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EAC Education Committee Sage Cram ACCOLEDS Training December 10, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "EAC Education Committee Sage Cram ACCOLEDS Training December 10, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 EAC Education Committee Sage Cram ACCOLEDS Training December 10, 2003

2 Who are they? Currently consists of members of the DLI team and the EAC One of the two Regional Training Coordinators from each region (not a necessity) Chuck, Elizabeth, Gatean (soon to be Richard) and Wendy

3 What do they do? Accountable to the EAC Decisions need approval from EAC Developed training principles Discuss regional needs with regional training coordinators

4 Education Committee Report Principals

5 Education Committee Report Oops! Training Principles

6 Training under this program is being conducted specifically for (1) DLI contacts at participating universities, (2) the staff who will provide services for DLI data at these institutions, and (3) Statistics Canada staff directly involved in the support of DLI.

7 Training Principles Training will be provided to all of those eligible under the first principle through a variety of formats, including subsidized workshops that are delivered regionally.

8 Training Principles The first training priority is to establish a basic level of data service skills for new DLI Contacts. This training shall be considered the entry level required to DLI data. More advanced training will build upon previous levels. Priorities for advanced levels will be determined by the needs of those supporting data services and by the evolution of DLI.

9 Training Principles Training priorities for Phase II will address varying levels of expertise and service within the DLI community. Special attention will be given to strengthening expertise in regions undergoing changes due to retirement or turnover in experienced DLI Contacts. Special attention will be given to regions without a prior tradition or culture of data use or without a previous foundation in data services. This will entail strategies that identify the training and support of key individuals who will become recognized experts in their region.

10 Training Principles All training will be conducted from a 'service' perspective, that is, from a point of view that focuses on the clientele of DLI data. The purpose of this training is to prepare data services staff to assist university clients with DLI data.

11 Training Principles A global curriculum plan will guide the course content that is offered through this program. The DLI External Advisory Committee will be responsible for maintaining this plan and for periodically reviewing its content and direction.

12 Training Principles Training will address concerns appropriate both to small and large institutions. Training will be regionally based with regular national and international exposure when the opportunities arise.

13 Training Principles Whenever possible, trainers will be recruited from the existing Canadian data library community with the expectation that those who are trained may some day be called upon to train others. This perspective operates on the principle that as one learns, one will teach.

14 Training Principles Outreach will be organized for Library directors, the user community, STC survey managers, and other general public to communicate the importance of statistical and data literacy.

15 Education Committee Report Review

16 Comments from our mini survey Very positive feedback from training Desire to continue training Networking with peers is important

17 Collection of Training Materials Jane and Sage are collecting training materials and handouts and will put the complete collection together on one site.

18 Modes of Training Delivery Face to face Web

19 Regional Training Experiences Stability of DLI contacts Local trainers Training location Smaller institutions

20 Environmental Scan DLI community Statistics Canada Education Sector Research Community Technological Environment

21 Education Committee Report Outcomes

22 Training Mandate Extended educational mandate Outreach program Expanding alliances

23 Organizational Structure for DLI training EAC Education Committee Regional Coordinators Trainers Instructors

24 Regional Training Coordinators 2 per region Responsible for: – identifying training needs – Communicating with Education Committee – Proposing Training Budget to EAC – Arranging Local Arrangements – Designing local training programme

25 Trainers and Instructors Trainers – provide substantive instruction – Expertise in specific area with pedagogic skills – 2 or 3 per region Instructors – Anyone asked to make a presentation on a specific topic – To involve the other contacts in instruction

26 Renewal of Trainers Quebec situation Train-the-trainer workshop

27 Train-the-Trainer March 2004 in Montreal 1. Presentation of the Big Picture 2. Phase II curriculum a. Orientation to DLI for new contacts b. Content i. Administrative and technical services ii. Statistical and Data Literacy iii. Data Content and Reference 3. Network Development

28 Education Committee Report Discussion

29 Data Librarian Certificate Who would issue the certificate? How would one qualify? What would be the role of certification? Would this jeopardize the current training programme?

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