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Saudi Arabia. Capital: Riyadh Population: 26,000,000 Economy: oil-based Saudi Arabia has the largest reserves of petroleum in the world 20% of the proved.

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Presentation on theme: "Saudi Arabia. Capital: Riyadh Population: 26,000,000 Economy: oil-based Saudi Arabia has the largest reserves of petroleum in the world 20% of the proved."— Presentation transcript:

1 Saudi Arabia

2 Capital: Riyadh Population: 26,000,000 Economy: oil-based Saudi Arabia has the largest reserves of petroleum in the world 20% of the proved reserves Petroleum sector accounts for roughly 80% of budget revenues Ranks as the largest exporter of Petroleum,and plays a leading role in OPEC.

3 Government:  Monarchy (Absolute) Saud Family  Based on Islamic Laws (Shari'a ) Chief of State, King, and Prime Minister  King Abdullah -FAHD bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud

4 More Economics OPEC is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. OPEC sets the price of oil and how much will be produced. Agriculture: 2% Industries: 69.1% Services: 28.9% (2011 est.)

5 Notes You NEED to Take!!! Government-Monarchy –King is the head of govt, Prime Minister and Chief of state Economy is based on OIL-80% of their income, largest reserves, important to OPEC, Command economy

6 Government controls the oil industry. There is private ownership of other businesses.

7 Islamic Law (Shari'a) If you are not a Muslim, you may not enter Saudi Arabia without an invitation and you may not leave without an exit permit. If you are not a Muslim, you may not enter Saudi Arabia without an invitation and you may not leave without an exit permit. Visitors to Saudi Arabia are subject to the same rigorous Islamic law as Saudis. Visitors to Saudi Arabia are subject to the same rigorous Islamic law as Saudis. It is not uncommon for Westerners to be imprisoned for possessing illegal substances such as alcohol, pork or narcotics. It is not uncommon for Westerners to be imprisoned for possessing illegal substances such as alcohol, pork or narcotics. Thieves still have their hands amputated and capital crimes are punished by public beheadings. Thieves still have their hands amputated and capital crimes are punished by public beheadings. Women must keep their heads covered and keep their distance from the men Women must keep their heads covered and keep their distance from the men It’s considered an insult to point your feet at someone It’s considered an insult to point your feet at someone. If you are not a Muslim, you may not enter Saudi Arabia without an invitation and you may not leave without an exit permit. If you are not a Muslim, you may not enter Saudi Arabia without an invitation and you may not leave without an exit permit. Visitors to Saudi Arabia are subject to the same rigorous Islamic law as Saudis. Visitors to Saudi Arabia are subject to the same rigorous Islamic law as Saudis. It is not uncommon for Westerners to be imprisoned for possessing illegal substances such as alcohol, pork or narcotics. It is not uncommon for Westerners to be imprisoned for possessing illegal substances such as alcohol, pork or narcotics. Thieves still have their hands amputated and capital crimes are punished by public beheadings. Thieves still have their hands amputated and capital crimes are punished by public beheadings. Women must keep their heads covered and keep their distance from the men Women must keep their heads covered and keep their distance from the men It’s considered an insult to point your feet at someone It’s considered an insult to point your feet at someone.

8 Girls must wear an Abaya or Hijab in public. No pants allowed. Girls must be accompanied by a close male relative when going out in public. Boys cannot wear shorts. You may not criticize Islam or the Royal Family. Non-Islamic items (Bibles, Torahs etc.) are prohibited. Dancing in public, playing music in public, and showing movies in public is against the law. Honor killings are not prohibited. Local Laws

9 More NOTES YOU NEED Saudi Arabia follows the Sharia or Muslim law. It is very strict-women must cover themselves, no public displays like skin or dancing is allowed. No other religions are tolerated. If you are not a Muslim you cannot go into Saudi Arabia without an invitation If you break a law you may be hung, beheaded, whipped or disfigured

10 Saudi People 100% Islamic Ethnic Groups:  Arab 90%  Afro-Asian 10% Language:  Arabic Literacy rate-86.6% Infant Mortality rate-15.61 per 1,000 Life Expectancy-74

11 Notes on the People 90% Arab, 10% Afro-Asian 100% Muslim Speak Arabic Literacy rate-86.6% Infant Mortality rate- 15.61 per 1,000 Life Expectancy-74 Most people live near water because of the geography. Most live in the cities

12 Saudi Arabian Towns 82% of the population’s 27million live in towns/villages (urban). Towns are usually found along the coast or near an oasis.

13 Population Development 1. Need for water 2. Transportation 3. Food 4. Trade 5. Ports 6. Jobs

14 Saudi Arabian Towns Muslims are expected to journey to Mecca (Hajj) once in their lifetime. This is part of the Five Pillars

15 Notes You NEED!!! Most people live in towns or near the water or an oasis. Problems with population density is related to water, transportation, food, trade, ports and jobs. Most people make the hajj once in a lifetime.

16 Middle Eastern Environmental Issues Limited water supply makes water valuable. Some nations have conflict over access to water like Israel and Jordan over the Jordan River

17 More Concerns for the Environment Extraction or removal of oil often pollutes the land. Some Oil is spilled into the Persian Gulf causing water pollution. Desertification is caused by lack of rain, overgrazing and overuse of arable land. Extreme heat waves.

18 The LAST NOTES Environmental issues-extraction, water and air pollution, extreme heat, desertification. Limited water supply with some conflict over water.

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