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Preparing Grant Proposals: A Session for INASP Country Coordinators Barbara Gastel, MD, MPH AuthorAID Knowledge Community Editor Bangladesh May 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing Grant Proposals: A Session for INASP Country Coordinators Barbara Gastel, MD, MPH AuthorAID Knowledge Community Editor Bangladesh May 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing Grant Proposals: A Session for INASP Country Coordinators Barbara Gastel, MD, MPH AuthorAID Knowledge Community Editor Bangladesh May 2009

2 Overview Goals: –To help you in preparing grant proposals –To help you guide others in preparing grant proposals Components: –Presentation: preparing grant proposals– some basics –Small-group exercise (by regional groups, in several parts)

3 Preparing Grant Proposals— Some Basics

4 Grant Proposals as Persuasive Writing Proposals must persuade potential funders that the goal of the proposed work is worthwhile the goal is relevant to the funder’s mission the proposed approach is sound the staff is capable of doing the work adequate facilities will be available the requested amount of funding is reasonable

5 Finding Potential Sites of Funding Some sources of ideas: –Colleagues, professors, and administrators –Acknowledgments etc in journal articles –Published or posted announcements (calls for proposals) –Listservs in your field or at your institution –Published or posted guides Note: Consulting a program officer at the potential funding source can help.

6 Looking for a Good Match Seek funding from entities With goals that are consistent with what you want to do That tend to give grants of the size you are seeking If possible, with programs that match your intended work

7 Some Common Sections of Proposals Background information Statement of goals Research plan or program plan Budget Information on qualifications of staff (for example, resumes or curricula vitae) (Note: Depending on the requirements, proposals can range from one page to many pages.)

8 Some Other Items Sometimes Included Letter of transmittal (cover letter) Title page Abstract Table of contents Lists of tables and figures Description of predicted impact Plan for disseminating results Information on facilities Reference list

9 Appendixes Optional to include Examples –Papers accepted but not yet published –Letters of support from potential collaborators –Additional details about activities planned Remember: Reviewers typically are not obligated to look at appendixes.

10 Preparing to Write the Proposal Carefully review materials from the potential funding source. Consult the program officer, if appropriate. Look at examples of successful proposals to the funding source. –From colleagues –From the program officer –Published or posted

11 Preparing to Write the Proposal (cont) If appropriate, consider sustainability. If appropriate, submit a letter or intent or a letter of inquiry (“pre-proposal”).

12 Writing the Proposal Start early—sometimes at least 6 months in advance. Consider including a writer or editor on the team. Read the instructions carefully, and follow them exactly. Match the technical level of the proposal to the background of the reviewers.

13 Writing the Proposal (cont) Remember to include the 5 Ws and an H: who, what, where, when, why, and how. Include reasons for your choices. Write the proposal readably. For example –Organize the writing carefully. –Present overviews before details. –Use simple, common wording where possible. –Avoid wordy phrases. –Make effective (but not excessive) use of such devices as headings, boldface, and italics.

14 Writing the Proposal (cont) Include a carefully prepared budget. If relevant, include a timeline. If relevant, include tables and figures. If the proposal will include an abstract, devote special care to it. If the potential funder has forms to use, complete them carefully.

15 Writing the Proposal (cont) If part or all of the proposal will consist of freestanding text, format it readably –Standard typeface –Large enough type and margins –Unjustified (ragged) right margin unless otherwise requested Have others review drafts of your proposal. Carefully follow instructions for submitting the proposal (often done electronically).

16 Common Problems to Avoid Failure to follow the instructions Seeming unfamiliarity with relevant previous work Lack of a valid rationale Lack of originality Superficial or unfocused plan; lack of detail

17 Common Problems (cont) Unrealistically ambitious plans Incomplete budget Unrealistic budgeting Failure to justify budgetary items enough Problems with the experimental or other approach Lack of experience with key methods Lack of preliminary data, if needed

18 Common Problems (cont) For service projects, lack of sufficient information on evaluation plans Inconsistencies in the content Excessive use of acronyms/abbreviations

19 A Suggestion Imagine that you receive the grant and do the work as described. Will you then have all the needed information to write the appropriate report(s) or paper(s)? If not, revise the plan in your proposal, to make sure that you would gather all the information you would need.

20 Resubmitting a Proposal Note: For some funding sources, revising and resubmitting proposals is common. In revising the proposal, use the advice from the reviewers. Consider consulting the program officer. In general, accompany the revised proposal with a list showing, point by point, how the reviewers’ advice was followed.

21 Some Resources Texas A&M Office of Proposal Development: (includes a grant writing workbook, which lists and has links to other resources—see Chapter 16, “Learning More”) Annotated grant proposal: fault.htm fault.htm

22 Small-Group Exercise

23 Scenario: Small-Group Exercise You and some other country coordinators in your region will prepare a proposal to INASP for a grant to fund a workshop. The goal of the workshop will be to help participants increase their skill in an aspect of the communication of science.

24 Item 1 What do you know about INASP and its small-grant program that could help you to gear your proposal appropriately? What other information in this regard could be helpful? How could you obtain this information?

25 Item 2 What aspect of the communication of science will the proposed workshop focus on? In other words, what is the goal? Why should the workshop focus on this aspect? In other words, what is the justification for the choice of topic?

26 Item 3 What, in general, is your workshop plan? –Attendees –Activities –Speakers and other personnel –Location and facilities –Timing –Other Why did you make these choices?

27 Item 4 What items should the budget for the workshop include? Either –Approximately how much money should you request for each item? Or –For each item, how would you find out how much money to request?

28 Item 5 What is your timeline for the workshop? (In other words, what should be accomplished by what date with regard to the workshop preparations, the workshop itself, and the follow-up?)

29 Item 6 What is your plan for evaluating the workshop?

30 Item 7 What title will you give the grant proposal?

31 Wrap-Up What are the most important things to remember from this workshop? How do you plan to use material from this workshop? –In preparing grant proposals yourself –In helping others to prepare proposals

32 Thank you!

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