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San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida Dataflows in SRB using SDSC Matrix Arun Jagatheesan Architect & Team.

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2 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida Dataflows in SRB using SDSC Matrix Arun Jagatheesan Architect & Team Lead, SDSC Matrix San Diego Supercomputer Center 10 th Annual NPACI/SDSC Summer Computing Institute August 23-27, 2004, Sun Diego, California, USA

3 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 2 Talk Outline Introduction to Gridflows Introduction to SDSC Matrix Project Data Grid Language Architecture of SDSC Matrix Matrix Usage What can you do for Matrix?

4 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 3 Acknowledgement Jonathan Weinberg Daniel Moore Allen Ding Reena Mathew Erik Vandekieft SRB Team You! – ( hey your name can be here ) SDSC SRB, NSF GriPhyN, NSF SCEC, DoE Portals Project,

5 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 4 Gridflows (Grid Workflow) Automation of an execution pipeline Data and/or tasks processed by multiple autonomous grid resources According to set of procedural rules Confluence of multiple autonomous administrative domains GridFlow Execution Servers By themselves are from autonomous administrative domains P2P (Distributed) Control

6 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 5 Talk Outline Introduction to Gridflows Introduction to SDSC Matrix Project Data Grid Language Architecture of SDSC Matrix Matrix Usage What can you do for Matrix?

7 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 6 SDSC Matrix Project CS Research & Development Gridflow Description, Data Grid Administration Rules Gridflow P2P protocols for Gridflow Server Communication Development SRB Data Grid Web Services SRB Datagrid flow automation and provenance Theory  Practice Help in customized development & deployment of gridflow concepts in scientific / grid applications Visibility and assist in standardization of efforts at GGF

8 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 7 Advantages from SRB Perspective Reduces the Client-Server Communication The whole execution logic is sent to the server Less number of WAN messages Our experiments prove significant increase in performance Datagrid Information Lifecycle Management Autonomic: “Move data at 9:00 PM in weekdays and in week ends” Data Grid Administration Power-users and Sophisticated Users Data Grid Administrator (Rules to manage data grid) Scientist or Librarian (Visualized data flow programming)

9 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 8 Talk Outline Introduction to Gridflows Introduction to SDSC Matrix Project Data Grid Language Architecture of SDSC Matrix Matrix Usage What can you do for Matrix?

10 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 9 What they want? We know the business (scientific) process CyberInfrastructure is all we care (why bother about atoms or DNA)

11 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 10 What they want? Use DGL to describe your process logic with abstract references to datagrid infrastructure dependencies

12 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 11 Why a Gridflow Language? Infrastructure independent description Abstract references to hardware and cyberinfrastructure Description of execution flow logic Separate the execution flow logic from application logic (e.g) MonteCarlo is an application, execution of that 10 times or till a variable becomes zero is execution logic Procedural Rules associated with execution flow Provenance What happened, when, who, how …? (and querying)

13 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 12 Gridflow Language Requirements High level Abstract descriptions Abstract description of cyberinfrastructure dependencies Simple yet flexible Flexible to describe complex requirements (no brute force) Gridflow dependency patterns Based on execution structure and data semantics (Parallel, Sequential, fork-new), (milestones, for-each, switch-case).. Asynchronous execution For long-run requests Querying using existing standard XQuery

14 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 13 Gridflow Language Requirements Process meta data and annotations Runtime definition, update and querying of meta-data Runtime Management of Gridflows Stop gridflow at run time Partitioning Facility in language to divide a gridflow request to multiple requests (Excellent Research Topic) Import descriptions Refer other gridflows in execution

15 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 14 Data Grid Language (DGL) XML based gridflow description Describes execution flow logic ECA-based rule description for execution ECA = Event, Condition, Action Querying of Status of Gridflow XQuery / Simple query of a Gridflow Execution Scoped variables and gridflow patterns For control of execution flow logic

16 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 15 DGL Requests Data Grid Flow An XML Structure that describes the execution logic, associated procedural rules and grid environment variables Status Query An XML Structure used to query the execution status any gridflow or a sub-flow at any granular level A DGL or Matrix client sends any of these to the Matrix Server

17 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 16 Data Grid Request Annotations about the Data Grid Request Can be either a Flow or a Status Query

18 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 17 Grid User Matrix-demo sdsc ****** /home/Matrix- demo.sdsc sdsc- unix 0

19 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 18 Grid Ticket

20 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 19 VO Info

21 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 20 Flow Scoped Variables that can control the flow Logic used by the sub-members Sub-members that are the real execution statements

22 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 21 Talk Outline Introduction to Gridflows Introduction to Matrix Data Grid Language Architecture of SDSC Matrix Matrix Usage What can you do for Matrix?

23 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 22 Matrix Gridflow Server Architecture Matrix Agent Abstraction In Memory Store JDBC Agents for java, WSDL and other grid executables Persistence (Store) Abstraction ECA rules Handler Matrix Data Grid Request Processor Transaction Handler Status Query Handler Gridflow Meta data Manager JAXM Wrapper SOAP Service for Matrix Clients Flow Handler and Execution Manager Workflow Query Processor XQuery Processor JMS Messaging Interface Event Publish Subscribe, Notification SDSC SRB Agents Other SDSC Data Services WSDL Description Sangam P2P Gridflow Broker and Protocols

24 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 23 Talk Outline Introduction to Gridflows Introduction to Matrix Data Grid Language Architecture of SDSC Matrix Matrix Usage What can you do for Matrix?

25 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 24 Using XML-Editor Only XML (DGL) file required All that is needed is a DGL file that has to be sent to the server Use XML Editor to make DGL file XMLSpy® could be used Send it to the Matrix Server Use the Java Program

26 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 25 Using Java API Download our Matrix Java Client Programmatically create a request Use it in your java program to interact with the grid and develop a local application index.html

27 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 26 Using WSDL Use the WSDL to create a SOAP based client in any programming language or your preference

28 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 27 Using DG-Modeler GUI for dataflow programming

29 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 28 Gridflow Process I End User using DGBuilder Gridflow Description Data Grid Language

30 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 29 Gridflow Process II Abstract Gridflow using Data Grid Language Planner Concrete Gridflow Using Data Grid Language

31 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida 30 Gridflow Process III Gridflow P2P Network Gridflow Processor Concrete Gridflow Using Data Grid Language

32 San Diego Supercomputer Center Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) University of Florida got ideas/suggestions? Contact: SDSC Matrix project Google key word: SDSC Gridflow Click here to start the slide show again

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