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AGATA: Advanced Gamma Tracking Array
Introductions Presentations
John Simpson International Project Leader Chair of AGATA management Board Technical co-ordinator International status and overview Paul Nolan Chair of AGATA Steering Committee UK Spokesperson Status of this grant Jonathan Strachan Project manager AGATA Mechanical Engineer & WP6 leader
International status and Overview
What is AGATA? AGATA Demonstrator Phase Status UK Contribution New MoU (exploitation and development) Physics Campaigns
New challenges in Nuclear Structure
Shell structure in nuclei Structure of doubly magic nuclei Changes in the (effective) interactions Transfermium nuclei Shape coexistence Proton drip line and N=Z nuclei Spectroscopy beyond the drip line Proton-neutron pairing Isospin symmetry Nuclear shapes and high spins Exotic shapes and isomers Hyperdeformation Coexistence and transitions 48Ni 100Sn 78Ni 132+xSn Neutron rich heavy nuclei (N/Z → 2) Large neutron skins (rn-rp→ 1fm) New coherent excitation modes Shell quenching Nuclei at the neutron drip line (Z→25) Very large proton-neutron asymmetries Resonant excitation modes Neutron Decay
Huge increase in sensitivity
Idea of -ray tracking Large Gamma Arrays based on Compton Suppressed Spectrometers Tracking Arrays based on Position Sensitive Ge Detectors Previous array Compton suppression Eff max at 10% good resolution Exogam, Miniball, high efficiency for medium multiplicity Limited by solid angle subtended by the shields 50% coverage Throw away suppression shields Track every event Reconstruct the full energy 2 major projects AGATA and GRETA Eff 40% and multiplicity 1 Even 20% at multiplicity 30 EUROBALL AGATA e ~ 10 — 5 % ( Mg=1 — Mg=30) e ~ 40 — 20 % ( Mg=1 — Mg=30) Huge increase in sensitivity
Long Range Plan 2004 Recommendations and priorities
In order to exploit present and future facilities fully and most efficiently, advanced instrumentation and detection equipment will be required to carry on the various programmes. The project AGATA, for a 4-array of highly segmented Ge detectors for g-ray detection and tracking, will benefit research programmes in the various facilities in Europe. NuPECC gives full support for the construction of AGATA and recommends that the R&D phase be pursued with vigour. Long Range Plan 2009/10 AGATA the major instrument
AGATA (Design and characteristics) 4 -array for Nuclear Physics Experiments at European accelerators providing radioactive and stable beams Main features of AGATA Efficiency: 43% (M =1) 28% (M =30) today’s arrays ~10% (gain ~4) 5% (gain ~1000) Peak/Total: 58% (M=1) 49% (M=30) today ~55% % Angular Resolution: ~1º FWHM (1 MeV, v/c=50%) ~ 6 keV !!! today ~40 keV Rates: 3 MHz (M=1) 300 kHz (M =30) today MHz kHz Summary List few items Agata very powerful instrument for nuclear spectroscopy Exciting science programme subject of this meeting Aim to propose and start realisation of the full AGATA from 2008 180 large volume 36-fold segmented Ge crystals in 60 triple-clusters Digital electronics and sophisticated Pulse Shape Analysis algorithms allow Operation of Ge detectors in position sensitive mode -ray tracking
The AGATA Collaboration Memorandum of Understanding 2003 Research and Development phase
Bulgaria: Univ. Sofia Denmark: NBI Copenhagen Finland: Univ. Jyväskylä France: GANIL Caen, IPN Lyon, CSNSM Orsay, IPN Orsay, CEA-DSM-DAPNIA Saclay, IreS Strasbourg Germany: GSI Darmstadt, TU Darmstadt, Univ. zu Köln, LMU München, TU München Hungary: Debrecen Italy: INFN and Univ. Firenze, INFN and Univ. Genova, INFN Legnaro, INFN and Univ. Napoli, INFN and Univ. Padova, INFN and Univ. Milano, INFN Perugia and Univ. Camerino Poland: IFJ PAN Krakow, SINS Swierk, HIL & IEP Warsaw Romania: NIPNE & PU Bucharest Sweden: Chalmers Univ. of Technology Göteborg, Lund Univ., Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Uppsala Univ. UK: Univ. Brighton, STFC Daresbury, Univ. Edinburgh, Univ. Liverpool, Univ. Manchester, Univ. Paisley, Univ. Surrey, Univ. York Turkey: Univ. of Ankara, Istanbul University Huge collaboration Over 40 laboratories in 10 countries Others joining, Turkey, Hungary
The First Step: The AGATA Demonstrator
1 symmetric triple-cluster 5 asymmetric triple-clusters 36-fold segmented crystals 540 segments 555 digital-channels Eff. 3 – 8 Mg = 1 Eff. 2 – 4 Mg = 30 Full EDAQ with on line PSA and g-ray tracking In beam Commissioning Technical proposal for full array Cost 6.7 M€ Capital Powerful array in its own right Still to decide where to site Still to decide the key test experiments
