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Viewlets? A. Michelle Edwards, Ph.D. Data Resource Centre University of Guelph DLI/CAPDU Training April 12, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Viewlets? A. Michelle Edwards, Ph.D. Data Resource Centre University of Guelph DLI/CAPDU Training April 12, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Viewlets? A. Michelle Edwards, Ph.D. Data Resource Centre University of Guelph DLI/CAPDU Training April 12, 2005

2 What are Viewlets? On-line slide shows Computer generated animation sequences "how to" demonstration that plays right in your web browser.

3 Who uses Viewlets? Trainers and Educators AECT project

4 Who uses Viewlets? Support and HelpDesk Staff Oracle

5 Who uses Viewlets? Sales and Marketing Personnel Co|Create

6 Why would we use Viewlets? Support How to search and access data… Troubleshooting B2020 files How to use Web Retrieval systems – Nesstar How to calculate Frequencies in SPSS, SAS

7 Why would we use Viewlets? Teaching How to run common analyses in statistical packages How to use B2020 How to create maps in a GIS package

8 Viewlet Software Several Choices – three of which are: Qarbons ViewletBuilder Macromedia Captivate Techsmith Camtasia

9 Viewlet Software Captivate and ViewletBuilder are very similar – Camtasia appears to capture shots without the ability to add info later. Overall – all three accomplish similar end results – on-line movie

10 Viewlet Software Prices are comparable: Qarbon ViewletBuilder $299/copy (USD) 5-user license available $$$ TechSmith Camtasia $299/copy (USD) 5-user license $995.00 (USD) Macromedia Captivate $499/copy (USD) UG license: $225/copy (CDN)

11 Qarbon ViewletBuilder University of Guelph Chose Qarbons ViewletBuilder software Recommended by other institutions Priced right at the time Easy to learn and use

12 Workshop Scenario… We have a 2 nd year Sociology class using 2001 Census files. Students will need: Federal Electoral District data Search for 2 Geographic areas Create a worksheet with results

13 Workshop Scenario… Create a Viewlet demonstrating the Search and Worksheet functions of B2020 Provide a link to this Viewlet to Prof of class along with our class talk.

14 Workshop Scenario… We will use table 95F0446XCB01009 Value of Dwelling (10) and Structural Type of Dwelling (5) for Owner-occupied, Non-farm, Non-reserve private dwellings, for Canada, Province, Territories, and Federal Electoral Districts (2003 representative order), 2001 Census – 20% Sample Data.

15 Workshop Scenario… 1. Find and Open the table in B2020 2. Open ViewletBuilder software 3. Create a new Project

16 Workshop Scenario… 4. Capture Slides 5. Edit Slides Add notes Check timing 6. Discuss publishing

17 Roadblocks and Tricks?? Screen size Open application first Use keyboard Pause rather than mouse click to capture shots. Hide your taskbar Turn off MSN

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