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Thinking out of the Box: Arabic Language and the National Standards Imam Khalifah Ramadan 222 Swan Street Buffalo, NY 14204 716-812-1404.

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Presentation on theme: "Thinking out of the Box: Arabic Language and the National Standards Imam Khalifah Ramadan 222 Swan Street Buffalo, NY 14204 716-812-1404."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thinking out of the Box: Arabic Language and the National Standards Imam Khalifah Ramadan 222 Swan Street Buffalo, NY 14204 716-812-1404

2 Arabic in Islamic schools Most Arabic programs in Islamic schools are facing the same problem. Some blame the failure on the teachers, others the materials, others the resources, etc. It is rather the teaching approach, which is like an umbrella under which all other elements fall. Arabic programs should analyze their approaches and tune it to fit their goals.

3 Traditional approach Start with Alphabets After introducing reading, introduce grammar Vocabulary lists with English equivalents Learn  Apply  Translate Language of instruction: English Students’ affective needs: ignored. students are unhappy

4 Natural Approach Second language acquisition processes are similar to those of first language acquisition Start with spoken language Reading should be introduced later on Meaning is emphasized. Form is not important. Communicative competence is the target Language acquisition rather than language learning Language of instruction: Target language

5 Acquisition vs. Learning Learning is a conscious process in which students analyze language rules and applied them Acquisition is a subconscious process in which students “pick up” the language Adults have the mental skills to learn, but young children can only acquire Students need to be exposed to enough quantity of a comprehensible input of the target language in order to pick up the language

6 Comprehensible input Students acquire language best when they are exposed to a language input that is slightly beyond their competence level It is a challenge for teachers to provide enough comprehensible input for the students to acquire the language. At the novice level, the students do not have any knowledge of the language and the comprehensible input should be accompanied by real material or pictures that would provide the necessary context for the students to assimilate the language

7 Affective needs of students The learner's emotional state is just like an adjustable filter which freely passes or hinders input necessary to acquisition The teacher should always provide a non-tense, low- anxiety environment in the class Major affective needs the teacher should strive to provide are: low anxiety, self-confidence, and motivation

8 Overview  National standards for foreign language learning and the 5C’s  Communicative activities based on the 5C’s  Try it out yourself

9 National Standards for Foreign Language Learning Communication Cultures Connections Comparisons Communities


11 Communication Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.



14 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the various cultures of the target language. Cultures


16 Connections Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language. Students acquire information and recognize the viewpoints that are only available through the language and cultures.


18 Comparisons Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.


20 Communities Students will use the target language both within and beyond the school setting Students show evidence of becoming life- long learners by using the target language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.

21 The Ocean Materials: The Silver Fish, “Rainbow Fish”, CD, props Activities Based on the 5C’s Communication: role-play Communication and connection: fishing game and numbers Connection: graphs Comparison: compare the original story to the Arabic version Project “Graphs”

22 The Human Body Materials textbook, song, props Activities based on the 5C’s Communication: Who am I? (statements, questions) Comparisons: language structure (dual) Connections: Arabic and science (five senses song) Project “Strange Creature”

23 The Water Cycle Materials textbook, authentic material (story, song, verse from the Qur’an,) Activities based on the 5C's Communication: Role-play, interpretation of the story, presentation of play and song Cultures: Islamic perspective Connections: Science and Qur’anic studies Communities: Invitation of parents and school principals, becoming life long learners Project “The Water Cycle”

24 Folktales Materials textbook, folktales Activities based on the 5 C’s Communication: predictive reading Cultures and comparisons: clothing Communities: interactive older/younger students Project “Dramatic Presentations”

25 Conclusion  The standards are designed to guide the teaching of communication in all of its aspects. Thus adherence primarily to grammar and the written word is part of the five goals, rather than the overall goal of teaching language.  The standards are absolutely necessary to give the language teaching profession a process for planning curriculum and developing assessment tools in accordance with commonly accepted precepts.  Teachers will need to adapt their teaching to meet the demands and needs of their students.

26 Contact Information Imam Khalifah Ramadan 222 Swan Street Buffalo, NY 14204 716-812-1404

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