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Published byCamron Mills Modified over 9 years ago
Report From International Committee on Future Accelerators (ICFA) By Jonathan Dorfan, Chair ICFA Global Design Effort Meeting Frascati, December 7-9, 2005
The Role of ICFA Charter and Aegis Charter and Aegis ICFA was created to facilitate international collaboration in the construction and use of accelerators for high energy physics. It was created in 1976 by IUPAP Its purpose, as stated in 1985, are as follows: To promote international collaboration in all phases of the construction and exploitation of very high energy accelerators To organize regularly world-inclusive meetings for the exchange of information on future plans for regional facilities and for the formulation of advice on joint studies and uses To organize workshops for the study of problems related to super high-energy accelerator complexes and their international exploitation and to foster research and development of necessary technology
ICFA MEMBERSHIP July 2005 Canada D. Karlen Canada D. Karlen CERN Member StatesT. Akesson CERN Member StatesT. Akesson R. Aymar A. Wagner ChinaH. Chen ChinaH. Chen JapanS. Komamiya JapanS. Komamiya Y. Totsuka Y. Totsuka RussiaV. Rubakov RussiaV. Rubakov Y. Tikhonov Y. Tikhonov USAJ. Dorfan (Chair) USAJ. Dorfan (Chair) P. Oddone P. Oddone S. Dawson S. Dawson Other CountriesS. Novaes Other CountriesS. Novaes V. Sahni V. Sahni D. Son D. Son C11V. Lüth C11V. Lüth Secretariat: R. Rubinstein, B. Beuaseroy Albrecht Wagner will take over as the next Chair of ICFA in January 2006
Global Planning and Cooperation ― A Must for HEP Never before has a field of science attempted to globalize itself as extensively as HEP has done recently. It is a challenging task, but one that must be accomplished. Indeed the long-term health of the field depends critically on truly global cooperation Never before has a field of science attempted to globalize itself as extensively as HEP has done recently. It is a challenging task, but one that must be accomplished. Indeed the long-term health of the field depends critically on truly global cooperation The necessity for global coordination was formalized by ICFA in its May 1993 ICFA Statement entitled “International Collaboration in the Construction of Future Large Accelerator Projects”. The necessity for global coordination was formalized by ICFA in its May 1993 ICFA Statement entitled “International Collaboration in the Construction of Future Large Accelerator Projects”. ICFA’s role was crucial for the ultimate realization of a global LHC and is crucial for launching the ILC ICFA’s role was crucial for the ultimate realization of a global LHC and is crucial for launching the ILC
ICFA and the Linear Collider ICFA has been helping guide international cooperation on the Linear Collider since the mid 1990’s. Major early steps: ICFA has been helping guide international cooperation on the Linear Collider since the mid 1990’s. Major early steps: 1995: First ILC Technical Review Committee (TRC) Report, 1995: First ILC Technical Review Committee (TRC) Report, with Greg Loew as Chair with Greg Loew as Chair 1999: ICFA Statement on Linear Collider 2002: ICFA commissioned the second Report, with Greg Loew as Chair with Greg Loew as Chair 2002: ICFA Forms the International Linear Collider 2002: ICFA Forms the International Linear Collider Steering Committee ( ILCSC) Steering Committee ( ILCSC) 2003: ILCSC establishes International Technology Recommendation Panel (ITRP) 2005: ICFA/ILCSC Establishes GDE THERE HAS BEEN ENORMOUS PROGRESS ON INTERNATIONALIZING LC IN PAST 3 YEARS
The ITRP recommendation to base linac design on SCRF was presented to ILCSC & ICFA on August 19, 2004 in a joint meeting in Beijing. The ITRP recommendation to base linac design on SCRF was presented to ILCSC & ICFA on August 19, 2004 in a joint meeting in Beijing. ICFA unanimously endorsed the recommendation on August 20, 2004 Global concept and cooperation endorsed by the world’s HEP Lab Directors The International Linear Collider (ILC) is Born Global project is named International Linear Collider (ILC)
Global Design Effort (GDE) Established March 2005 Global Design Effort (GDE) Established March 2005 February 2005, at TRIUMF, ILCSC and ICFA unanimously endorsed the sub-Committee’s choice for GDE Director February 2005, at TRIUMF, ILCSC and ICFA unanimously endorsed the sub-Committee’s choice for GDE Director On March 18, 2005 On March 18, 2005 Barry Barish officially accepted the position at the opening of LCWS 05 meeting at Stanford
The World of Linear Colliders a Scant Two Years Ago – Four Options
December 2005 --- Enormous Progress in 2 years:.: min nominalmax Bunch charge N1 232x10^10 Number of bunches n b 133028205640 Linac bunch intervalt b 154308461ns Bunch length z 150300 500mm Vertical emittance y IP beta (500GeV) x102121mm y0.20.40.4mm IP beta (1TeV) x103030mm y0.20.30.6mm The parameters are slightly revised since the tentative parameter set (Suggested ILC Beam Parameter Space.) which was distributed in February 2005 in order to take into account the following new features from the Snowmass Workshop.The nominal accelerating gradient should be 31.5 MV/m for the 500 GeV stage, and 36 MV/m for the upgrade stage with Q0=10^10 for both cases. International Community centered on One Option GDE Baseline Params about to be adopted:
WWS Working in Close Coordination with GDE “LDC”“LDC”“GLD”“GLD” SiDSiD Main Tracker EM Calorimeter Had Calorimeter Cryostat / Solenoid Iron Yoke / Muon System Main Tracker EM Calorimeter Had Calorimeter Cryostat / Solenoid Iron Yoke / Muon System SiD: Silicon Detector SiD: BR 2 Small, ‘all’ silicon LDC: Large Detector ConceptLDC: B R 2 TPC based GLD: Global Large Detector GLD: B R 2 LDC GLD 3 detector concepts under study with full international involvement and active cooperation with ILCSC/GDE
