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Impact on Project Planning and Cost. Agenda CERN Project Budget Planning Summary E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact on Project Planning and Cost. Agenda CERN Project Budget Planning Summary E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact on Project Planning and Cost

2 Agenda CERN Project Budget Planning Summary E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014 2

3 CERN Project Budget August 2013: AWAKE has been approved CERN appreciates the ‘secured’ in-kind-contribution of the institutes (~3MCHF) Allocated budget for CERN (~10MCHF (material and fellows)) – Request was based on a best effort basis, ie. Design Report. – Does not include electron source – includes proton/electron/laser beam-line, civil engineering, experimental area, infrastructure, services. E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014 3 – Based on ‘simple’ design, e.g. Laser: CERN only takes care of the laser beam-line, no additional detectors, bunch- compressor,… Vacuum: no special design needs to be made for any merging/injection area. Beam-instrumentation: ‘standard’ CERN detectors will be used. Magnets: no new designs foreseen.

4 CERN Project Budget New since February 2014: – Electron source will be part of the CERN AWAKE project Additional budget request to CERN Mid-Term-Plan, MTP, (~3.5 MCHF) – Decision in June 2014 by the CERN Council – Part of that request is hardware (~1MCHF), which originally was foreseen to come from the Collaboration  not at all sure yet, whether this part will be approved. E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014 4 Facts: 1.Budget for any needed new design of beam-instrumentation, magnets, vacuum-tubes, etc… currently does not exist. 2.Manpower for additional tasks is not defined. 3.Budget for electron source not yet approved. Contributions from collaboration to finance hardware should be enforced.

5 Planning E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014 5 20142015201620172018 T1T2T3T1T2T3T1T2T3T1T2T3Q1Q2Q3Q4 CNGS dismantling Cabling Cooling and Ventilation installation Laser installation: clean room, laser beam- line, laser LS2 Civil engineering: electron tunnel, laser tunnel control room refurbishme nt MagnetSurvey Power converters Vacuum Beam instrumenta tion Access system Beam interlock implement ation Alarm, fire system Experiment installation: Plasma cell, diagnostics, Electron source and electron beam-line installation Commissio ning Physics Commissio ning Physics Installation planning: Specifications of p/e beam instrumentation and e-beam magnets 2 years (design, specifications, procurement, tests) Specs frozen for vacuum Note: Not a lot of time for physics! Phase 1 physics run (proton/laser/plasma) during end 2016 and in 2017 During 2017 also also installation of electron source and beam-line. Phase 2 (proton/laser/electron/plasma) only first half of 2018. LS2 lasts until beginning 2020! Phase 1Phase 2

6 Planning Deadlines: – September 2014: Freeze specifications for vacuum system of phase 1 – November 2014: electron/proton beam merging area for phase 2 defined Specifications for magnets, beam instrumentation, vacuum  it needs 2 years to do the design, specification, procurement, tests  manpower available for that? – Very tight schedule in 2017: physics and electron source and e-line installation. Install as much as possible already in phase 1, which can then be also used in phase 2. E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014 6

7 Summary Proposal: 1.Keep design as simple as possible 2.If physics case is there, do the experiment in steps. 1.Until LS2 (mid 2018) get first results with simple design.  Allow to stay within the budget  Guarantee available manpower  Keep planning (tight already) 2.During LS2 design an upgrade. E. Gschwendtner, 9 April 2014 7

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