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CSE 308 Formal Project Introduction. Traditional Learning Methods Lecture – Listen model Mostly uni-directional Blackboard-Slides The Internet/Web course.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 308 Formal Project Introduction. Traditional Learning Methods Lecture – Listen model Mostly uni-directional Blackboard-Slides The Internet/Web course."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 308 Formal Project Introduction

2 Traditional Learning Methods Lecture – Listen model Mostly uni-directional Blackboard-Slides The Internet/Web course  The course contract (i.e. syllabus)  Teaching materials  Assignments  Project coordination

3 Where do we go from here? Distance learning Technology integrated learning  What does this mean? Tutorials Demonstrations Interactive ways of relating material Games Problems  Verification  Customization by concept  Personal contact  Instructor resistance

4 The Process Grant Proposal Requirements Analysis  Document  Presentation Agile Design & Implementation  Progress Reviews 1-5 Final Project Presentation

5 Project Candidates Must aim to satisfy one of 2 RFPs  NSF's Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies  SUNY's Innovation Instruction Technology Grants

6 NSF's Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies Purpose: integrate opportunities offered by emerging technologies with advances in what is known about how people learn to advance three interconnected thrusts:  Innovation  Advancing understanding of how people learn in technology-rich learning environments  Promoting broad use and transferability of new genres

7 NSF: Innovation Inventing and improving next-generation genres (types) of learning technologies Identifying new means of using technology for fostering and assessing learning Proposing new ways of integrating learning technologies with each other and into learning environments to foster and assess learning

8 Advancing understanding of how people learn in technology-rich learning environments Enhancing understanding of how people learn and how to better foster and assess learning, especially in technology-rich learning environments that offer new opportunities for learning and through data collection and computational modeling of learners and groups of learners that can be done only in such environments

9 Promoting broad use and transferability of new genres Extracting lessons from experiences with these technologies that can inform design and use of new genres across disciplines, populations, and learning environments Advancing understanding of how to foster learning through effective use these new technologies and the environments they are integrated into.

10 NSF Bottom Line Advance technologies that specifically focus on the experiences of learners

11 SUNY IITT RFP Enhance teaching Develop instructional talent Support research Extend learning environments

12 Enhance Teaching Enhance teaching and learning by providing affordable, innovative, and flexible education in a full range of instructional formats

13 Develop Instructional Talent Develop instructional talent by creating and supporting communities of practice across disciplines and institutions

14 Support Research Support, monitor and embrace research on pedagogical practices to continually improve the instructional practices of SUNY faculty

15 Extend Learning Extend teaching and learning environments to provide new avenues for development and delivery of collaborative content, courses, and programs in New York and across the globe through Open SUNY

16 Bottom Line Does your project:  Solve customer pain Help students Help instructors Help administrators Do what?  learn/educate/help educate

17 My Expectations Your Idea  solves customer pain  is original (to some extent) Your Grant Proposal  is focused  is well-written  sells your idea well  sells your approach Your Spec/Presentation  describes your app in very specific detail  renders your app in very specific detail Your Implementation  is deployed  works  makes users happy

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