise Access specialist  Specialist engages SWAT team first  Equipped to handle Portal and Forms POCs  Specialist engages BP from pre-defined list if SWAT team has no bandwidth

22 22  Business need  Solution Details  Helpful information  Summary Agenda

23 23  Improve productivity by securely accessing applications, anytime, anywhere in poor or no connectivity  Lotus Expeditor:Occasionally connected mobile apps  Lotus Mobile Connect:Secure connectivity  Competitive advantages of IBM’s solution  Based upon open standards -> No vendor lock in + reuse of developer skills  Supports variety of platforms (Linux, Windows, Windows Mobile etc) –> More flexible  Apps portable between platforms and backward compatible -> Lower maintenance and support cost  World class encryption Summary  Engage Lotus rep for Proof of Concepts or Deployments today  Use 20 hours of No Charge Services to get started

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