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2 Learnership Funding Policy 

3 CONTENTS  General information  Lead Employer Details  Intended Learnership Details  Learner Details  Declaration of Lead Employer  Annexures

4 GENERAL  1 Per Learnership  Grants – Discretion of Inseta  Hard copy and electronic  The Inseta Programme Office  Decisions – in writing

5 GENERAL cont.  Hard copy – 31 December 2002  Ensure App fully complete  Rejected – legislated time constraints

6 Lead Employer Details  Legal and trading names  Sub-sectors  Addresses  Details of contact person – H/O  Registration / reference numbers  SIC  SETA  SDL  COMPANY

7 Lead Employer Details cont.  Business size  Secondary employers  Banking details

8 Learnership Details  Name  Qualification  Registered  Registration number  Proposed start / end  Duration

9 Learnership Details cont.  Funding dependencies other than applicant and INSETA, which may delay or impede the Learnership

10 Learner Details  Currently employed  Unemployed  Disabled employed  Disabled unemployed  Genders  Race groups

11 Learner Details cont.  Proposed recruiting methods of unemployed learners  Which key skills priorities – SSp – Lship address  Reasons - Consider app favourably  Diversified funding base

12 Learner Details cont.  Letters of support – Learners, Managers  Anticipated employment after Lship  Table – currently employed – names, race, gender, education levels, etc.

13 Declaration of Lead Employer  It is an offence in terms of the Skills Development Act of 1998 to provide false or misleading information  Your application will be rejected should false or misleading information be found  INSETA reserves the right to verify the documented responses

14 Declaration of Lead Employer  We declare that the information provided is correct and according to our knowledge the signatories have the authority to bind the company accordingly. Furthermore we have satisfied ourselves to the extent, nature and regulations governing the proposed Learnership Grants.

15 Annexures  Sector Indicator codes  Seta codes

16 Additional Requirements  Grants subject to:  The availability of funds.  An indication of the final number or learners within the Learnership.  The Lead Employer being registered as an INSETA levy payer.  The proposal is in line with SSp priorities.

17 Successful applications  Successful applicants will be required to sign a memorandum of understanding with INSETA in respect of their proposed learnership.

18 The Process  Access grant application on website  Request app from Inseta  Return grant app to Inseta project office  Receipt confirmed  Grant app evaluated  Notification of approval / declination

19 The Process cont.  Briefing session by PWC  Inseta and lead employer will meet to discuss process – support and info  Learnership agreement accessed from website  Learnership agreement returned to Inseta  Receipt confirmed

20 The Process cont.  Lship agreement evaluated  Notification of approval or declination  Date of first grant  3 month progress report  Receipt confirmed  6 month progress report  Receipt confirmed  Disburse 2 nd grant

21 The Process cont.  3 month interval progress reports  Receipt confirmed  Final progress report  Receipt confirmed  Evaluated – Accept or reject  Disburse final grant  Certification requested from INSQA  Achievements recorded on NLRD

22 Amendment to Income Tax Act  R25 000 reduction of taxable income – Lship agreement  R25 000 reduction of taxable income – completion of Lship  DRAFT

23 Cosatu concerns  Fears of workers being retrenched  Insufficient attention to unemployed  Subsidy per learner to large  Employers hire and fire to gain benefits of subsidy  Promote retention after completion  Benefit exceeds wages paid to workers  SARS and COSATU have met

24 Amendment to Income Tax Act  Kevin Fletcher – tax analysis director  Differential incentive – favour unemployed learners  Tax deduction linked to wages paid to learners

25 Currently Employed  Sign Learnership agreement  The lesser of :  70% of annual wage of learner stipulated in the agreement of employment between learner and employer OR  R17 500

26 UNEMPLOYED  Sign Learnership agreement  The lesser of :  Annual wage of learner stipulated in the agreement of employment between learner and employer OR  R25 000

27 Employed / Unemployed  Completion of learnership  The lesser of:  Annual wage of learner stipulated in the agreement of employment between learner and employer OR  R25 000

28 Provide to Commissioner  Name of seta – lship agreement registered  Title and code of Lship – Director Gen DoL  Name and Identification number of Learner  Proof that the employer has complied with all the requirements of the Skills Development Levies Act.

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