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Automating JobSubmission Shutdown and Startup April Sims OCP 8i 9i DBA Southern Utah University.

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Presentation on theme: "Automating JobSubmission Shutdown and Startup April Sims OCP 8i 9i DBA Southern Utah University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Automating JobSubmission Shutdown and Startup April Sims OCP 8i 9i DBA Southern Utah University

2 Topics Unix account for JOBSUB Unix Environment Variables File Permissions Modifying End User File Locations Writing Scripts Submitting Cron Entries Integrating with DB backups/shutdowns Maintaining JOBSUB Output

3 Unix account for JOBSUB Separate unix account needed to keep these files separate from SCT BANNER code. May have to allow a few endusers the ability to access their jobsubmission output. Consider using SAMBA. Financial Aid has uploads/downloads to different agencies.

4 Unix Environmental Variables Remove all ORACLE environmental variables from profile calling them inside each script. This allows you to complete upgrades, change databases, etc. without having to modify each and every script. Use a SID.ini file and “source” it inside the script. Also good to keep from hardcoding passwords is to start a password file as well.

5 Mods to oraenv # Install any "custom" code here # if [ "$ORACLE_SID" = “PPRD6" ] ; then. /u01/app/sct/banner01/admin/banenv. /u01/app/oracle/PPRD6.ini fi if [ "$ORACLE_SID" = "PPRD" ] ; then. /u01/app/sct/banner03/admin/banenv. /u01/app/oracle/PPRD.ini fi

6 PPRD6.ini ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/oracle9i; export ORACLE_HOME SUU_EXE_HOME=/u01/app/suu/banner02/general/e xe; export SUU_EXE_HOME SUU_BANNER_LINKS=/u01/app/suu/banner02/links ; export SUU_BANNER_LINKS COBMODE=32 PATH=$SUU_EXE_HOME:$SUU_BANNER_LINKS: /u01/app/oracle/product/oracle9i/bin:$PATH ORACLE_SID=PPRD6 export ORACLE_SID PATH COBMODE

7 Password file.jobsub.pprd6 (named so that the leading. hides it from ls commands) general/password fimsmgr/password export PASS=`grep general $HOME/.jobsub.pprd6 | cut -f 2` sqlplus $PASS @$BANNER_LINKS/gurstop.sql

8 File Permissions JOBSUB directory and below is owned by JOBSUB and group permissions is nobody….. To grant endusers an UNIX logon account then permissions can be changed to limit access. Requires at least read permission on the directory above. Demo

9 Modifying End User File Location Some job submission output is not uniquely identified. person’s output overwrites someone else’s…SCT is rewriting code to prevent this in the future. SQL> insert guruprf

10 Writing Scripts #!/bin/ksh # SUU_BANNER_LINKS contains any modified banner code and is first in the path to pick the mods up instead of the vanilla code. # gurstart_prod.shl export ORAENV_ASK=NO export ORACLE_SID=PPRD6. /usr/local/bin/oraenv LOGFILE=$HOME; export LOGFILE HOME=$HOME/$ORACLE_SID; export HOME cd $HOME sh $SUU_BANNER_LINKS/gurjobs_pprd6.shl $ORACLE_SID GURJOBS > $HOME/gurjobs_start_$ORACLE_SID.log 2>&1 & HOME=$LOGFILE; export HOME

11 Submitting Cron Entries JOBSUB unix account has to be enabled to allow CRON To add crontab entries as banjobs crontab –e

12 Crontab cont’d # Fields are: # MM HH DD MM WW /cat/file/string/to/execute # minute (0-59), # hour (0-23), # day of the month (1-31), # month of the year (1-12), # day of the week (0-6 with 0=Sunday). #!/bin/ksh 3 15 * * 0-6 /u03/banjobs/ > /u03/banjobs/clean_all.log 2>&1 15,30,45,0 7-18 * * 0-6 /u03/banjobs/scripts/gurstart_PPRD6.ksh >gurjobs.log 2>&1