Ingredients of g-Tracking
4 1 Identified interaction points Reconstruction of tracks e.g. by evaluation of permutations of interaction points Highly segmented HPGe detectors (x,y,z,E,t)i g Pulse Shape Analysis to decompose recorded waves 2 3 What has to be done to perform tracking What are the ingredients Detectors highly segmented, encapsulated, cryostats Electronics Digital PSA to extract Energy Time and Position Algorithm development particularly for position Area where effort is required Thorsten Kroell. See him. Tracking algorithms, reconstruction of the events for full array Obtain full energy Many technical development in all areas. Digital electronics to record and process segment signals reconstructed g-rays
First AGATA triple-detector @ IKP Cologne
Credits Weisshaar – CTT – Eberth Lab frame moveable
Asymmetric AGATA Triple Cryostat
- integration of 111 high resolution spectroscopy channels - cold FET technology for all signals Challenges: - mechanical precision - heat development, LN2 consumption - microphonics - noise, high frequencies
Detectors 3 symmetric detector delivered and operational
15 asymmetric capsules ordered R&D phase 12 operational 11/12 ordered next phase Deliveries 2009/2010 More orders (France and Italy soon) 5 triple cryostats ordered 2(3) operational 5 test cryostats available (scanning, CAT tests, electronics tests.)
Electronics and Data Acquistion
Preamplifiers (Ganil, Milano, Cologne) Digitizers Pre-processing Trigger DAQ (tracking, storage, GUI)
AGATA Digitiser Module 36+1 channels, 100 MhZ, 14 bits (Daresbury – Liverpool - Strasbourg)
First production digitizer at Daresbury 18 assembled 7 in operation in Legnaro Prototype Segment Board (2 boards per crystal)
Pre-processing (Position) Management of team only
Status: Production for 18 detector/capsules in progress Carrier cards- 25 delivered (8 mid-June). 9 commissioned and working Segment mezzanines- 50 delivered (60 mid-June) 33 working Electronics not on critical path!!
AGATA Demonstrator at PRISMA
Status of the installation
Basic local infrastructure complete Full chain of EADQ for one triple complete Full chain for two triples now Commissioning with a simple ancillary Powerful array in its own right Still to decide where to site Still to decide the key test experiments
UK Contribution Project Management Digitizer electronics
EDAQ specification Mechanical Design Detector characterisation
International Contribution to R&D phase
MoU 2003 Total capital 6.7M€ (ex VAT) UK commitment EPSRC (£2.3M) capital 0.95 M€ (ex VAT), FTE 46.5
Project management: AGATA Organisation
AGATA Steering Committee Chairperson: P.J. Nolan, Vice Chairperson: B. Cederwall G.deAngelis, A.Atac, F. Azaiez, D.Balabanski, A, Bracco, D.Bucurescu, B.Cederwall, J. Gerl, J.Jolie, W.Korten R.Julin, W.Meczynski, P.M.Walker AGATA Management Board J.Simpson (Project Manager) D.Bazzacco, G.Duchêne, P. Reiter, A.Gadea, J.Nyberg, Ch. Theisen, E. Farnea AGATA Working Groups and leaders Simulation and Data Analysis J.Nyberg Ancillary detectors and integration A.Gadea Design and Infrastructure G. Duchêne Front-end Processing D.Bazzacco Detector module P.Reiter Data Acquisition Ch. Theisen AGATA Teams How is it organised Steering committee Funding, Steering, represent countries, Science, meetings like this Management Board Technical aspects, deliver the project, manage resources Capital and effort Through a set of working groups and teams. Gamma-ray Tracking A.Lopez-Martens Elec. and DAQ integration P. Bednarczyk Mechanical design J.Strachan Digitisation P.Medina Data acquisition X.Grave Detector and Cryostat B. Bruyneel Physics & exp. simulation E.Farnea Devices for key Experiments N.Redon Infrastructure P.Jones Pre-processing I.Lazarus Run Control & GUI G.Maron Preamplifiers A.Pullia Detector data base K.Hauschild Impact on performance M.Palacz R & D on gamma Detectors D.Curien Global clock and Trigger M.Bellato Detector Characterisation A.Boston Data analysis O.Stezowski Mechanical Integration J. Valiente Dobon PSA R.Gernhaeuser/ P.Desesquelles
Commissioning in Legnaro
Series of Source and in-beam tests March (no ancillary) June-July (Dante –MCP) Further 20 days requested from Sept AGATA+DANTE+Interface AGATA+PRISMA (tandem) AGATA+PRISMA (ALPI beams)
In-beam run March 2009 Aims To test the detector in real experiment conditions DAQ Pre-processing electronics On-line analysis Acquire useful data for off-line optimization of the system
RUNNING! + 12C 11:42 17/03/2009 Pre-processing PSA Tracking
Non-segmented detector
1823 keV ??
