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Innovative Interventions in Cross-Border Public Health Centers Project: Development and Future Perspectives Professor John Kyriopoulos MD, MPH, MSc, PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovative Interventions in Cross-Border Public Health Centers Project: Development and Future Perspectives Professor John Kyriopoulos MD, MPH, MSc, PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovative Interventions in Cross-Border Public Health Centers Project: Development and Future Perspectives Professor John Kyriopoulos MD, MPH, MSc, PhD Department of Health Economics National School of Public Health Economics National School of Public Health Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the Social Fund of the European Union 75%

2 The Cross-border Public Health Centers (CBPHCs) in the Prefectures of Kilkis, Drama and Xanthi have been established within the framework of the INTERREG IIIA Programme with major aim the achievement of sustainable development and European integration. Specifically, the project “Establishment of the Kilkis Cross-border Public Health Centre” belongs to the INTERREG III/ Neighbouring Programme Greece-FYROM, Measure 3.2 (Protection of Public Health). The projects “Establishment of the Drama Cross-border Public Health Centre” and “Establishment of the Xanthi Cros-border Public Health Centre” are part of the Community Initiative INTERREG III/ Greece-Bulgaria Measure 3.1 (Improvement of quality of life).

3 The projects “Establishment of Cross-border Public Health Centers” have been developed and co-financed by 75% by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Social Fund of the European Union 75% (ERDF) and by 25% by the Greek State. The Kilkis, Drama and Xanthi CBPHC projects have been successfully completed at the end of 2008.

4 The selected prefectures for establishing the CBPHCs have been: for Greece Kilkis and Pella (Central Macedonia) Drama (Eastern Macedonia) Xanthi (Thrace) for Bulgaria Smolyan Blagoevgard Note: FYROM has also selected Gevgeli, Star Dorian and Bogoritsa.


6 The main target of CBPHCs project is to improve the quality of life of the population by developing the collaboration and promotion of common strategies among the border health authorities of neighbouring countries.

7 Facilitation of cross-border mobility of population, goods and livestock Scientific study and implementation of solutions for environmental issues, such as water air and soil pollution Development of joint strategies for the prevention and control of health risks Improvement of cross-border health services infrastructure Improvement of information in order to motivate citizens to use local health services Enhancement of a cross-border collaboration for the effective promotion of public health The major goals of the CBPHCs projects being achieved:

8 1.Expansion and renovation of the existing facilities 2.Hotel equipment supply 3.Office equipment supply 4.Signposting supply 5.Laboratory – medical equipment supply 6.Other equipment supply The CBPHCs project has implemented several actions and sub-projects, such as:

9 7.Vehicle supply 8.Hardware supply 9.Scientific Support 10.Publicity Project 11.Publications, Research studies and Leaflet Production

10 The presentation focuses on the development of Information Technology Systems, Software development and supply within the structure of the CBPHCs project.

11 Infokiosk supply Network Portal Geographical System Information (G.I.S.) Healthmeter- Development of Medical Questionnaire System Electronic Patient Record The actions taken have included:


13 Main goals of the innovative interventions are: to facilitate the work of health professionals to highlight the priorities in health policy to supply useful tools for the patient management to inform the citizens about available treatments and issues regarding health promotion

14 Infokiosk Several Infokiosks have been set up at central points in the Prefectures of Kilkis, Drama and Xanthi, as well as in Athens and are accessible by all citizens. The Infokiosks are user friendly (touch screen) and much easier than a bank ATM.

15 The information up-to-date and scientifically accurate, has been divided in: Health Issues Health services

16 The information distributed through Infokiosk contributes to: Protection from diseases and several health risks Health promotion Improvement of the general health status by adopting healthy practices in life style.






22 Network Portal The portal performs as an important information, communication and scientific cooperation data base on health issues and health services.



25 Introduction, development and outcomes of the CBPHCs project Activities related to the CBPHCs project Newsletters E-forum Professionals involved in CBPHCs project Scientific Publications Research Studies Leaflets Electronic Patient Record (in Greek) Also the Network Portal provides information on:

26 Geographical Information System (G.I.S) Formulation and motivation of joint strategies for the improvement of health services and the health status, through the development and implementation of the Geographical Information System (G.I.S).

27 Current health services situation Health status of the population Major risk factors Formulation of policies, methods and priorities for the improvement of the quality of health services The G.I.S. collects and records data about:

28 Additionally, G.I.S. provides information on: Demographic data Epidemiological data (morbidity, mortality) Health Services and distribution Health status (self-defined) Service utilization Provider choice Responsiveness of local health services


30 Healthmeter –Development of Medical Questionnaire System The Healthmeter implemented in the CBPHC of the Prefecture of Drama (Kato Nevrokopi Health Center) includes an electronic questionnaire, in which the personal health status of the user is portrayed by answering to simple and daily questions. The questions, though simple, are based on current scientific information on health promotion with respect to user’s health. Moreover, the aim of the Healthmeter is to raise awareness and to educate the users to care more for personal health matters.

31 The use of Healthmeter aims: To highlight the most significant health problems and to illustrate the physical and mental situation of the population. To form a brief but, also, clear representation, which aims to the improvement of the health status and health promotion. To detect public health problems.


33 Electronic Patient Record The Electronic Patient Record is implemented in the CBPHC of the Prefecture of Xanthi and is in used by authorized health professionals of the Echinos Health Center. It is a data base used in combination with information gathered from the Internet in order to facilitate decision making within the principle of evidence-based medicine.

34 Personal data Medical history Vaccinations Visits Diagnoses Prescriptions The Electronic Patient Record contains:

35 Future Perspectives of the innovative interventions of the CBPHCs project Continuous improvement of the IT System implemented in CBPHCs project Expansion of the existing network and know-how exchange to the CBPHCs of Prefectures of Serres, Evros, Florina and Ioannina, which were established within the framework of the programme INTERREG II, 4 Cross-border Public Health Centres Strengthening of the cross-border collaboration among the neighbouring countries of the Balkan Peninsula Persistence on improving the health status and the quality of life of the population of the border regions through the expansion of information and education regarding health issues.

36 Thank you for your attention!

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