13 Integrating with DB backups or other tasks #!/usr/bin/ksh #nightly.ksh RUN as ROOT, no passwords needed. # Written by April Sims, DBA at SUU # This stops/starts all BANNER processes nightly for backups. # First I export the databases while they are still up. /bin/su - oracle -c "/u01/app/oracle/scripts/" <<EOF EOF # this stops all the jobsub processes, I run 2 different PROD ones so that in case one of them hangs. /bin/su - banjobs -c "/u03/banjobs/scripts/gurstop_prod.shl" <<EOF EOF /bin/su - banjobs -c "/u03/banjobs/scripts/gurstop_prod2.shl" <<EOF EOF /bin/su - banjobs -c "/u03/banjobs/scripts/gurstop_pprd.shl" <<EOF EOF # this stops sleep/wake processing /bin/rm /u03/banjobs/sleepwake/PROD/PROD.fgractg /bin/rm /u03/banjobs/sleepwake/PROD/PROD.forappl /bin/sleep 180 # This is a cold backup of certain databases /bin/su - oracle -c "/u01/app/oracle/scripts/" <<EOF EOF /bin/su - banjobs -c "/u03/banjobs/scripts/gurstart_prod.shl" <<EOF EOF /bin/su - banjobs -c "/u03/banjobs/scripts/gurstart_prod2.shl" <<EOF EOF /bin/su - banjobs -c "/u03/banjobs/scripts/gurstart_pprd.shl" <<EOF EOF # Starts sleep/wake as a background process /bin/su - banjobs -c "/u03/banjobs/sleepwake/PROD/start_sleep_wake.shl &" <<EOF EOF exit

14 Maintaining JOBSUB Output Jobsub collector tables needed to be cleaned out on a regular basis….recommendation 2 weeks Script that cleans out the collector table and corresponding *.lis and *.log files. (you will also see *.DAT, *.rpf, *.clg, *.prt, *.out, *.err, *.srt, *.ext, *.htm)

15 Thanks to Dave Iler #!/usr/bin/bash –x cd /u03/banjobs/PPRD HOME=/u03/banjobs; export HOME ORACLE_SID=PPRD6 export ORACLE_SID ORAENV_ASK=NO ; export ORAENV_ASK PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH; export PATH. /usr/local/bin/oraenv export PASS=`grep general $HOME/.banjobs.pprd6 | cut -f 2` $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus $PASS @clean_PPRD6.sql <<EOF EOF exit

16 Clean_PPRD6.sql set pagesize 0 set feed off set term off spool /u03/banjobs/PPRD6/rmfiles_PPRD6.bash select '#!/usr/bin/bash -x' from dual; select 'oldir=`pwd`' from dual; select 'cd /u03/banjobs/PPRD6' from dual; select 'rm ' || guboutp_file_name from guboutp where sysdate-guboutp_date_saved > 30; select 'cd $oldir' from dual; spool off set feed on set term on delete from guroutp where (guroutp_user_id, guroutp_one_up_no, guroutp_file_number) in (select guboutp_user_id, guboutp_one_up_no, guboutp_file_number from guboutp where sysdate - guboutp_date_saved > 30); delete from guboutp where sysdate - guboutp_date_saved > 30; host chmod 500 /u03/banjobs/PPRD6/rmfiles_PPRD6.bash host /u03/banjobs/PPRD6/rmfiles_PPRD6.bash / exit

17 Result from 1 st script #!/usr/bin/bash -x oldir=`pwd` cd /u03/banjobs/PPRD6 rm gurpded_5750.lis rm gurpded_5750.log rm gurpded_5751.lis rm gurpded_5752.lis rm gurpded_5752.log rm gurpded_5751.log rm fgrfndh_5761.lis rm gurpded_5753.log rm fgrfndh_5760.lis rm fgrfndh_5760.log rm fgrfndh_5761.log rm farvalp_5765.lis rm farvalp_5765.log cd $oldir

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