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2014 682 Participants 99 Teams 557,481,632 Steps (approx. 278,741 miles)

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2 2014 682 Participants 99 Teams 557,481,632 Steps (approx. 278,741 miles)

3 The NCH Win! Wellness Committee asked their fellow associates, “What health mission did you accomplish?”

4 Jimmy Granger District Manager (Sales) Partsmaster ACCOMPLISHED: 11 months tobacco-free!!!

5 ACCOMPLISHED: 50 pound weight loss!!! Toni Boyd Contract Administrator – CAC Before After!

6 Julia Oglesby Admin Clerk - Transportation ACCOMPLISHED: Including fitness as part of my lifestyle

7 ACCOMPLISHED: 90 pound weight loss and condition management via lifestyle!!!! Don Stewart Director of Product Development - Partsmaster After! Before

8 Roderick Blanton RPG ACCOMPLISHED: 25+ pound weight loss & healthier lifestyle including fitness Before After!

9 2015 Goals 750 Participants 110 Teams 600,000,000 Steps

10 The NCHWin! Wellness Committee asked their fellow associates, “What are your goals for 2015 to help you Be The Best Version of You?”

11 GOAL: 9 servings of fruits and veggies a day Bridgid Howland Chemist – Mohawk Labs

12 Jenny Cortes Transportation GOAL: Maintain or lose 10 pounds

13 GOALS: Make workouts fun, workout at least 4-6 days a week Plan my meals and snacks better so I can eat cleaner Start lifting weights so hopefully one day I’ll be able to do more push up’s than my dad Learn enough about clean eating and exercise to motivate loved ones. To stop making excuses! Loren Delgado Export Administrator - Transportation

14 Mindy Rodgers Production - Lab GOAL: Complete 1 st half marathon Monster Dash 5k in Fort Worth Oct 25, 2014; with Kathleen Lindig

15 GOAL: Qualify for the Boston Marathon before age 40 Andie Smith Commission Audit Administrator - CAC

16 Jamie Dalferes Learning and Development Mgr - Human Resources GOAL: Eliminate sugar and complete another Spartan Trifecta

17 GOALS: Keep Diabetes in control Healthy Eating Exercise Hollie Duval Credit - CAC


19 What Is The Same? Teams of 2-10 Open to ALL associates and family members ALL activity counts – Wear your pedometer all day – Conversion tool – Sync wearable devices

20 What’s New? Associates only pay $5 Pay online with a credit card 8 weeks Earn your T-shirt by completing the challenge (in place of earning a gift card) Share your journey on social media with #LHA2015

21 Rules of the Road What Counts ALL steps throughout the day count!! Step conversion tool on website for days you forget your pedometer or do an activity that you cannot wear it. Ultimate Mission: 10,000 steps per day

22 Rules of the Road Tracking Activity Record your steps on the Live Healthy website every week for ALL 8 weeks Only a couple weeks will be open at a time, so be sure to log in on a regular basis. You will not be able to go back and log.

23 Rules of the Road Completing the Challenge, Earning Your T-shirt and Wellness Reward Points Log all 8 weeks Achieve an overall step average of 6,000 steps per day This also qualifies associates for entry into the drawing for prizes at the end of the challenge.

24 Contests & Captains Challenges Team photo contest – Creativity Encouraged!! Get your team photos in to by February 6! Weekly Team Challenges From Live Healthy!!

25 Register by January 16 to receive your pedometer by the start of the challenge!! GROUP ID: LHDNCH

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