Run last week Reaction is 56Fe on 208Pb, One triple cluster and DANTE
DAQ consists of 11 nodes. PSA, tracking and Doppler correction performed on line considering the central position of DANTE. The spectra show the 2+->0+ of 56Fe at 847 keV. No clear info about the narrowing of the peak. The trigger is the OR of DANTE plus one of the crystal. The coincidence rate is around 150Hz.
Fantastic progress Immediate aims and issues
Test with ancillary detector Test with 2 or more triples (2nd installed next week) Start physics experiments
Issues AGATA collaboration
Detectors Characterisation Production of electronics Staffing Organisation of the next phase New MoU Siting
New MoU In operation Signed by STFC
Defines build up, operation and exploitation of full project New management structure Defines in more detail the build up to a 1/3 array UK signed up bid for 2460 k€ capital 550 FTE (months) This grant 893 k€ capital 470 FTE (months)
New MoU committments UK this grant Other major countries
All countries on different timescales Germany 1M€, bid again 2012 Italy 2 triple systems assured, 5 year plan INFN being submitted France Bidding now (3 triple systems initially) Successful defence last week IN2P3 Sweden Bid when relationship to FAIR clear Other countries (Turkey, etc.) Key fact: Will have 10 triple clusters by end 2010
The siting issues At time of grant submission
LNL- Ganil- GSI ~15 month campaigns New timescales Ganil Shutdown for SPIRALII installation mid 2011-early 2012 Re-evaluation of schedule
The current plan Under discussion, ASC-Labs-Collaborations (NuSTAR/PRESEPC) Meeting of AGATA, Lab directors, PAC Chairs last week GSI as the next site If GSI then: Run in LNL until June 2011 Earliest start GSI October 2011 Earliest start GANIL March 2013
Current planning Affects this grant
Experimental conditions and challenges
Low intensity High backgrounds Large Doppler broadening High counting rates High g-ray multiplicities FAIR SPIRAL2 HIE-ISOLDE EURISOL ECOS High efficiency High sensitivity High throughput Ancillary detectors Need instrumentation
-array for Nuclear Physics Experiments at European accelerators providing radioactive and stable beams HIE-ISOLDE GANIL SPIRAL 2 FAIR Jyvaskyla AGATA LEGNARO
AGATA detector detail 42
AGATA Front end electronics
Digitizers: 18 assembled (UK), 7 operational in Legnaro, 3 Turkey (need to go to Strasbourg), 5 in Strasbourg, 3 in UK to go to Strasbourg. Pre-processing in production. Will be 40 carrier cards in total. Note, 2 carrier cards needed per crystal. 6 made by Padova. 34 in production in IPNO. 25 carrier cards have been delivered (rest mid June). Under test (9 tested and working). Segment mezzanine, 110 being manufactured (CSNSM), 50 delivered (60 mid June), 33 working early June. Note, need 7 per crystal since also being used for the core. Linco (card per carrier card to transmit data to processor/PSA farm), 6 in use, 10 in production, end June. GTS: one needed per crystal, plus a few for triggering and interfacing to ancillary detectors; 20 in production (out of 35), first modules expected beginning of July. Online digital trigger installed and tested: used in the end-May test (coincidence Dante-Ge) Overall aim to have a system for two triple clusters before summer vacations (almost ready now) Test system is being built up in Orsay.
Characteristation and Scanning
Comparison of real and calculated pulse shapes. Validate codes. Coincidence scan for 3D position determination Two symmetric capsules scanned in Liverpool 288keV Further scanning systems Orsay operational (A005 or A006) C001 scanning in progress in Liverpool 374keV 662keV
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