The GDE Plan and Schedule 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Global Design EffortProject Baseline configuration Reference Design ILC R&D Program Technical Design Expression of Interest to Host International Mgmt LHC Physics
GDE -- WE MUST SUCCEED The GDE is off to a terrific start The GDE is off to a terrific start We have outstanding leadership and an aggressive plan which defines the key milestones We have realized an organization that is truly internationally constituted: representation and influence are extremely well balanced across the three regions But time is passing and we CANNOT fail to meet our near term milestones. Having set them, the “world” is watching But time is passing and we CANNOT fail to meet our near term milestones. Having set them, the “world” is watching To the GDE Leadership I offer: To the GDE Leadership I offer: You need to pick up the pace of the technical work—the accelerator troops are getting anxious to see faster progress To the Community, especially the leadership, I offer: To the Community, especially the leadership, I offer: Provide the leeway and support to the GDE so they do not have to balance every action regionally. For each important action, we must work to our strengths. The ILC is a very challenging machine: The most important imperative now is to produce the technically best, most cost-optimized design possible. That means utilizing the best talent and centers of excellence we have. Every decision that the GDE leadership makes cannot be expected to balance regional representation – rather taken as a whole, the GDE process will achieve regional balance
The Role of Governments Governments are the key – they will make the decisions that lead to the establishment of an ILC project Governments are the key – they will make the decisions that lead to the establishment of an ILC project The scientific community, through ICFA, are maintaining close contact with the key government agencies The scientific community, through ICFA, are maintaining close contact with the key government agencies The main forum is the Funding Agencies for Linear Collider (FALC), which meets about twice a year. Major strategy steps (like ITRP, GDE etc) are discussed with FALC to ensure acceptance by the governments of ICFA’s actions FALC has now established a Resource Group to make coordination yet more frequent and responsive
The Momentum is Picking Up Worldwide Serious discussion within governments in all three regions is intensifying. Recognition of the ILC as a crucial element of international science is growing: Serious discussion within governments in all three regions is intensifying. Recognition of the ILC as a crucial element of international science is growing: This is strongly driven by our community’s fervent and demonstrated commitment to make the difficult choices needed to ensure a truly international project Funding for R&D worldwide is about $70M. Even in these difficult financial times, one sees growth in all three regions Funding for R&D worldwide is about $70M. Even in these difficult financial times, one sees growth in all three regions Studies of the future of HEP, ongoing in all three regions, are anticipated to endorse even more strongly the tri-regional unanimity for the rapid realization of the ILC. We anticipate these studies to conclude before Summer 2006 Studies of the future of HEP, ongoing in all three regions, are anticipated to endorse even more strongly the tri-regional unanimity for the rapid realization of the ILC. We anticipate these studies to conclude before Summer 2006
Science Magazine:Editorial “Bullish on Particles” by Michael S. Turner Particle physics was, until recently, the flagship of U.S. physics, if not U.S. science. With ever larger "atom smashers" and such charismatic figures as J. Robert Oppenheimer and Richard Feynman, the field attracted the best and the brightest. These U.S. scientists garnered Nobel Prizes and public fame, becoming academic leaders and government advisors. The close association with national security that grew out of the Manhattan Project guaranteed both prominence and funding priority. But in 1993, the perfect storm hit: The $10 billion Superconducting Super Collider was canceled, the Cold War ended, and life sciences rose to prominence. Since then, we've seen flat budgets, more canceled projects, and no firm prospects for high-energy accelerator experiments on U.S. soil after 2009. In today's "flat world" where technology has made science around the world tightly interconnected, the future of particle physics everywhere can be no brighter than it is in the United States, and that future looks dark. Despite this, I am bullish on the future of U.S. particle physics, and my reason is simple. Right now, the field is poised for breakthroughs as stunning as those that followed Einstein's annus mirabilis 100 years ago. The focus has shifted from searching for the smallest subatomic seed to understanding the universe and the nature of matter, energy, space, and time. Big questions are ripe for answering. What is the "dark matter" that holds our galaxy together? Where did space and time come from, and how many space-time dimensions are there? How did the universe begin, and what is the mysterious dark energy accelerating its expansion? And perhaps the biggest question of all, one whose answer probably underlies all the others: How are the two pillars of modern physics--quantum mechanics and general relativity--to be reconciled and a unified understanding of the forces of nature achieved? Particle physics is on the verge of something really big, as if the past 50 glory years were just preparation.
