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About Me Jesse Hartloff, PhD Office: 203 Davis (may change) Office hours: TBD.

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Presentation on theme: "About Me Jesse Hartloff, PhD Office: 203 Davis (may change) Office hours: TBD."— Presentation transcript:


2 About Me Jesse Hartloff, PhD hartloff@buffalo Office: 203 Davis (may change) Office hours: TBD

3 Course Resources Piazza – home home Course website (Schedule) – Summer2015/index.html Summer2015/index.html Syllabus available on Piazza and website

4 Pre-requisites Required (officially) CSE 250, CSE 191 and MTH 142 At least a C- Required (for practical purposes) Comfort with proofs Willingness to work hard!

5 Academic Dishonesty All your submissions must be your own work If I catch you cheating, you will get a 0 on the assignment and possibly an F in the course You’re responsible to know what is cheating, plagiarism etc. – If you’re unsure, come talk to me Excuses like “I have a job,” “This was OK earlier/in my country,” etc. WON’T WORK

6 Disabilities Information included in the syllabus In short, let me know and consult with Office of Disability Services

7 Recitations Review homework and example Cover unclear material Will be casual

8 Exams Mid term Thursday, July 9 Norton 218 2-4pm Final exam Thursday, August 13 Norton 218 2-5pm

9 Grading Grading Policy Here is the distribution of grades: – Homeworks (40%) – Programming Assignments (40%) – Exams (20%) A 90% A- 87% B+ 84% B 80% B- 77% C+ 74% C 70% C- 65% D 60% F 50%

10 TBA Office hours You decide

11 This course: how to solve problems!

12 Why should I care?

13 If a picture is worth 1K words

14 Why should I care?

15 From someone who got a job at Google “You can let your algorithms class know that the phone interviews are essentially like a difficult algorithms test. Lots of data structures, specifying the algorithm, analyzing the run time and space requirements... And all on the phone and you're supposed to talk through your thought process.”

16 Why care about algorithms? Driving directions

17 Why care about algorithms? Computing Bestsellers on the fly

18 Why care about algorithms? Booking cheapest air tickets

19 Why care about algorithms? Data compression

20 Why care about algorithms? Error correction /

21 Why care about algorithms? Google searches

22 Amazon How does Amazon fulfill so many orders so fast? a3EU a3EU Efficiency is the key – We will see this a lot in this course – Not good enough to just solve a problem. It must be fast! – We will do lots of runtime analysis

23 Algorithms are everywhere

24 Now about the course It will be hard!

25 We’ll do loads of Writing down your thought process formally and precisely! Proofs!

26 The language of proofs Brad Pitt had a beard Every goat has a beard Hence, Brad Pitt is a goat? *Problem from homework 0

27 A common complaint Your examples in class look nothing like HW questions.

28 True because….

29 False because… HWs and exams will test your understanding of the material

30 What I’ll strive to do Help you with your questions and/or doubts If need be, email me for time outside of regular office hours

31 I’m not a mind reader Tell me what you don’t understand so I can explain it better

32 Homework 0 Will be graded but not count towards your grade Hopefully can avoid some common mistakes in the HWs that count Online by Thursday. Due Thursday, May 30

33 Follow the Textbook

34 The only way to do well is to work hard

35 Structure of Homeworks Easy Problem (40%) Medium hard Problem (45%) Hard Problem (15%)

36 Warning: Easy != Plug n’ Chug

37 Lecture pace Mid-term

38 Who is Algorithm named after? Abū ‘Abd Allāh Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī 9 th century Persian astronomer/mathematician 825 AD: “On Calculation with Arabic Numerals” Latin translation 12 th century “Algorithmi de numero Indorum”

39 What are Algorithms?


41 Don Knuth

42 Don Knuth Reward Checks /

43 Knuth’s Definition An algorithm is a finite, definitive, effective procedure with some input and some output


45 From problem to software

46 Day 1 Survey On UBLearns What do you want to do after graduation? What are your hobbies? So I can get a feel for who you are and possibly customize examples to the classes common interests

47 Questions/Comments?

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