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The Human Skeletal System Formation of Bones and Injuries to the Skeleton.

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Presentation on theme: "The Human Skeletal System Formation of Bones and Injuries to the Skeleton."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Human Skeletal System Formation of Bones and Injuries to the Skeleton

2 Bone Formation  When you are born you have more cartilage than bone and this gradually changes over time in a process known as ossification.  There are 4 basic steps in bone formation.

3 Steps in Ossification  Bone cells absorb calcium.  Once absorbed, the calcium changes into calcium compounds.  The calcium compounds cannot dissolve in water so they stay in the cells of the bone  The calcium compounds harden and form bone.

4 Ossification Timeline  Ossification begins at birth and is usually completed between the ages of 18 and 25.  During this time period it is very important for you to have a healthy diet so your bones are strong.

5 Skeletal System Problems  There are times when the skeletal system is not working correctly.  This can be due to an injury or some sort of disease or disorder that affects the skeletal system

6 Fracture  A fracture is a broken bone.  There are several different types of fractures.

7 Greenstick Fracture  A greenstick fracture is a break in the bone that does not go all the way through.  The bone will be casted until new bone cells can form and the bone becomes strong again.

8 Simple Fracture  With a simple fracture the bone has broken all of the way through but the skin around the bone has not broken.  The doctor will set the bone back together and put a cast on it.

9 Compound fracture  In a compound fracture the bone has completely broken along with the skin.  The bone may need screws to hold it in place while it heals along with a cast. The skin will also need to be stitched.

10 Dislocation  Along with broken bones, injuries can result in dislocations.  A dislocated bone is one that is moved out of place. This can result in torn or stretched ligaments.

11 Arthritis  Arthritis is inflammation or swelling of joints and it can be very painful!  Most common in older people but there are also juvenile forms of arthritis.

12 Rickets  Rickets is a disease that occurs in children who do not get enough calcium and vitamin D in their diets and their bones do not form properly.  Bones become soft and weak. Children may become bow-legged as a result of rickets.


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