As exciting as these opportunities are, the challenges are great and morale in the U.S. particle physics community is low. With its link to national security severed, particle physics must now compete for funding and students with other fields that also have exciting agendas- -from astrophysics and genomics to computer science and biophysics. Telescopes and underground laboratories to study dark energy and dark matter are now as essential as accelerators, making planning more complicated and the cost of discovery higher. And all of this in a time of constrained budgets for all science. As a U.S. scientist, I can't imagine the United States not taking part in the grand scientific adventure ahead. Moreover, a reality of the flat world is that the field's big dreams will go unrealized if particle physics can't right itself in the United States. Three things are essential to correct the situation. If particle physics is to be successful in garnering the needed funding and attracting the best people, the field must lead with a broad scientific agenda, rather than defining itself by big atom-smashers as in the past. Hosting a $5 billon electron-positron linear collider to follow the Large Hadron Collider now being built in Geneva would bring high-energy physics back to the United States and make a strong statement of U.S. commitment to this field, but it must be the science, not merely the desire to reclaim the energy frontier, that dictates whether to push forward with such an endeavor. There must also be a commitment to diverse approaches. Recent discoveries (dark matter, dark energy, and neutrino mass) remind us that other tools are just as essential. Finally, particle physics must achieve unprecedented (for any field) global coordination. Many of the critical projects on the path to answering the big questions exceed the financial resources of any one country or region. A strong national presence must be balanced against a strategic global program. Not every facility can be located here, and a new strategy of U.S. leadership must replace the old strategy of U.S. dominance. In their zeal to explore the world of the unimaginably small, particle physicists have repeatedly shown that they can blaze new trails and overcome formidable barriers. I am willing to bet that particle physicists in the United States and around the world will come through again. With unprecedented opportunities for revolutionary breakthroughs, all of science should be pulling for them. Michael S. Turner is Rauner Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago and Assistant Director for Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the U.S. National Science Foundation.
ILCSC – Next Steps ILCSC will continue to coordinate the worldwide ILC in accordance with its Charter ILCSC will continue to coordinate the worldwide ILC in accordance with its Charter GDE will continue to report to ILCSC until such time as the GDE gets organized under a federation of worldwide government agencies. At that time ICFA will step aside GDE will continue to report to ILCSC until such time as the GDE gets organized under a federation of worldwide government agencies. At that time ICFA will step aside A natural time for ICFA/ILCSC to hand off the GDE oversight to such a body would be at the end of next year when the Reference Design is complete A natural time for ICFA/ILCSC to hand off the GDE oversight to such a body would be at the end of next year when the Reference Design is complete You will hear more about ILCSC in the next talk
Conclusions We Live in Extraordinary Times We Live in Extraordinary Times At no time in the history of particle physics has the scientific landscape presented us with such an exciting spectrum of unanswered questions! The LHC will make major discoveries that challenge that agenda, but to engage the fullness of the scientific quest will take a companion TeV Linear Collider The success of the GDE process is essential – we must achieve the near term milestones if we expect to secure the increased government support both for the R&D funds to complete the design and for building the project SO KEEP UP THE MOMENTUM………IT IS MY STRONG BELIEF THAT WE WILL GET TO BUILD AND COMPLETE THE ILC IN THE NEXT DECADE SO KEEP UP THE MOMENTUM………IT IS MY STRONG BELIEF THAT WE WILL GET TO BUILD AND COMPLETE THE ILC IN THE NEXT DECADE
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