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Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Analyzing the Integration of Innovative Telecommunication Technologies Project Number P-2007-055 Yossi Twizer Supervisor:

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Presentation on theme: "Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Analyzing the Integration of Innovative Telecommunication Technologies Project Number P-2007-055 Yossi Twizer Supervisor:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Analyzing the Integration of Innovative Telecommunication Technologies Project Number P-2007-055 Yossi Twizer Supervisor: Prof. Benjamin Arazi 6/6/2007

2 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Agenda Motivations Project Scope & Goals Analyzed Technologies Technologies Highlights Preliminary Conclusions Next Analysis Phase Time for Questions

3 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Motivations Interconnecting New & Legacy Telecommunication Technologies IP based Services Convergence  Providing New services and functionalities  Core COGS Saving  Unified Access Network Follow the $  Big money opportunities  Market leadership

4 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Project Scope Analyzing 4 Leading Telecommunication Technologies:  Focusing on Protocol Level  Top-to-Bottom Approach  Special Attention on Signalling & Traffic delivery flows  Current Interoperability Analysis  Gaps Detection Analyzing the IP Convergence Impact Analysis:  Networks Architecture changes  New Signalling protocols and information flows  Integration Point Analysis

5 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Project Goals Acquiring High Level of Understanding  Per technology  Per protocol Mapping current gaps in existing architectures  Signalling convergence issues  Install bases and migration paths Detecting & offering the optimal integration point

6 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Analyzed Technologies Focusing on the following Leading Technologies:  PSTN – Public Switching Telephony Network  Cellular Networks – 2.5G & 3G GSM Networks  VoIP Telephony Services  IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)  3G Core Implementation  NGN Cores Implementation  Cores for New Access technologies (WiMAX)

7 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev PSTN Technology Highlights Plain Old Telephony System (POTS)  Worldwide install base  Highly adopted & Fully integrated  Offering basic Services Circuit Switch Based  Low efficiency Vs. High Quality  Dedicated signalling system “Stupid” End-User Equipment Vs. Smart Core  Low level of flexibility  High cost for convergence  Emulation \ Simulation concept

8 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 2.5G & 3G GSM Networks Highlights Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN)  Amazing install base (over 2B of users)  Offering both IP & CS services  Integrated Interoperability through PSTN CS migration to Fully PS configuration  R7 is expected to be IPv6 with VoIP implementation  Dedicated Signalling protocols “Smart” handsets  High level of flexibility  Handsets readiness for fully IP env.  High cost for new Core technologies

9 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev VoIP Telephony systems Highlights Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)  Greatest impact on telecom world  Major COGS saver at core level  Expensive at last mile level Fully PS concept  High efficiency  QoS and regulation issues (911, 5-Nines)  Requires expensive UE Multiple signalling protocols  Integration issue (!!)  Penetrating as part of 3Play

10 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev IMS Architecture Highlights IP Multimedia Subsystem  Totally new core technology concept  Signalling – SIP based  Traffic – over IP fully flexible  Last mile – undefined ! Originated for 3G GSM, adopted by:  CDMA2000 (3GPP2)  NGN TISPAN  WiMAX Forum Implements a unified core  Regardless of Last mile  Regardless of service  Offering new roaming services

11 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Preliminary Conclusions Best integration point is at the CORE level  Saving CORE COGS  Offering new services (e.g. Fixed-Mobile Roaming)  Converging infrastructures SIP signalling is considered Highly efficient  Supports service initiation, billing, Telephony services  Is not aware of service type – full flexibility  Easy to adopt IP migration is expected to be highly expensive  Last mile issue  Handsets issue

12 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Preliminary Conclusions- Cont. IMS integrates it all and therefore is expected to be a leading technology bridging between future IP bases services !!  NGN Networks - Fixed  Future Cellular – Mobile  WiMAX Solutions - Wireless

13 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Next Analysis Phase In depth analysis of IMS technology:  Detailed NGN integration concept  Detailed SIP signalling flows  Advanced capabilities analysis (e.g. Roaming) Study cases analysis  Learning from first implementations  Detecting on-field integration problems

14 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Thank You! Time for Questions….

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