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KEK, July 14, 2011. Donation from CERN goes to orphans of the earthquake 9 May 2011 A donation of 53,280 CHF raised by employees and friends of CERN will.

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Presentation on theme: "KEK, July 14, 2011. Donation from CERN goes to orphans of the earthquake 9 May 2011 A donation of 53,280 CHF raised by employees and friends of CERN will."— Presentation transcript:

1 KEK, July 14, 2011

2 Donation from CERN goes to orphans of the earthquake 9 May 2011 A donation of 53,280 CHF raised by employees and friends of CERN will go to Ashinaga, a non- profit organization which provides financial, educational and emotional support to children whose parents or guardians were lost or seriously injured as a result of the earthquake and the ensuing tsunami. The decision to donate to Ashinaga came after intimate discussion between Rolf Heuer, Director General of CERN, Atsuto Suzuki, Director General of KEK, and Shoji Nagamiya, Director of J-PARC. KEK would like to express our sincerest appreciation to those who support Japan, both in emotion ways and in terms of donations.

3 ま manifold 2/60


5 32





10 5/16 5/23 6/6 SuperKEKB

11 Sri Lanka :1 China : 12 : 11 Korea : 11 UK : 11 : Canada : 12 Universities J-PARC with JAEA KEK USA : 31 Australia :1 India :2 Malaysia :1 Taiwan :2 Ireland : 1 France : 11 Germany : 2 Italy : 4 Greek : 1 Swiss : 2 Poland : 4 Russia : 8 Beraruce:1 Spain : 3 Georgia: 1 Slovenia : 2 Bulgaria : 1 Hungary : 1 Sweden : 1 Kazak stan : 1 Belgium : 1


13 T2K (Tokai to Kamioka) Experiment Solar exps.(SNO,…) + KamLAND e   KamiokandeSuper-Kamiokande K2K, MINOS T2KT2K

14 How to Detect Neutrino Masses finite neutrino mass  neutrino-type mixing e  = -sin  cos  e0  = cos  sin  e0 mass eigen states weak interaction eigen states ( e   ) e0  ( )( m 1 m 2 ) unknown parameters :  = mixing angle,  m 2 = m 1 2 - m 2 2 e e (t)   (t) d dt i=  m 2 4|p| e e (t)   (t) -cos2  sin2  sin2  cos2  equation of motion

15 e   100%0% 100%0% L e 

16 e Event Selection Selection Stepevents There is no OD signal (fully contained: FC) 121 In SK fiducial volume. (distance between reconstructed vertex and SK ID wall > 2m) 88 One ring event 41 e-like ring event 8 Reconstructed electron energy > 100MeV 7 There is no delayed electron signal from muons or pions. (to reject undetected muons and pions. ) 6 Finding the 2 nd e-like ring by forcing to fit to light pattern under the 2 e- like rings assumption, and then reconstruct invariant mass of these 2 e- like rings. Requesting M inv < 105MeV/c 2 ; reject invariant mass close to  0. 6 Reconstructed neutrino energy using the electron energy and direction is less than 1250MeV (E<1250MeV). Requesting that energy of neutrino is consistent with the one from J-PARC. 6 16

17 Stat. significance and  13 measurements Under the  13 =0 hypothesis, the probability to observe six or more events is 0.007. (corresponds to 2.5  stat. significance)  confidence level region at  =0 case Chooz experiment 90% CL limit.  = 0 (  m 23 2 >0)(  m 23 2 <0)


19 J.P.Delahaye/CERN : ICHEP2010 Partially funded (100 M$) Almost fully funded

20 2007 My Concern : SuperKEKB Cost first class : 700 M$ first class : 700 M$ nightmare business class : 500 M$ business class : 500 M$ sleepless-nights sleepless-nights economy class : 315 M$ economy class : 315 M$ upgrading 350 M$

21 matter-dominated universe scenario matter-dominated universe scenario or  vs. VHS scenario or  vs. VHS scenario matter-dominated universe scenario matter-dominated universe scenario or  vs. VHS scenario or  vs. VHS scenario

22 q Early Universe Present Universe

23 VHS Early Stage of Market Share for Video-Tapes Early Stage of Market Share for Video-Tapes VHS PresentPresent

24 Present Super-B Factory Early Approval of Full Budget Early Approval of Full Budget

25 25

26 26 Oct. 28, 2010


28 28ATF SLAC, US, May 2011

29 S1-Global The first step of ILC 2009 ~ 2011.2.25 Plug compatibility of SCRF system was successfully demonstrated by international collaboration.



32 Budget / Staff in main laboratories In thousands of $ / person


34 T2K, KOTO,  g-2 MEG SuperKEKB ILC, upgrade LHC upgrade LHC CLIC KEK PF, PF-AR, ERL KEK Penguin Diagram Recovery


36 Black Hole collect or store historical documents or records

37 Inverse White Hole

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