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The use of indicators for quality development in Denmark 1.The Quality Approach in Denmark 2.Indicators: concept and criteria 3.Use of indicators: example.

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Presentation on theme: "The use of indicators for quality development in Denmark 1.The Quality Approach in Denmark 2.Indicators: concept and criteria 3.Use of indicators: example."— Presentation transcript:

1 The use of indicators for quality development in Denmark 1.The Quality Approach in Denmark 2.Indicators: concept and criteria 3.Use of indicators: example Denmark 4.Perspective on the use of indicators

2 2.Testing and examination 5. Quality regulations 3.Ministerial ap- proval & inspection 4. Involvement of stakeholders Approach to Quality Assurance & Development 9. Management by Output/indicators 1.Common guidelines 6. The Danish Eval. Institute 7. Transparency and openness 8.International surveys

3 Elements in a Quality Assurance approach Just tools - not the truth Indicators are:

4 Relevant: linked to important objectives Reliable: based on solid data Simple: easy to interpret results Comparable: within and among colleges Few:in number Indicators must be:

5 Indicators can be: Used as a base for further analysis Combined and supplyment each other Used on different levels Qualified by use of criteria Risk: Focus shift from the most important objectives Suboptimation

6 Management TeacherTrainee Enterprises College A model for Quality Assurance

7 Indicators 6 indicators to be used for scanning: 1.Avarage grades (marks) 2.Rate of completion 3.Duration of completion 4.Drop outs 5.Employability rate 6.Rate of further education

8 Parliamentary Agreement for 4 years: ”The institutions get bonus-grants” Supplementary grants to VET colleges: Per student completing a program Increase in apprenticeship Other selected indicators on college websites Amount of grant: app. 5% of taximeter per student

9 Indicators: assess providers Teachers: Extend of further education ICT-competences (paedagogical) Learners: Assesment of prior learning Completionrate/time Final Marks: >6 (acceptable) Employability Proportion continuing into further education Evaluation results

10 Indicators: assess providers Enterprises: Number of Apprentices Workplace experience Employers assesment Management: Competences Self–evaluation of management team Cooperation with other colleges

11 Methodology Review (feedback and procedures for change) Evaluation and Assessment Planning (Purpuse and plan) Implementation Plan for evaluations next year: public Output: results Supervision of performance Plan for follow up next year

12 Benchmarking betweeen colleges Example 2. Network among 21 colleges based on agreed principles, methods and questions put to 14500 students Example 1. Network among 7 business colleges based on agreed principles, methods and questions put to 764 students

13 If you were to assess the quality – what mark? Average of the 7 colleges Balle- rup BC The college as a whole?8,58,9 The teaching you get?8,58,6 The social environments at the college?8,28,0 The management of the college?8,08,2 The college administration?8,28,4 The college buildings and class rooms?8,39,5 Note: 6= just passed; 8=avarage performance, 13 = excellent performance Ex 1 Assesment of college

14 Ex 2: assesment of teachers Well qualifiedExplain and make it interesting Engaged

15 4. Perspective on the use of indicators How to qualify indicators on European level? Data collection and validation Instrument for: learning governance funding

16 Thanks for listening Philip Pedersen Senior Advisor Ministry of Education Departement of Vocational Education and Training +45 33925732 Quality Assurance in Denmark:

17 EU: Objectives and indicators - DK 1.Employability 2.Access 1. Unemployability according to groups (DK) 2. Participation rate in IVET and LLL (DK) 3. Succesfull completion rate of training (DK) 4.Schemes to promote better acces (partly DK) 5.Prevalence of vulnerable groups: participation/completion/employability

18 3. Matching supply/demand 6.Mechanisms to relate developments in labourmarket VET-systems (partly DK) 7.Destination of trainees 6 month after training (DK) 8.Utilisation of acquired skills at the work place 4. Quality M -systems 9.Share of VET-providers applying Quality Management systems like CQAF (DK) 10.Investment in training of teachers (DK)

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